Command Group: Object Manipulation – Category
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Get or set various different properties of units, vehicles and other objects.
Pages in category "Command Group: Object Manipulation"
The following 273 pages are in this category, out of 273 total.
- addForce
- addPlayerScores
- addRating
- addToRemainsCollector
- addTorque
- addVehicle
- aimedAtTarget
- airplaneThrottle
- AISFinishHeal
- alive
- allLODs
- allowCrewInImmobile
- allowDamage
- allowDammage
- allowedService
- allowFleeing
- allowGetIn
- allowService
- angularVelocity
- angularVelocityModelSpace
- assignedCargo
- assignedCommander
- assignedDriver
- assignedGunner
- assignedTarget
- assignedTeam
- assignedVehicle
- assignedVehicleRole
- attachedObject
- attachedObjects
- attachedTo
- attachObject
- attachTo
- awake
- getAllHitPointsDamage
- getAllUnitTraits
- getAttackTarget
- getBleedingRemaining
- getBoneNames
- getBurningValue
- getCameraViewDirection
- getCargoIndex
- getCenterOfMass
- getCorpse
- getCorpseWeaponholders
- getCruiseControl
- getDammage
- getDescription
- getDir
- getDirVisual
- getDiverState
- getEntityInfo
- getForcedSpeed
- getFuelConsumptionCoef
- getHideFrom
- getHit
- getHitIndex
- getHitPointDamage
- getMass
- getModelInfo
- getObjectFOV
- getObjectMaterials
- getObjectScale
- getObjectTextures
- getObjectType
- getOpticsMode
- getOxygenRemaining
- getPhysicsCollisionFlag
- getPlateNumber
- getPosASLVisual
- getPosATLVisual
- getPosVisual
- getPosWorldVisual
- getRelDir
- getSelectionBones
- getShotInfo
- getSpeed
- getSuppression
- getTowParent
- getUnitFreefallInfo
- getUnitTrait
- getUnloadInCombat
- getVehicleTIPars
- getWaterFillPercentage
- getWaterLeakiness
- gunner
- incapacitatedState
- inflame
- inflamed
- insideBuilding
- isAbleToBreathe
- isAllowedCrewInImmobile
- isAutoHoverOn
- isAwake
- isBleeding
- isBurning
- isCopilotEnabled
- isDamageAllowed
- isEngineOn
- isFlashlightOn
- isHidden
- isHideBehindScripted
- isInRemainsCollector
- isKindOf
- isMarkedForCollection
- isObjectHidden
- isSimpleObject
- isTouchingGround
- isTurnedOut
- isWalking
- scudState
- selectionNames
- selectionPosition
- selectionVectorDirAndUp
- selectNoPlayer
- selectPlayer
- setAirplaneThrottle
- setAngularVelocity
- setAngularVelocityModelSpace
- setBleedingRemaining
- setCaptive
- setCenterOfMass
- setConvoySeparation
- setCruiseControl
- setDamage
- setDammage
- setDir
- setDriveOnPath
- setFeatureType
- setFlagOwner
- setFuel
- setFuelConsumptionCoef
- setHit
- setHitIndex
- setHitPointDamage
- setMass
- setMimic
- setMissileTarget
- setMissileTargetPos
- setObjectMaterial
- setObjectMaterialGlobal
- setObjectScale
- setObjectTexture
- setObjectTextureGlobal
- setOpticsMode
- setOxygenRemaining
- setPhysicsCollisionFlag
- setPlateNumber
- setRandomLip
- setSuppression
- setTargetAge
- setTowParent
- setUnconscious
- setUnitFreefallHeight
- setUnitRecoilCoefficient
- setUnitTrait
- setVehicleArmor
- setVehicleId
- setVehicleInit
- setVehicleLock
- setVehiclePosition
- setVehicleTIPars
- setVehicleVarName
- setVelocity
- setVelocityModelSpace
- setVelocityTransformation
- setWaterFillPercentage
- setWaterLeakiness
- simulationEnabled
- sizeOf
- speed
- squadParams
- synchronizedObjects
- synchronizeObjectsAdd
- synchronizeObjectsRemove