Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_AIGroup Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_AIGroup:

Public Member Functions

int GetNumberOfMembersToSpawn ()
void SetNumberOfMembersToSpawn (int number)
bool SpawnDelayedGroupMember (int spawnIndex)
void SpawnAllImmediately ()
bool IsInitializing ()
 Returns true if group is in initialization state, for instance while still spawning its members.
void BeginDelayedSpawn ()
void EndDelayedSpawn ()
bool HasRequesterID (int id)
void RemoveRequester (int playerID)
int GetDeniedRequesters (out array< int > valueArray)
void AddDeniedRequester (int playerID)
void ClearRequesters ()
void ClearDeniedRequester ()
int GetRequesterIDs (out array< int > valueArray)
void AddRequester (int playerID)
void SetFlagIsFromImageSet (bool value)
void SetCustomGroupFlag (ResourceName flag)
bool GetFlagIsFromImageSet ()
ResourceName GetGroupFlag ()
bool IsPlayerInGroup (int playerID)
bool IsPlayerLeader (int playerID)
int GetLeaderID ()
void SetPrivate (bool isPrivate)
 Called on the server (authority)
bool IsPrivate ()
bool GetDeleteIfNoPlayer ()
 Returns true if the group is set to be deleted when all players leave.
void SetCanDeleteIfNoPlayer (bool deleteEmpty)
 Sets if the group should be deleted when all players leave.
bool IsFull ()
bool IsSlave ()
int GetPlayerAndAgentCount (bool checkMasterAndSlaves=false)
 Get the count of all players and AI in the group.
int GetAgentCountIncludingMasterAndSlaves ()
int GetTotalAgentCount ()
 Get the count of all players and AI in both the group itself as well as the slave/master group(s)
int GetTotalPlayerCount ()
 Get the count of all players and AI in both the group itself as well as the slave/master group(s)
void SetGroupFlag (int flagIndex, bool isFromImageset)
 called on server only
void RPC_DoSetGroupFlag (int flagIndex, bool isFromImageset)
void SetCustomName (string name, int authorID)
void RPC_DoSetCustomName (string name, int authorID)
void SetCustomDescription (string desc, int authorID)
 called on server only
void SetMaxGroupMembers (int value)
void RPC_DoSetMaxGroupMembers (int value)
void RPC_DoSetCustomDescription (string desc, int authorID)
string GetCustomDescription ()
string GetCustomName ()
int GetDescriptionAuthorID ()
int GetNameAuthorID ()
string GetCustomNameWithOriginal ()
int GetGroupID ()
void SetGroupID (int id)
int GetMaxMembers ()
void SetMaxMembers (int maxMembers)
 called on server only
void RPC_DoSetMaxMembers (int maxMembers)
array< int > GetPlayerIDs ()
int GetPlayerCount (bool checkMasterAndSlaves=false)
 Get the count of all players in the group.
ScriptInvoker GetOnMemberStateChange ()
bool BelongedToGroup (int playerID)
void AddAgentFromControlledEntity (notnull IEntity controlledEntity)
void RemoveAgentFromControlledEntity (notnull IEntity controlledEntity)
void NotificateGroupAIChange (IEntity controlledEntity, ENotification notificationType)
void OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerID)
 Should be only called on the server.
void OnPlayerConnected (int playerID)
 Should be only called on the server.
void RPC_DoOnGroupMemberStateChange ()
void OnGroupMemberStateChange ()
 Should only be called on the server (authority)
void OnMemberDeath (notnull SCR_CharacterControllerComponent memberController, IEntity killerEntity, Instigator killer)
void ListenToMemberDeath (notnull IEntity groupMember)
void AddOnGadgetsLoadedListener (int playerID, notnull IEntity controlledEntity)
void OnControllableEntitySpawned (IEntity controlledEntity, notnull SCR_GadgetManagerComponent gadgetManager)
void QueueAddAgent (int playerID)
void RPC_DoAddPlayer (int playerID)
void CheckForLeader (int playerID, bool noLeaderAllowed)
 checks for a leader, if there is none, it will either use provided player as leader, or appoints next player in group as leader Called on the server (authority)
void SetGroupLeader (int playerID)
 Called on the server (authority)
void RPC_SetLeaderID (int playerID)
void RPC_SetPrivate (bool isPrivate)
void AddPlayer (int playerID)
 Called on the server (authority)
void RPC_DoAddRequester (int playerID)
void RPC_DoRemoveRequester (int playerID)
void RPC_DoClearDeniedRequester ()
void RPC_DoClearRequesterIDs ()
void RPC_DoAddDeniedRequester (int playerID)
void RPC_DoRemovePlayer (int playerID)
void RemovePlayerAgent (int playerID)
void RemovePlayer (int playerID)
 Called on the server (authority)
void GetCallsigns (out string company, out string platoon, out string squad, out string character, out string format)
void SetRadioFrequency (int frequency)
void RPC_DoSetFrequency (int frequency)
int GetRadioFrequency ()
bool IsPlayable ()
void SetWaypointParams (out AIWaypoint wp, SCR_WaypointPrefabLocation prefabParams)
void AddWaypointsDynamic (out array< IEntity > entityInstanceList, array< ref SCR_WaypointPrefabLocation > prefabs)
void AddWaypointsStatic (array< string > aWaypointNames)
void AddVehiclesStatic (array< string > aVehicleNames)
void RemoveStaticWaypointRefs (array< string > aWaypointNames)
void ClearRefs (out array< IEntity > entityList)
