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Only available in Development branch(es) until its release with Arma 3 patch v2.18.


Return a list of all existing cameras.
Camera Control


Return Value:
Array of Arrays format [camera, r2tInfos, isPrimary, ppEffectName, viewMode, TIindex]
  • camera: Object - the camera itself (see camCreate)
  • r2tInfos: Array of Arrays format [r2tName, effectName, ppEffectType, TIindex] where:
    • r2tName: String - the camera's RTT name (see cameraEffect)
    • ppEffectName: String - Normal, NightVision, Thermal, Colors, Mirror, ChromAber, FilmGrain
    • ppEffectType: Number - ppEffectName in number format (0 = Normal, 1 = NightVision etc)
    • TIIndex: Number - see setCamUseTI for possible values
  • isPrimary: Boolean - whether or not this camera is the current main one
  • ppEffectName: String - (Optional, only available if isPrimary is true) Normal, NightVision, Thermal, Colors, Mirror, ChromAber, FilmGrain
  • viewMode: Number - (Optional, only available if isPrimary is true) 0 = normal, 1 = NVG, 2 = TI, 3 = NVG + TI
  • TIIndex: Number - (Optional, only available if isPrimary is true) see setCamUseTI for possible values


Example 1:
{ params ["_camera", "_r2tInfos", "_isPrimary", "_ppEffectName", "_viewMode", "_TIindex"]; { params["_r2tName", "_ppEffectName", "_ppEffectType", "_TIindex"]; } forEach _r2tInfos; } forEach allCameras;
Example 2:
private _allCamerasInfo = allCameras; { params ["_camera", "", "_isPrimary"]; if (!_isPrimary) then { camDestroy _camera }; } forEach _allCamerasInfo;

Additional Information

See also:
camCreate camDestroy


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