
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 19:20, 14 September 2016 by R3vo (talk | contribs)
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Creates non-simulated framerate and network performance friendly object - a simple object - and applies different adjustments to fake non-existing physX and engine interactions. The adjustments need either to be stored in the object config or provided as the function input, otherwise they need to be done manually.

Simple objects cannot be destroyed and do not interact with the environment. They are usefull for creation low performance demanding static compositions (walls, rocks, wrecks, ...) and/or environments where shooting and collisions are not expected.


[class] call BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject
String: Classname of the object to be created. This is preffered way if the asset config definition contains the adjustment data or the data are not needed (most objects do not need adjustments).
Array: Adjustment data in format:

0: String: class - Asset CfgVehicles config class (default: ""; but at least either _model or _class must be provided, ideally both)
1: String: model - Path to the vehicle p3d model; needs to start without backslash and must end with the proper file extension ".p3d" (default: ""; but at least either _model or _class must be provided, ideally both)
2: Number: reversed - Some objects, usually vehicles, are reveresed in p3d (default: 0); valid values are 0: no change, 1: reverse, -1: unknown (behaves as 0)
3: Array: verticalOffset - Fix for non-existant physX; usually needed only for vehicles (default: 0)
4: Array: animationAdjustments - Animation that need to be animated to given state (default: []); every element has this format: [_animationName:string,_animationState:scalar]
5: Array: selectionsToHide - All listed selection will be hidden (default: [])
Return Value:
Object or objNull


Example 1:
["B_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F"] call BIS_fnc_createSimpleObject;

Additional Information

See also:


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