bool AddAIEntityToGroup (IEntity entity)
bool RemoveAIEntityFromGroup (IEntity entity)
void AddWaypointToGroup (AIWaypoint waypoint)
void RemoveWaypointFromGroup (AIWaypoint waypoint)
void AddUsableVehicle (IEntity vehicle)
void RemoveUsableVehicle (IEntity vehicle)
bool IsUsableVehicle (IEntity vehicle)
int GetUsableVehicles (out array< IEntity > usableVehicles)
int GetUsableVehiclesCount ()
void GetAllocatedCompartments (out array< BaseCompartmentSlot > allocatedCompartments)
void GetAllocatedSmartActions (out array< AISmartActionComponent > allocatedComponents)
void AllocateSmartActions (array< AISmartActionComponent > components)
void AllocateCompartment (BaseCompartmentSlot compartment)
void ReleaseCompartment (BaseCompartmentSlot compartment)
void ReleaseCompartments ()
void ReleaseSmartAction (AISmartActionComponent component)
void ReleaseSmartActions ()
bool InitFactionKey (string factionKey)
 Set name of group's faction (only if it's not set yet)
bool SetFaction (Faction faction)
 If Faction is set change faction to given faction Server Only.
string GetFactionName ()
 Get name of group's faction.
Faction GetFaction ()
 Get group's faction from FactionManager.
int GetFactionIndex ()
 Get group's faction index from FactionManager.
ScriptInvoker GetOnInit ()
 Get event called when all initial group members were spawned.
ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty GetOnEmpty ()
 Get event called when the group becomes empty.
ScriptInvoker GetOnAgentAdded ()
 Get event called every time an agent is called to a group.
ScriptInvoker GetOnAgentRemoved ()
 Get event called every time an agent is removed from a group.
ScriptInvoker GetOnLeaderChanged ()
 Get event called every time a group leader changes.
ScriptInvoker GetOnCurrentWaypointChanged ()
 Get event called when current waypoint of the group changes.
ScriptInvoker GetOnWaypointCompleted ()
 Get event called when current waypoint of the group is completed.
ScriptInvoker GetOnWaypointAdded ()
 Get event called when a new waypoint is added to the group.
ScriptInvoker GetOnWaypointRemoved ()
 Get event called when a waypoint is removed from the group.
ScriptInvoker GetOnFactionChanged ()
 Get event called when faction of group is changed.
ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerAIGroup > GetOnAllDelayedEntitySpawned ()
override void OnEmpty ()
override void OnAgentAdded (AIAgent child)
override void OnAgentRemoved (AIAgent child)
override void OnLeaderChanged (AIAgent currentLeader, AIAgent prevLeader)
override void OnCurrentWaypointChanged (AIWaypoint currentWP, AIWaypoint prevWP)
override void OnWaypointCompleted (AIWaypoint wp)
override void OnWaypointAdded (AIWaypoint wp)
override void OnWaypointRemoved (AIWaypoint wp, bool isCurrentWaypoint)
override bool _WB_OnKeyChanged (BaseContainer src, string key, BaseContainerList ownerContainers, IEntity parent)
override void EOnInit (IEntity owner)
bool GetSpawnImmediately ()
void SetSpawnImmediately (bool spawnImmediately)
void SetMaxUnitsToSpawn (int cnt)
void SetMemberSpawnDelay (int memberSpawnDelay)
 Set delay (ms) between spawning of individual group members.
void SpawnUnits ()
SCR_AIGroup GetSlave ()
 Get slave subgroup that is used for AI characters when invited by players into this playable SCR_AIGroup.
void SetSlave (SCR_AIGroup group)
 Set slave subgroup that is used for AI characters when invited by players into this playable SCR_AIGroup.
SCR_AIGroup GetMaster ()
 Get master group that gives orders to this slave subgroup.
void SetMaster (SCR_AIGroup group)
 Set master group that gives orders to this slave subgroup.
array< SCR_ChimeraCharacterGetAIMembers ()
bool IsAIControlledCharacterMember (SCR_ChimeraCharacter character)
override bool RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
void LeaderLifeStateChanged (ECharacterLifeState previousLifeState, ECharacterLifeState newLifeState)
void SetNewConsciousLeader ()
void IncreaseDeployedRadioCount ()
void DecreaseDeployedRadioCount ()
int GetDeployedRadioCount ()
void SetDeleteWhenEmpty (bool deleteWhenEmpty)
void SCR_AIGroup (IEntitySource src, IEntity parent)
void ~SCR_AIGroup ()

Static Public Member Functions

static ScriptInvoker GetOnFlagSelected ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnJoinPrivateGroupRequest ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnJoinPrivateGroupCancel ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnPlayerAdded ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnPlayerRemoved ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnPlayerLeaderChanged ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnPrivateGroupChanged ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnCustomNameChanged ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnFrequencyChanged ()
static ScriptInvoker GetOnCustomDescriptionChanged ()
static void IgnoreSnapToTerrain (bool ignore)
 Ignore snapping to terrain in the next spawned group.
static void IgnoreSpawning (bool ignore)
 Ignore spawning group members in the next spawned group.

