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Revision as of 18:06, 1 November 2022 by Lou Montana (talk | contribs) (Fix SQF)
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Returns Array containing dikCodes of keys, buttons and combos assigned to the given user action. Action names could be found in config class ControllerSchemes or user action names or user profile, for example:
keyWatch[] = { 24 };

To retrieve the value, use the property name without 'key':

actionKeys "Watch"; // 24

In addition, some of the actions are also listed in here: inputAction/actions


actionKeys userAction
userAction: String
Return Value:
Array of Numbers

Alternative Syntax

actionKeys [userAction]
userAction: String
Return Value:
Array of Strings


Example 1:
_arrayOfNumbers = actionKeys "ReloadMagazine";
Example 2:
From Arma 3 v2.08:
_arrayOfStrings = actionKeys ["ReloadMagazine"];

Additional Information

See also:
actionKeysNames actionKeysNamesArray actionKeysImages actionName inputAction addUserActionEventHandler


Report bugs on the Feedback Tracker and/or discuss them on the Arma Discord or on the Forums.
Only post proven facts here! Add Note
AgentRev - c
Posted on May 11, 2016 - 02:36 (UTC)
If an action key is configured with a modifier (e.g. "Right Ctrl + M" for "MiniMapToggle"), the DIK code returned by this command has a weird value, equivalent to the following:
Left Ctrl + Key = 486539264 + DIK
Left Shift + Key = 704643072 + DIK
Left Alt + Key = 939524096 + DIK
Right Ctrl + Key = -1660944384 + DIK
Right Shift + Key = 905969664 + DIK
Right Alt + Key = -1207959552 + DIK</sqf>
This increases the difficulty of accurately comparing key codes to actionKeys in UI event handlers. Those strange numbers are probably due to bit flags being added to the DIK value by the game engine for easier storage in the ArmaProfile.
In case of mouse buttons, actionKeys will also return values that are different from those in "MouseButton" UI events:
LMB: MouseButton 0 = actionKeys 65536
RMB: MouseButton 1 = actionKeys 65665 (65536 + 1 + 128)
MMB: MouseButton 2 = actionKeys 65538 (65536 + 2)
4MB: MouseButton 3 = actionKeys 65539 (65536 + 3)
5MB: MouseButton 4 = actionKeys 65540 (65536 + 4)
The values above are valid for a right-handed mouse configuration, and may or may not differ for a left-handed config.
Note edited by R3vo (talk) 13:04, 19 March 2021 (CET)
Commy2 - c
Posted on Aug 06, 2016 - 12:24 (UTC)
The values described by AgentRev cannot be compared reliably. All numbers in SQF are floats and those are only precise up to 7 digits.
486539264 + 19 == 486539264 + 20 // returns true
The DIK codes for LCtrl + R and LCtrl + T are indistinguishable.
Note edited by R3vo (talk) 13:04, 19 March 2021 (CET)