override void | ApplyEffect (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, IEntity item, ItemUseParameters animParams) |
| Apply consumable effect.
override bool | CanApplyEffect (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, out SCR_EConsumableFailReason failReason=SCR_EConsumableFailReason.NONE) |
| Condition whether this effect can be applied.
override bool | CanApplyEffectToHZ (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, ECharacterHitZoneGroup group, out SCR_EConsumableFailReason failReason=SCR_EConsumableFailReason.NONE) |
| Condition whether this effect can be applied to the specific hit zone.
EDamageType | GetDefaultDamageType () |
void | SCR_ConsumableSalineBag () |
override bool | ActivateEffect (IEntity target, IEntity user, IEntity item, ItemUseParameters animParams=null) |
override void | ApplyEffect (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, IEntity item, ItemUseParameters animParams) |
| Apply consumable effect.
void | AddConsumableDamageEffects (notnull ChimeraCharacter char, IEntity instigator) |
float | GetItemRegenSpeed () |
override bool | UpdateAnimationCommands (IEntity user) |
| Update the animCommands for all animations related to consumable.
bool | CanApplyEffectToHZ (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, ECharacterHitZoneGroup group, out SCR_EConsumableFailReason failReason=SCR_EConsumableFailReason.NONE) |
| Condition whether this effect can be applied to the specific hit zone.
TAnimGraphCommand | GetReviveAnimCmnd (IEntity user) |
ECharacterHitZoneGroup | GetTargetHitZoneGroup () |
bool | ActivateEffect (IEntity target, IEntity user, IEntity item, ItemUseParameters animParams=null) |
void | ApplyEffect (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, IEntity item, ItemUseParameters animParams) |
| Apply consumable effect.
bool | CanApplyEffect (notnull IEntity target, notnull IEntity user, out SCR_EConsumableFailReason failReason=SCR_EConsumableFailReason.NONE) |
| Condition whether this effect can be applied.
bool | UpdateAnimationCommands (IEntity user) |
| Update the animCommands for all animations related to consumable.
ItemUseParameters | GetAnimationParameters (IEntity item, notnull IEntity target, ECharacterHitZoneGroup group=ECharacterHitZoneGroup.VIRTUAL) |
bool | GetDeleteOnUse () |
float | GetApplyToOtherDuraction () |
TAnimGraphCommand | GetApplyToSelfAnimCmnd (IEntity user) |
TAnimGraphCommand | GetApplyToOtherAnimCmnd (IEntity user) |