Public Attributes

string m_faction
ref array< ResourceName > m_aUnitPrefabSlots
ref array< string > m_aStaticWaypoints
ref array< ref SCR_WaypointPrefabLocationm_aSpawnedWaypoints
ref array< string > m_aStaticVehicles

Protected Member Functions

override void EOnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void CreateUnitEntities (bool editMode, array< ResourceName > entityResourceNames)
bool SpawnGroupMember (bool snapToTerrain, int index, ResourceName res, bool editMode, bool isLast)
void DestroyEntities (out array< IEntity > entityList)
void SetFactionDelayed (int factionIndex)
void BroadCastSetFaction (int factionIndex)
void InvokeSubagentsOnWaypointChanged (AIWaypoint newWaypoint)
 Invokes OnGroupWaypointChanged on all soldiers newWaypoint can be null.

Protected Attributes

int m_fMemberSpawnDelay
bool m_bDeleteWhenEmpty
ref array< IEntity > m_aSceneGroupUnitInstances
ref array< IEntity > m_aSceneWaypointInstances
ref array< IEntity > m_aUsableVehicles
ref array< BaseCompartmentSlotm_aAllocatedCompartments = {}
ref array< AISmartActionComponentm_aAllocatedComponents = {}
int m_iMaxUnitsToSpawn = int.MAX
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnInit = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty Event_OnEmpty = new ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnAgentAdded = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnAgentRemoved = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnLeaderChanged = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnCurrentWaypointChanged = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnWaypointCompleted = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnWaypointAdded = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnWaypointRemoved = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnFactionChanged = new ScriptInvoker
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnGroupMemberStateChange = new ScriptInvoker()
int m_iNumOfMembersToSpawn
ref array< int > m_aAgentIDQueue = {}
int m_iGroupRadioFrequency
int m_iMaxMembers
bool m_bPlayable
bool m_bPrivate
bool m_bDeleteIfNoPlayer
int m_iGroupID = -1
int m_iLeaderID = -1
ref SCR_AIGroupUIInfo m_UiInfo
int m_iDescriptionAuthorID = 0
int m_iNameAuthorID = 0
string m_sCustomName = ""
string m_sCustomDescription = ""
ref array< int > m_aPlayerIDs = {}
ref array< int > m_aDisconnectedPlayerIDs
ref array< int > m_aRequesterIDs = {}
ref array< int > m_aDeniedRequesters = {}
int m_iDeployedRadioCount = 0
SCR_AIGroup m_SlaveGroup
SCR_AIGroup m_MasterGroup
ref array< SCR_ChimeraCharacterm_aAIMembers = {}
ref array< ref SCR_AIGroup_DelayedSpawnm_delayedSpawnList = {}
ref ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerAIGroup > Event_OnAllDelayedEntitySpawned

Static Protected Attributes

static bool s_bIgnoreSnapToTerrain
static bool s_bIgnoreSpawning
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnPlayerAdded = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnPlayerRemoved = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker< int, int > s_OnPlayerLeaderChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnPrivateGroupChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker< SCR_AIGroups_OnCustomNameChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnFrequencyChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnMaxMembersChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnCustomDescChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnFlagSelected = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnJoinPrivateGroupRequest = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm = new ScriptInvoker()
static ref ScriptInvoker s_OnJoinPrivateGroupCancel = new ScriptInvoker()

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SCR_AIGroup()

void SCR_AIGroup.SCR_AIGroup ( IEntitySource  src,
IEntity  parent 

◆ ~SCR_AIGroup()

void SCR_AIGroup.~SCR_AIGroup ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ _WB_OnKeyChanged()

override bool SCR_AIGroup._WB_OnKeyChanged ( BaseContainer  src,
string  key,
BaseContainerList  ownerContainers,
IEntity  parent 

◆ AddAgentFromControlledEntity()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddAgentFromControlledEntity ( notnull IEntity  controlledEntity)

◆ AddAIEntityToGroup()

bool SCR_AIGroup.AddAIEntityToGroup ( IEntity  entity)

◆ AddDeniedRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddDeniedRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ AddOnGadgetsLoadedListener()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddOnGadgetsLoadedListener ( int  playerID,
notnull IEntity  controlledEntity 

◆ AddPlayer()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddPlayer ( int  playerID)

Called on the server (authority)

◆ AddRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ AddUsableVehicle()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddUsableVehicle ( IEntity  vehicle)

