override void | OnBeforeEntityCreatedServer (ResourceName prefab) |
| Function called right before entities are created on server.
override void | OnEntityCreatedServer (array< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities) |
| Function called when entities are created on server.
int | GetEntityBudgetValue (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity, EEditableEntityBudget budget) |
| Get value of given budget for given entity.
void | InitGroup (SCR_AIGroup aiGroup) |
| Init spawned AI group (set events and flags)
void | SetAiFlag (SCR_EditableEntityComponent component) |
bool | IsPreviewOutOfRange () |
ResourceName | GetOutlineToSpawn (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
| Search for the outline that is assigned to this composition to be spawned.
override bool | CanCreateEntity (out ENotification outNotification=-1, inout SCR_EPreviewState previewStateToShow=SCR_EPreviewState.PLACEABLE) |
| Check if the entity can be created.
bool | UseCooldown () |
| Check if the cooldown is set with this provider.
void | SetCooldownTimer (int cooldownTime) |
void | SetAIBudget (int value) |
void | SetPlacingBlocked (bool blocked) |
int | GetPrefabID (ResourceName prefab) |
bool | CreateEntity (bool unselectPrefab=true, bool canBePlayer=false, SCR_EditableEntityComponent holder=null) |
| Create entity exactly where the preview entity is.
bool | CreateEntity (ResourceName prefab, SCR_EditorPreviewParams param, bool unselectPrefab=true, bool canBePlayer=false, set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > recipients=null, SCR_EditableEntityComponent holder=null) |
| Create entity with custom params.
bool | CanCreateEntity (out ENotification outNotification=-1, inout SCR_EPreviewState previewStateToShow=SCR_EPreviewState.PLACEABLE) |
| Check if the entity can be created.
void | SetInstantPlacing (SCR_EditorPreviewParams param) |
| Set instant placing parameters.
bool | SetSelectedPrefab (ResourceName prefab="", bool onConfirm=false, bool showBudgetMaxNotification=true, set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > recipients=null) |
| Set currently placed prefab.
ResourceName | GetSelectedPrefab () |
| Get currently placed prefab.
bool | IsPlacing () |
void | SetSlot (SCR_SiteSlotEntity slot) |
| Attach plcing preview to a slot.
SCR_SiteSlotEntity | GetSlot () |
| Get slot which placing preview is currently attached to.
void | SetPlacingFlag (EEditorPlacingFlags flag, bool toAdd) |
| Set value of placing flag.
void | TogglePlacingFlag (EEditorPlacingFlags flag) |
| Toggle value of placing flag.
bool | HasPlacingFlag (EEditorPlacingFlags flag) |
| Check if placing flag is active.
bool | IsPlacingFlagCompatible (EEditorPlacingFlags flag) |
| Check if placing flag is compatible with currently placed entity.
bool | IsPlacingFlagAllowed (EEditorPlacingFlags flag) |
| Check if placing flag is allowed in placing manager settings.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnSelectedPrefabChange () |
| Get invoker called when selected prefab changes.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnPlacingFlagsChange () |
| Get event called when placing flags change.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnRequestEntity () |
| Get event called when request for placing an entity is sent to server.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnPlaceEntity () |
| Get event called when an entity is placed.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnPlaceEntityServer () |
override void | EOnEditorDebug (array< string > debugTexts) |
| Every frame while the editor is opened and debug menu is shown.
override void | EOnEditorActivate () |
| When the component is activated.
override void | EOnEditorDeactivate () |
| When the component is deactivated.
void | SetCycleWaypoints (notnull set< SCR_EditableGroupComponent > selectedGroups, bool value) |
| Sets the cycle waypoints to the given value on each group of the array.
sealed void | OnInitBase () |
sealed void | OnDeleteBase () |
sealed void | OnRequestBase (bool isOpen) |
sealed void | OnOpenedBase () |
sealed void | OnClosedBase () |
sealed void | OnPreActivateBase () |
sealed void | OnActivateBase () |
sealed bool | OnActivateAsyncBase (int attempt) |
sealed void | OnPostActivateBase () |
sealed void | OnDeactivateBase () |
sealed void | OnPostDeactivateBase () |
sealed bool | OnDeactivateAsyncBase (int attempt) |
sealed void | OnEffectBase (SCR_BaseEditorEffect effect) |
SCR_EditorManagerEntity | GetManager () |
| Get editor manager this component belongs to.
SCR_BaseEditorComponent | FindEditorComponent (TypeName type, bool showError=false, bool modeFirst=false) |
| Get the editor manager to which this component belongs.
EntityComponentPrefabData | GetEditorComponentData () |
| Get prefab data of this component.
bool | IsRemoved () |
| Check if the component is being deleted.
void | ResetEditorComponent () |
| Reset values controlled by the component.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnEffect () |
| Get event called when an effect is activated.
void | InitServer () |
void | InitOwner () |
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
void | SCR_BaseEditorComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
void | ~SCR_BaseEditorComponent () |
bool | GetProviderBase (out SCR_MilitaryBaseComponent base) |
| Return the base which belongs to a provider (if any)
void | OnPreviewCreated (SCR_EditablePreviewEntity previewEnt) |
| Method called when the preview of prefab to build is created.
void | SetInitialCanBeCreatedState (notnull SCR_EditablePreviewEntity previewEnt) |
| Set the initial state of the preview can / can't be created (based on the place where player place the preview into the world.)
void | GetCooldownTimeClient (int prefabID, SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
| The placement is driven by a cooldown set on server. However for a client needs (to show him a remaining time) the cooldown has to be set as well. The difference in time between server and client is acceptable.
