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Returns parent of an object if the object is proxy, otherwise objNull. In case of backpack, the parent is a weaponholder or a cargo space of a vehicle or the unit carrying it. Unit in a vehicle will return the vehicle as parent.

Another good use of objectParent is when a static weapon is known and one needs to check if it is assembled or not. objectParent _staticWeapon will return objNull if weapon is unpacked, or backpack object if packed.

When used on a soldier, if the soldier is in a vehicle, this command will return soldier's vehicle. Apart from being faster than vehicle command, it is also more reliable, as when used on dead crew inside a vehicle, it returns the vehicle object, where as vehicle command may surprisingly return unit object instead. For example, to delete a unit which is in a vehicle, execute: objectParent _unit deleteVehicleCrew _unit;
Object Manipulation


objectParent object
object: Object
Return Value:


Example 1:
_weaponholder = objectParent _mybackpack;
Example 2:
Create and place created backpack in front of player: _backpackContainer = "B_TacticalPack_rgr" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _weaponHolder = objectParent _backpackContainer; _weaponHolder setPos (player modelToWorld [0,5,0]);
Example 3:
Check if player is on foot: _isOnFoot = isNull objectParent player;
Example 4:
Detect if player is in commander turret of a vehicle: _isVehicleCommander = player isEqualTo commander objectParent player;

Additional Information

See also:
backpackContainer unitBackpack backpack backpackCargo getBackpackCargo backpackItems addBackpack addBackpackCargo addBackpackCargoGlobal removeBackpack clearBackpackCargo clearBackpackCargoGlobal clearAllItemsFromBackpack loadBackpack backpackSpaceFor canAddItemToBackpack addItemToBackpack removeItemFromBackpack everyBackpack vehicle


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