◆ AddVehiclesStatic()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddVehiclesStatic ( array< string >  aVehicleNames)

◆ AddWaypointsDynamic()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddWaypointsDynamic ( out array< IEntity >  entityInstanceList,
array< ref SCR_WaypointPrefabLocation prefabs 

◆ AddWaypointsStatic()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddWaypointsStatic ( array< string >  aWaypointNames)

◆ AddWaypointToGroup()

void SCR_AIGroup.AddWaypointToGroup ( AIWaypoint  waypoint)

◆ AllocateCompartment()

void SCR_AIGroup.AllocateCompartment ( BaseCompartmentSlot  compartment)

◆ AllocateSmartActions()

void SCR_AIGroup.AllocateSmartActions ( array< AISmartActionComponent components)

◆ BeginDelayedSpawn()

void SCR_AIGroup.BeginDelayedSpawn ( )

◆ BelongedToGroup()

bool SCR_AIGroup.BelongedToGroup ( int  playerID)

◆ BroadCastSetFaction()

void SCR_AIGroup.BroadCastSetFaction ( int  factionIndex)

◆ CheckForLeader()

void SCR_AIGroup.CheckForLeader ( int  playerID,
bool  noLeaderAllowed 

checks for a leader, if there is none, it will either use provided player as leader, or appoints next player in group as leader Called on the server (authority)

◆ ClearDeniedRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.ClearDeniedRequester ( )

◆ ClearRefs()

void SCR_AIGroup.ClearRefs ( out array< IEntity >  entityList)

◆ ClearRequesters()

void SCR_AIGroup.ClearRequesters ( )

◆ CreateUnitEntities()

void SCR_AIGroup.CreateUnitEntities ( bool  editMode,
array< ResourceName >  entityResourceNames 

◆ DecreaseDeployedRadioCount()

void SCR_AIGroup.DecreaseDeployedRadioCount ( )

◆ DestroyEntities()

void SCR_AIGroup.DestroyEntities ( out array< IEntity >  entityList)

◆ EndDelayedSpawn()

void SCR_AIGroup.EndDelayedSpawn ( )

◆ EOnFrame()

override void SCR_AIGroup.EOnFrame ( IEntity  owner,
float  timeSlice 

◆ EOnInit()

override void SCR_AIGroup.EOnInit ( IEntity  owner)

◆ GetAgentCountIncludingMasterAndSlaves()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetAgentCountIncludingMasterAndSlaves ( )
Get the count of all AI in the group as well as any attached Master and slave groups

◆ GetAIMembers()

array< SCR_ChimeraCharacter > SCR_AIGroup.GetAIMembers ( )

◆ GetAllocatedCompartments()

void SCR_AIGroup.GetAllocatedCompartments ( out array< BaseCompartmentSlot allocatedCompartments)

◆ GetAllocatedSmartActions()

void SCR_AIGroup.GetAllocatedSmartActions ( out array< AISmartActionComponent allocatedComponents)

◆ GetCallsigns()

void SCR_AIGroup.GetCallsigns ( out string  company,
out string  platoon,
out string  squad,
out string  character,
out string  format 

◆ GetCustomDescription()

string SCR_AIGroup.GetCustomDescription ( )

◆ GetCustomName()

string SCR_AIGroup.GetCustomName ( )

◆ GetCustomNameWithOriginal()

string SCR_AIGroup.GetCustomNameWithOriginal ( )

◆ GetDeleteIfNoPlayer()

bool SCR_AIGroup.GetDeleteIfNoPlayer ( )

Returns true if the group is set to be deleted when all players leave.

◆ GetDeniedRequesters()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetDeniedRequesters ( out array< int >  valueArray)

◆ GetDeployedRadioCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetDeployedRadioCount ( )

◆ GetDescriptionAuthorID()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetDescriptionAuthorID ( )

◆ GetFaction()

Faction SCR_AIGroup.GetFaction ( )

Get group's faction from FactionManager.

Faction (or null when faction is not found)

◆ GetFactionIndex()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetFactionIndex ( )

Get group's faction index from FactionManager.

faction index

◆ GetFactionName()

string SCR_AIGroup.GetFactionName ( )

Get name of group's faction.

Faction name (search for it in FactionManager)

◆ GetFlagIsFromImageSet()

bool SCR_AIGroup.GetFlagIsFromImageSet ( )

◆ GetGroupFlag()

ResourceName SCR_AIGroup.GetGroupFlag ( )

◆ GetGroupID()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetGroupID ( )

◆ GetLeaderID()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetLeaderID ( )

◆ GetMaster()

SCR_AIGroup SCR_AIGroup.GetMaster ( )

Get master group that gives orders to this slave subgroup.