void | GetAIBudgetClient (int prefabID, SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
void | SetProviderAndBuilder (notnull SCR_CampaignBuildingCompositionComponent compositionComponent) |
| Set the provider and builder entity to composition. Provider is the entity to which a composition belong to. For example a base, supply truck... Builder is a player who build it.
void | OnPlaceEntityServer (int prefabID, SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
void | PlaySoundEvent (vector pos, string soundEvent) |
override void | CreateEntityServer (SCR_EditorPreviewParams params, RplId prefabID, int playerID, int entityIndex, bool isQueue, array< RplId > recipientIds, bool canBePlayer, RplId holderId) |
override void | EOnEditorActivate () |
| When the component is activated.
override void | EOnEditorActivateServer () |
| When the component is activated (called on server)
override void | EOnEditorOpen () |
| When the editor is opened.
override void | EOnEditorClose () |
| When the editor is closed.
override void | EOnEditorOpenServer () |
| When the editor is opened (called on server)
override void | EOnEditorDeactivateServer () |
| When the component is deactivated (called on server)
void | CreateEntityServer (SCR_EditorPreviewParams params, RplId prefabID, int playerID, int entityIndex, bool isQueue, array< RplId > recipientIds, bool canBePlayer, RplId holderId) |
void | CreateEntityOwner (int prefabID, array< RplId > entityIds, int entityIndex, int isQueue, bool hasRecipients, RplId currentLayerID, int attempt) |
void | OnBeforeEntityCreatedServer (ResourceName prefab) |
| Function called right before entities are created on server.
void | OnEntityCreatedServer (array< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities) |
| Function called when entities are created on server.
void | CheckBudgetOwner () |
void | OnBudgetMaxReached (EEditableEntityBudget entityBudget, bool maxReached) |
bool | CanPlaceEntityServer (IEntityComponentSource editableEntitySource, out EEditableEntityBudget blockingBudget, bool updatePreview, bool showNotification) |
bool | CanSelectEntityPrefab (ResourceName prefab, out EEditableEntityBudget blockingBudget, bool updatePreview=true, bool showBudgetMaxNotification=true) |
array< vector > | GetOffsets (int count) |
void | OnEntityUnregistered (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
void | UpdatePlacingFlagBudget (ResourceName selectedPrefab, EEditorPlacingFlags flagChanged, EEditorPlacingFlags currentPlacingFlag, EEditorPlacingFlags prevPlacingFlag) |
| Update budget with given placing flags.
void | SetCycleWaypointsServer (array< RplId > selectedGroups, bool value) |
bool | IsOnEditorManager () |
bool | IsOwner () |
bool | IsProxy () |
bool | IsMaster () |
bool | IsAdmin () |
SCR_BaseEditorComponent | GetParentComponent () |
void | SetParentComponent (SCR_BaseEditorComponent parent) |
void | SendNotification (ENotification notificationID, int selfID=0, int targetID=0, vector position=vector.Zero) |
void | EOnEditorInit () |
| When the entity is created.
void | EOnEditorDelete () |
| When the entity is destroyed.
void | EOnEditorRequest (bool isOpen) |
| When opening/closing request is sent to server.
void | EOnEditorPreActivate () |
| Before the component is activated.
bool | EOnEditorActivateAsync (int attempt) |
| When the component is activated.
void | EOnEditorPostActivate () |
| When the component is activated, but after EOnEditorActivate() function was called in all components.
bool | EOnEditorDeactivateAsync (int attempt) |
| When the component is deactivated.
void | EOnEditorPostDeactivate () |
| When the component is deactivated, but after the next mode is activated.
void | EOnEffect (SCR_BaseEditorEffect effect) |
| When an effect is created in reaction an an event.
void | EOnEditorInitServer () |
| When the entity is created (called on server)
void | EOnEditorDeleteServer () |
| When the entity is destroyed (called on server)
void | EOnEditorOpenServerCallback () |
| When the editor is opened (called on server after async loading finished on client)
void | EOnEditorCloseServer () |
| When the editor is closed (called on server)
void | EOnEditorCloseServerCallback () |
| When the editor is closed (called on server after async loading finished on client)
static SCR_EditableEntityComponent | SpawnEntityResource (ResourceName prefab, vector transform[4]) |
| Create entity from prefab resource.
static SCR_EditableEntityComponent | SpawnEntityResource (SCR_EditorPreviewParams params, Resource prefabResource, int playerID=0, bool isQueue=false, SCR_EditableEntityComponent recipient=null, bool canBePlayer=false) |
| Create entity with given params.
static Managed | GetInstance (TypeName type, bool showError=false, bool modeFirst=false) |
| Get the local instance of a component attached on editor manager (SCR_EditorManagerEntity).
static Managed | GetInstance (SCR_EditorBaseEntity editorManager, TypeName type, bool showError=false) |
| Get instance of a component attached on specific editor manager / mode (SCR_EditorBaseEntity).
static int | GetAllInstances (TypeName type, out notnull array< Managed > outComponents) |
| Get component instances on editor manager (SCR_EditorBaseEntity) and all its modes (SCR_EditorModeEntity).
static void | OnAIGroupAllEntitiesSpawned (SCR_AIGroup group) |
| Callback reacting to all delayed spawned entities being created.
static EEditorPlacingFlags | GetCompatiblePlacingFlags (Resource prefabResource) |
static SCR_EditableEntityComponent | m_DelayedSpawnEntity |
static ref SCR_EditorPreviewParams | m_DelayedSpawnPreviewParams |