Spearhead 1944 Nametags

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Revision as of 11:53, 10 August 2023 by R3vo (talk | contribs) (added usage)
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Spearhead 1944 introduces a scripted nametag system. While it was designed for the campaign to aid new players it can also be enabled in other scenarios.


Put the following code into the initPlayerLocal.sqf.


The system will then be initialized on every client.

The nametag system will not get initialized if ACE nametags are enabled.


Accessing Settings Menu

The nametag system comes with the option to be customized by the player. The settings menu can be found in the pause menu ESC. Settings are only available after a scneario has started.

spe nametags settings pause menu.jpg

spe nametags settings.jpg

Setting Descriptions

Enable Nametags

Description: Toggles the nametags system on/off.
Default Value: true
MissionNamespace variable: spe_options_client_nametags_enabled

Enable Shadows

Description: Draws a drop shadow behind the text and icon for better legibility.
Default Value: true
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_Shadow


Description: Red color amount.
Default Value: 1 (100%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_Color_R


Description: Green color amount.
Default Value: 1 (100%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_Color_G


Description: Blue color amount.
Default Value: 1 (100%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_Color_B

Draw Distance

Description: How many meters the nametags are going to be visible. The nametags will start fading out at drawDistance/1.5 meters.
Default Value: 150
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_DistMax

Height Offset

Description: Height offset in meters from original position.
Default Value: 0
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_Offset

Icon Size

Description: Icon size in percent.
Default Value: 0.8 (80%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_IconSize

Text Size

Description: Text size in percent.
Default Value: 0.8 (80%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_TextSize_Modifier

Show Icon

Description: Toggle the visiblity of the icon on/off.
Default Value: 0.8 (80%)
MissionNamespace variable: SPE_Options_Client_NameTags_ShowIcon

Reset Settings

Description: Resets settings to default value. For this option to take effect, the settings UI needs to be closed by pressing OK.
Default Value: false
MissionNamespace variable: -


Nametags can be shown by pressing ^. Double tap ^ to toggle permanent mode.

Nametags can greatly improve your situational awareness and encourage teamwork.