◆ GetMaxMembers()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetMaxMembers ( )

◆ GetNameAuthorID()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetNameAuthorID ( )

◆ GetNumberOfMembersToSpawn()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetNumberOfMembersToSpawn ( )

◆ GetOnAgentAdded()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnAgentAdded ( )

Get event called every time an agent is called to a group.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIGroup group, AIAgent agent

Script invoker

◆ GetOnAgentRemoved()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnAgentRemoved ( )

Get event called every time an agent is removed from a group.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIGroup group, AIAgent agent

Script invoker

◆ GetOnAllDelayedEntitySpawned()

ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerAIGroup > SCR_AIGroup.GetOnAllDelayedEntitySpawned ( )

◆ GetOnCurrentWaypointChanged()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnCurrentWaypointChanged ( )

Get event called when current waypoint of the group changes.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIWaypoint currentWP, AIWaypoint prevWP

Script invoker

◆ GetOnCustomDescriptionChanged()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnCustomDescriptionChanged ( )

◆ GetOnCustomNameChanged()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnCustomNameChanged ( )

◆ GetOnEmpty()

ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty SCR_AIGroup.GetOnEmpty ( )

Get event called when the group becomes empty.

Called only on server. No invoker params are passed.

Script invoker

◆ GetOnFactionChanged()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnFactionChanged ( )

Get event called when faction of group is changed.

Script invoker

◆ GetOnFlagSelected()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnFlagSelected ( )

◆ GetOnFrequencyChanged()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnFrequencyChanged ( )

◆ GetOnInit()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnInit ( )

Get event called when all initial group members were spawned.

Called only on server. Param is this aiGroup

Script invoker

◆ GetOnJoinPrivateGroupCancel()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnJoinPrivateGroupCancel ( )

◆ GetOnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm ( )

◆ GetOnJoinPrivateGroupRequest()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnJoinPrivateGroupRequest ( )

◆ GetOnLeaderChanged()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnLeaderChanged ( )

Get event called every time a group leader changes.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIGroup group, AIAgent currentLeader, AIAgent prevLeader

Script invoker

◆ GetOnMemberStateChange()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnMemberStateChange ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerAdded()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnPlayerAdded ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerLeaderChanged()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnPlayerLeaderChanged ( )

◆ GetOnPlayerRemoved()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnPlayerRemoved ( )

◆ GetOnPrivateGroupChanged()

static ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnPrivateGroupChanged ( )

◆ GetOnWaypointAdded()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnWaypointAdded ( )

Get event called when a new waypoint is added to the group.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIWaypoint wp

Script invoker

◆ GetOnWaypointCompleted()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnWaypointCompleted ( )

Get event called when current waypoint of the group is completed.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIWaypoint wp

Script invoker

◆ GetOnWaypointRemoved()

ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.GetOnWaypointRemoved ( )

Get event called when a waypoint is removed from the group.

Called only on server. Invoker params are: AIWaypoint wp

Script invoker

◆ GetPlayerAndAgentCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetPlayerAndAgentCount ( bool  checkMasterAndSlaves = false)

Get the count of all players and AI in the group.

checkMasterAndSlavesIf true then it will also check any attached Master and/or slave group
Total group count of all AI and player member

◆ GetPlayerCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetPlayerCount ( bool  checkMasterAndSlaves = false)

Get the count of all players in the group.

checkMasterAndSlavesIf true then it will also check any attached Master and/or slave groups
Total count of players

◆ GetPlayerIDs()

array< int > SCR_AIGroup.GetPlayerIDs ( )

◆ GetRadioFrequency()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetRadioFrequency ( )

◆ GetRequesterIDs()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetRequesterIDs ( out array< int >  valueArray)

◆ GetSlave()

SCR_AIGroup SCR_AIGroup.GetSlave ( )

Get slave subgroup that is used for AI characters when invited by players into this playable SCR_AIGroup.

◆ GetSpawnImmediately()

bool SCR_AIGroup.GetSpawnImmediately ( )

◆ GetTotalAgentCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetTotalAgentCount ( )

Get the count of all players and AI in both the group itself as well as the slave/master group(s)

Total group count of all AI and player member

◆ GetTotalPlayerCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetTotalPlayerCount ( )

Get the count of all players and AI in both the group itself as well as the slave/master group(s)

Total group count of all AI and player member

◆ GetUsableVehicles()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetUsableVehicles ( out array< IEntity >  usableVehicles)

◆ GetUsableVehiclesCount()

int SCR_AIGroup.GetUsableVehiclesCount ( )

◆ HasRequesterID()

bool SCR_AIGroup.HasRequesterID ( int  id)

◆ IgnoreSnapToTerrain()

static void SCR_AIGroup.IgnoreSnapToTerrain ( bool  ignore)

Ignore snapping to terrain in the next spawned group.

Used when some other system handles it and group's functionality would interfere with it. Has to be set before spawning a group, is reset to false afterwards.

ignoreTrue to ignore terrain snap

◆ IgnoreSpawning()

static void SCR_AIGroup.IgnoreSpawning ( bool  ignore)

Ignore spawning group members in the next spawned group.

