Lou Montana/Sandbox – User

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Debugging Techniques are ways in which developers can debug, or find out where errors or unexpected outcomes are occurring within their scripts. Several methods of debugging exist, however there is no debugging system as such available to developers similar to that which is found within an Integrated Development Environment or with other languages.


Syntax Highlight

Syntax errors can be a frequent occurrence when developing scripts. Syntax highlight will help you find typos in commands

Squint provides a fully-featured code editor which allows for syntax highlighting, displaying of errors and code correction. A simpler solution of code highlighting for Notepad++ is also available, although errors will only be visible from the absence of highlighting. The plugin will automatically check if you are using all commands with the proper syntax and with proper argument types. Using SQDev you will get code validation (linting) while you are typing it.

Many tools are available:

Finding Errors

To solve an issue, you must first find out there is one. Besides your script not having the wanted effect (if any), an error message helps you locate the code issue.

  • Be sure to use -showScriptErrors startup parameter to display the error on-screen
  • Read RPT files for more information (make sure -noLogs startup parameter is not enabled or the logs will never be filled)
    • Scripts running on a server use the ArmaXServer.RPT file which has varying locations depending upon the type of server being run.
    • Scripts running on a client use the ArmaX.RPT file.
    • RPT files location is usualle %localappdata%\ArmaX

Removing Errors

Once the script error is located: 'be sure to check the BiKi page corresponding to the command/function you are using!!

If you're having great difficulty solving a problem, the good way is to bring the issue to the simplest code;

take the mission part that doesn't work, paste it into a new test mission and work from here.

Doing so will avoid you dealing with other scripts side effects!

Common errors

Working with Addons

If you are working on an addon, repacking a PBO can be time-intensive. This operation can be replaced simply by creating a basic mission in the "Missions" or "MPmissions" (if your feature is multiplayer-specific) folder of your game installation, and running the mission locally. The easiest way of accomplishing this is by the use of Event Scripts to run your code such as init.sqf. Once you have tested your code this way, you can then sequentially pack your PBO when major changes have been made, rather than for each debug session of a script or piece of code.

Debugging specific sections of code

Although primitive, the use of diag_log, systemChat/hint and format can be used to debug the content of variables when entering them into functions. In the case that specific pieces of code do not run, or if specific if conditions don't appear to fire, debugging the variable content with diag_log can be useful. As with all debugging, as long as the developer is methodical and logical in checking each section of code that runs, finding bugs and resolving them can be straightforward.

Debug Console

A Debug Console is a powerful tool; it is very helpful at debugging your scripting in real time.
