Eden Editor: Actions
Actions are engine operations used by Menu Bar and are available for scripting.
Perform an action:
do3DENAction "actionName"
Get action state, can be 0 or 1. Available only for selected actions; when an action doesn't have any state, -1 is returned.
get3DENActionState "actionName"
Action | Description | State |
AddUnitToSel |
Add entity under cursor to selection, the same as when you press Ctrl + LMB on an entity |
AddWaypoint |
Add quick waypoint to currently selected entities / groups. The same as when you press Shift + RMB. |
CenterCameraOnPlayer |
Move camera to player's position. |
ClearSelections |
Cancel the current selection. |
CopyUnit |
Copy all selected entities. The same as when you press Ctrl + C. |
CutUnit |
Cut all selected entities. The same as when you press Ctrl + X. |
DeleteUnits |
Delete all selected entities. The same as when you press Delete key. |
Exit3DEN |
Exit the Eden Editor, with a prompt asking for confirmation being displayed first. The same as when you press Escape key. |
ForceToFormation |
Move all selected group members to their default formation positions. |
LevelOutObjects |
Orient all selected entities to sea normal. |
LevelWithSurface |
Orient all selected entities to terrain normal. |
MissionExportMP |
Export the scenario to multiplayer scenarios. |
MissionExportSP |
Export the scenario to scenario scenarios. |
MissionLoad |
Show "Open Scenario" window. |
MissionNew |
Show "New Scenario" window. |
MissionPartIntro |
Select Intro phase. |
MissionPartMission |
Select Scenario phase. |
MissionPartOutroLoose |
Select Outro - Lose phase. |
MissionPartOutroWin |
Select Outro - Win phase. |
MissionPreview |
Preview the scenario in singleplayer. |
MissionPreviewBriefing |
Preview the scenario in singleplayer with briefing. |
MissionPreviewMP |
Preview the scenario in multiplayer. |
MissionSave |
Save the scenario. If it hasn't been saved yet, open "Save Scenario" window. |
MissionSaveAs |
Open "Save Scenario" window. |
MoveGridToggle |
Toggle translation grid. |
OpenAttributes |
Open attributes of selected entities. |
OptionsAudio |
Open Audio Options window. |
OptionsControls |
Open Controls Options window. |
OptionsGame |
Open Game Options window. |
OptionsVideo |
Open Video Options window. |
PasteUnit |
Paste copied entities. The same as when you press Ctrl + V. |
PasteUnitOrig |
Paste copied entities on their original positions. The same as when you press Ctrl + Shift + V. |
Redo |
Redo the undone operation. |
RotateGridToggle |
Toggle rotation grid. |
ScaleGridToggle |
Toggle area scaling grid. |
SearchCreate |
Switch focus to asset browser search field. |
SearchEdit |
Switch focus to entity list search field. |
SelectAllOnScreen |
Select all entities currently visible on the screen. |
SelectGroupMode |
Select the Compositions mode. The same as when you press F2. |
SelectMarkerMode |
Select the Markers mode. The same as when you press F6. |
SelectModuleMode |
Select the Systems mode. The same as when you press F5. |
SelectObjectMode |
Select the Objects mode. The same as when you press F1. |
SelectSubmode1 |
Select the first submode. Based on the selected mode; for example it's BLUFOR when Objects mode is selected. |
SelectSubmode2 |
Select the second submode. Based on the selected mode; for example it's BLUFOR when OPFOR mode is selected. |
SelectSubmode3 |
Select the third submode. Based on the selected mode; for example it's Independent when Objects mode is selected. |
SelectSubmode4 |
Select the fourth submode. Based on the selected mode; for example it's Civilian when Objects mode is selected. |
SelectSubmode5 |
Select the fifth submode. Based on the selected mode; for example it's Props when Objects mode is selected. |
SelectTriggerMode |
Select the Triggers mode. The same as when you press F3. |
SelectUnit |
Select the entity under cursor. |
SelectWaypointMode |
Select the Waypoints mode. The same as when you press F4. |
SurfaceSnapDisable |
SurfaceSnapEnable |
SurfaceSnapToggle |
ToggleMap |
ToggleMap |
ToggleMapIDs |
ToggleMapTextures |
ToggleUnitSel |
ToggleVision |
Undo |
VerticalASL |
VerticalATL |
VerticalToggle |
WidgetCoord |
WidgetDisable |
WidgetNone |
WidgetRotation |
WidgetScale |
WidgetSpaceLocal |
WidgetSpaceWorld |
WidgetToggle |
WidgetTranslation |