Used when some other system handles it and group's functionality would interfere with it. Has to be set before spawning a group, is reset to false afterwards.

ignoreTrue to ignore spawning

◆ IncreaseDeployedRadioCount()

void SCR_AIGroup.IncreaseDeployedRadioCount ( )

◆ InitFactionKey()

bool SCR_AIGroup.InitFactionKey ( string  factionKey)

Set name of group's faction (only if it's not set yet)

factionKey,Factionkey to set faction to
True if the faction was set

◆ InvokeSubagentsOnWaypointChanged()

void SCR_AIGroup.InvokeSubagentsOnWaypointChanged ( AIWaypoint  newWaypoint)

Invokes OnGroupWaypointChanged on all soldiers newWaypoint can be null.

◆ IsAIControlledCharacterMember()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsAIControlledCharacterMember ( SCR_ChimeraCharacter  character)

◆ IsFull()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsFull ( )

◆ IsInitializing()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsInitializing ( )

Returns true if group is in initialization state, for instance while still spawning its members.

◆ IsPlayable()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsPlayable ( )

◆ IsPlayerInGroup()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsPlayerInGroup ( int  playerID)

◆ IsPlayerLeader()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsPlayerLeader ( int  playerID)

◆ IsPrivate()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsPrivate ( )

◆ IsSlave()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsSlave ( )

◆ IsUsableVehicle()

bool SCR_AIGroup.IsUsableVehicle ( IEntity  vehicle)

◆ LeaderLifeStateChanged()

void SCR_AIGroup.LeaderLifeStateChanged ( ECharacterLifeState  previousLifeState,
ECharacterLifeState  newLifeState 

◆ ListenToMemberDeath()

void SCR_AIGroup.ListenToMemberDeath ( notnull IEntity  groupMember)

◆ NotificateGroupAIChange()

void SCR_AIGroup.NotificateGroupAIChange ( IEntity  controlledEntity,
ENotification  notificationType 

◆ OnAgentAdded()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnAgentAdded ( AIAgent  child)

◆ OnAgentRemoved()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnAgentRemoved ( AIAgent  child)

◆ OnControllableEntitySpawned()

void SCR_AIGroup.OnControllableEntitySpawned ( IEntity  controlledEntity,
notnull SCR_GadgetManagerComponent  gadgetManager 

◆ OnCurrentWaypointChanged()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnCurrentWaypointChanged ( AIWaypoint  currentWP,
AIWaypoint  prevWP 

◆ OnEmpty()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnEmpty ( )

◆ OnGroupMemberStateChange()

void SCR_AIGroup.OnGroupMemberStateChange ( )

Should only be called on the server (authority)

◆ OnLeaderChanged()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnLeaderChanged ( AIAgent  currentLeader,
AIAgent  prevLeader 

◆ OnMemberDeath()

void SCR_AIGroup.OnMemberDeath ( notnull SCR_CharacterControllerComponent  memberController,
IEntity  killerEntity,
Instigator  killer 

◆ OnPlayerConnected()

void SCR_AIGroup.OnPlayerConnected ( int  playerID)

Should be only called on the server.

◆ OnPlayerDisconnected()

void SCR_AIGroup.OnPlayerDisconnected ( int  playerID)

Should be only called on the server.

◆ OnWaypointAdded()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnWaypointAdded ( AIWaypoint  wp)

◆ OnWaypointCompleted()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnWaypointCompleted ( AIWaypoint  wp)

◆ OnWaypointRemoved()

override void SCR_AIGroup.OnWaypointRemoved ( AIWaypoint  wp,
bool  isCurrentWaypoint 

◆ QueueAddAgent()

void SCR_AIGroup.QueueAddAgent ( int  playerID)

◆ ReleaseCompartment()

void SCR_AIGroup.ReleaseCompartment ( BaseCompartmentSlot  compartment)

◆ ReleaseCompartments()

void SCR_AIGroup.ReleaseCompartments ( )

◆ ReleaseSmartAction()

void SCR_AIGroup.ReleaseSmartAction ( AISmartActionComponent  component)

◆ ReleaseSmartActions()

void SCR_AIGroup.ReleaseSmartActions ( )

◆ RemoveAgentFromControlledEntity()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemoveAgentFromControlledEntity ( notnull IEntity  controlledEntity)

◆ RemoveAIEntityFromGroup()

bool SCR_AIGroup.RemoveAIEntityFromGroup ( IEntity  entity)

◆ RemovePlayer()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemovePlayer ( int  playerID)

Called on the server (authority)

◆ RemovePlayerAgent()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemovePlayerAgent ( int  playerID)

◆ RemoveRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemoveRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ RemoveStaticWaypointRefs()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemoveStaticWaypointRefs ( array< string >  aWaypointNames)

◆ RemoveUsableVehicle()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemoveUsableVehicle ( IEntity  vehicle)

◆ RemoveWaypointFromGroup()

void SCR_AIGroup.RemoveWaypointFromGroup ( AIWaypoint  waypoint)

◆ RPC_DoAddDeniedRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoAddDeniedRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_DoAddPlayer()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoAddPlayer ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_DoAddRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoAddRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_DoClearDeniedRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoClearDeniedRequester ( )

