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Find the road segments connected to the given road segment.
  • Pedestrian roads such as "TRAIL"s are missing connection information by design, therefore the primary syntax will return empty array for those - use the alternative syntax to return pedestrian roads.
  • Road connection is not bidirectional; e.g road segment Y can be connected to road segment Z, but road segment Z can lack a connection with road segment Y.
Roads and Airports


roadsConnectedTo roadSegment
roadSegment: Object - road segment
Return Value:
Array of Objects - connected road segments

Alternative Syntax

roadsConnectedTo [roadSegment, extended]
roadSegment: Object - road segment
extended: Boolean - (Optional, default false) when true, performs a more thorough search on top of base behaviour, slower but returns pedestrian and other missing road segments
Return Value:
Array of Objects - connected road segments


Example 1:
_road = (player nearRoads 50) select 0; _connectedRoads = roadsConnectedTo _road;
Example 2:
_road = (player nearRoads 50) select 0; _connectedRoadsIncPedestrian = roadsConnectedTo [_road, true];

Additional Information

See also:
nearRoads isOnRoad roadAt surfaceIsWater getRoadInfo nearestTerrainObjects


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