This is the complete list of members for CommunicationSoundComponent, including all inherited members.
EnableDynamicSimulation(bool value) | SimpleSoundComponent | |
GetMetadata(AudioHandle handle, out notnull array< string > metadata) | CommunicationSoundComponent | |
GetOwner() | SimpleSoundComponent | |
HandleMetadata(array< string > metadata, int priority, float distance) | CommunicationSoundComponent | protected |
IsScriptedMethodsCallEnabled() | SimpleSoundComponent | |
OnFrame(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |
OnInit(IEntity owner) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |
OnPostInit(IEntity owner) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |
OnSoundEventFinished(string eventName, AudioHandle handle, int priority, bool terminated) | CommunicationSoundComponent | |
OnSoundEventStarted(string eventName, AudioHandle handle, int priority) | CommunicationSoundComponent | |
OnUpdateSoundJobBegin(IEntity owner) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |
OnUpdateSoundJobEnd(IEntity owner) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |
SetScriptedMethodsCall(bool state) | SimpleSoundComponent | |
SoundEvent(string eventName) | SoundComponent | |
SoundEventBone(string eventName, string bone) | SoundComponent | |
SoundEventOffset(string eventName, vector offset) | SoundComponent | |
SoundEventPriority(string eventName, int priority, bool ignoreQueue=false) | CommunicationSoundComponent | |
SoundEventTransform(string eventName, vector transf[]) | SoundComponent | |
UpdateSoundJob(IEntity owner, float timeSlice) | SimpleSoundComponent | protected |