◆ RPC_DoClearRequesterIDs()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoClearRequesterIDs ( )

◆ RPC_DoOnGroupMemberStateChange()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoOnGroupMemberStateChange ( )

◆ RPC_DoRemovePlayer()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoRemovePlayer ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_DoRemoveRequester()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoRemoveRequester ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_DoSetCustomDescription()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetCustomDescription ( string  desc,
int  authorID 

◆ RPC_DoSetCustomName()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetCustomName ( string  name,
int  authorID 

◆ RPC_DoSetFrequency()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetFrequency ( int  frequency)

◆ RPC_DoSetGroupFlag()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetGroupFlag ( int  flagIndex,
bool  isFromImageset 

◆ RPC_DoSetMaxGroupMembers()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetMaxGroupMembers ( int  value)

◆ RPC_DoSetMaxMembers()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_DoSetMaxMembers ( int  maxMembers)

◆ RPC_SetLeaderID()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_SetLeaderID ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_SetPrivate()

void SCR_AIGroup.RPC_SetPrivate ( bool  isPrivate)

◆ RplLoad()

override bool SCR_AIGroup.RplLoad ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

◆ RplSave()

override bool SCR_AIGroup.RplSave ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

◆ SetCanDeleteIfNoPlayer()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetCanDeleteIfNoPlayer ( bool  deleteEmpty)

Sets if the group should be deleted when all players leave.

◆ SetCustomDescription()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetCustomDescription ( string  desc,
int  authorID 

called on server only

◆ SetCustomGroupFlag()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetCustomGroupFlag ( ResourceName  flag)

◆ SetCustomName()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetCustomName ( string  name,
int  authorID 

◆ SetDeleteWhenEmpty()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetDeleteWhenEmpty ( bool  deleteWhenEmpty)

◆ SetFaction()

bool SCR_AIGroup.SetFaction ( Faction  faction)

If Faction is set change faction to given faction Server Only.

faction,Factionto set
True if the faction was set

◆ SetFactionDelayed()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetFactionDelayed ( int  factionIndex)

◆ SetFlagIsFromImageSet()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetFlagIsFromImageSet ( bool  value)

◆ SetGroupFlag()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetGroupFlag ( int  flagIndex,
bool  isFromImageset 

called on server only

◆ SetGroupID()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetGroupID ( int  id)

◆ SetGroupLeader()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetGroupLeader ( int  playerID)

Called on the server (authority)

◆ SetMaster()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetMaster ( SCR_AIGroup  group)

Set master group that gives orders to this slave subgroup.

◆ SetMaxGroupMembers()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetMaxGroupMembers ( int  value)

◆ SetMaxMembers()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetMaxMembers ( int  maxMembers)

called on server only

◆ SetMaxUnitsToSpawn()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetMaxUnitsToSpawn ( int  cnt)

◆ SetMemberSpawnDelay()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetMemberSpawnDelay ( int  memberSpawnDelay)

Set delay (ms) between spawning of individual group members.

Can be used only before they are spawned.


◆ SetNewConsciousLeader()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetNewConsciousLeader ( )

◆ SetNumberOfMembersToSpawn()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetNumberOfMembersToSpawn ( int  number)

◆ SetPrivate()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetPrivate ( bool  isPrivate)

Called on the server (authority)

◆ SetRadioFrequency()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetRadioFrequency ( int  frequency)

◆ SetSlave()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetSlave ( SCR_AIGroup  group)

Set slave subgroup that is used for AI characters when invited by players into this playable SCR_AIGroup.

◆ SetSpawnImmediately()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetSpawnImmediately ( bool  spawnImmediately)

◆ SetWaypointParams()

void SCR_AIGroup.SetWaypointParams ( out AIWaypoint  wp,
SCR_WaypointPrefabLocation  prefabParams 

◆ SpawnAllImmediately()

void SCR_AIGroup.SpawnAllImmediately ( )

◆ SpawnDelayedGroupMember()

bool SCR_AIGroup.SpawnDelayedGroupMember ( int  spawnIndex)

◆ SpawnGroupMember()

bool SCR_AIGroup.SpawnGroupMember ( bool  snapToTerrain,
int  index,
ResourceName  res,
bool  editMode,
bool  isLast 

◆ SpawnUnits()

void SCR_AIGroup.SpawnUnits ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ Event_OnAgentAdded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnAgentAdded = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnAgentRemoved

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnAgentRemoved = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnAllDelayedEntitySpawned

ref ScriptInvokerBase<ScriptInvokerAIGroup> SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnAllDelayedEntitySpawned

◆ Event_OnCurrentWaypointChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnCurrentWaypointChanged = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnEmpty

ref ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnEmpty = new ScriptInvoker_AIGroupOnEmpty()

◆ Event_OnFactionChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnFactionChanged = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnInit

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnInit = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnLeaderChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnLeaderChanged = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnWaypointAdded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnWaypointAdded = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnWaypointCompleted

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnWaypointCompleted = new ScriptInvoker

◆ Event_OnWaypointRemoved

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.Event_OnWaypointRemoved = new ScriptInvoker

◆ m_aAgentIDQueue

ref array<int> SCR_AIGroup.m_aAgentIDQueue = {}

◆ m_aAIMembers

ref array<SCR_ChimeraCharacter> SCR_AIGroup.m_aAIMembers = {}

◆ m_aAllocatedCompartments

ref array<BaseCompartmentSlot> SCR_AIGroup.m_aAllocatedCompartments = {}

◆ m_aAllocatedComponents

ref array<AISmartActionComponent> SCR_AIGroup.m_aAllocatedComponents = {}

◆ m_aDeniedRequesters

ref array<int> SCR_AIGroup.m_aDeniedRequesters = {}

◆ m_aDisconnectedPlayerIDs

ref array<int> SCR_AIGroup.m_aDisconnectedPlayerIDs

◆ m_aPlayerIDs

ref array<int> SCR_AIGroup.m_aPlayerIDs = {}

◆ m_aRequesterIDs

ref array<int> SCR_AIGroup.m_aRequesterIDs = {}

◆ m_aSceneGroupUnitInstances

ref array<IEntity> SCR_AIGroup.m_aSceneGroupUnitInstances

◆ m_aSceneWaypointInstances

ref array<IEntity> SCR_AIGroup.m_aSceneWaypointInstances

◆ m_aSpawnedWaypoints

ref array<ref SCR_WaypointPrefabLocation> SCR_AIGroup.m_aSpawnedWaypoints

◆ m_aStaticVehicles

ref array<string> SCR_AIGroup.m_aStaticVehicles

◆ m_aStaticWaypoints

ref array<string> SCR_AIGroup.m_aStaticWaypoints

◆ m_aUnitPrefabSlots

ref array<ResourceName> SCR_AIGroup.m_aUnitPrefabSlots

◆ m_aUsableVehicles

ref array<IEntity> SCR_AIGroup.m_aUsableVehicles

◆ m_bDeleteIfNoPlayer

bool SCR_AIGroup.m_bDeleteIfNoPlayer

◆ m_bDeleteWhenEmpty

bool SCR_AIGroup.m_bDeleteWhenEmpty

◆ m_bPlayable

bool SCR_AIGroup.m_bPlayable

◆ m_bPrivate

bool SCR_AIGroup.m_bPrivate

◆ m_delayedSpawnList

ref array<ref SCR_AIGroup_DelayedSpawn> SCR_AIGroup.m_delayedSpawnList = {}

◆ m_faction

string SCR_AIGroup.m_faction

◆ m_fMemberSpawnDelay

int SCR_AIGroup.m_fMemberSpawnDelay

◆ m_iDeployedRadioCount

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iDeployedRadioCount = 0

◆ m_iDescriptionAuthorID

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iDescriptionAuthorID = 0

◆ m_iGroupID

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iGroupID = -1

◆ m_iGroupRadioFrequency

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iGroupRadioFrequency

◆ m_iLeaderID

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iLeaderID = -1

◆ m_iMaxMembers

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iMaxMembers

◆ m_iMaxUnitsToSpawn

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iMaxUnitsToSpawn = int.MAX

◆ m_iNameAuthorID

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iNameAuthorID = 0

◆ m_iNumOfMembersToSpawn

int SCR_AIGroup.m_iNumOfMembersToSpawn

◆ m_MasterGroup

SCR_AIGroup SCR_AIGroup.m_MasterGroup

◆ m_OnGroupMemberStateChange

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.m_OnGroupMemberStateChange = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_sCustomDescription

string SCR_AIGroup.m_sCustomDescription = ""

◆ m_sCustomName

string SCR_AIGroup.m_sCustomName = ""

◆ m_SlaveGroup

SCR_AIGroup SCR_AIGroup.m_SlaveGroup

◆ m_UiInfo

ref SCR_AIGroupUIInfo SCR_AIGroup.m_UiInfo

◆ s_bIgnoreSnapToTerrain

bool SCR_AIGroup.s_bIgnoreSnapToTerrain

◆ s_bIgnoreSpawning

bool SCR_AIGroup.s_bIgnoreSpawning

◆ s_OnCustomDescChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnCustomDescChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnCustomNameChanged

ref ScriptInvoker<SCR_AIGroup> SCR_AIGroup.s_OnCustomNameChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnFlagSelected

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnFlagSelected = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnFrequencyChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnFrequencyChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnJoinPrivateGroupCancel

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnJoinPrivateGroupCancel = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnJoinPrivateGroupConfirm = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnJoinPrivateGroupRequest

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnJoinPrivateGroupRequest = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnMaxMembersChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnMaxMembersChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnPlayerAdded

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnPlayerAdded = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnPlayerLeaderChanged

ref ScriptInvoker<int, int> SCR_AIGroup.s_OnPlayerLeaderChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnPlayerRemoved

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnPlayerRemoved = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ s_OnPrivateGroupChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_AIGroup.s_OnPrivateGroupChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: