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SCR_EditableFactionComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_EditableFactionComponent:

Public Member Functions

void SetFactionIndex (int index)
 Assign faction to this editable entity.
int GetFactionIndex ()
 Get index of a faction represented by this delegate.
void SetFactionPlayableServer (bool factionPlayable)
 Set faction Playable, can only be called from the server side.
int GetFactionSpawnPointCount ()
 Get Spawnpoint count of faction.
int GetFactionTasksCount ()
 Get Task count of faction.
ScriptInvoker GetOnSpawnPointCountChanged ()
 Get On Spawn Point Count Changed Script Invoker.
ScriptInvoker GetOnTaskCountChanged ()
 Get On Task Count Changed Script Invoker.
SCR_EArsenalItemType GetAllowedArsenalItemTypes ()
void SetAllowedArsenalItemTypes (SCR_EArsenalItemType allowedArsenalItemTypes)
override bool CanDuplicate (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > outRecipients)
 Can entity be duplicated by editor and which recipients should be passed to the duplicated entity Overridden by other EditableEntityComponents.
override Faction GetFaction ()
 Get entity's faction.
override bool GetPos (out vector pos)
 Get position representing the entity.
override bool GetEntityBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null)
 Get entity budget costs.
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
override bool RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
void ~SCR_EditableFactionComponent ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_EditableEntityComponent
string GetDisplayName ()
 Get entity name from info component.
ResourceName GetPrefab (bool shorten=false)
 Get entity prefab.
SCR_EditableEntityComponentClass GetEditableEntityData (IEntity owner=null)
 Get prefab data of this editable entity.
EEditableEntityType GetEntityType (IEntity owner=null)
 Get entity type.
SCR_EditableEntityInteraction GetEntityInteraction (IEntity owner=null)
 Get entity interaction rules of this entity.
SCR_UIInfo GetInfo (IEntity owner=null)
 Get information about the entity.
ScriptInvokerEntity GetOnDeleted ()
 Get event called when entity is deleted.
void SetInfoInstance (SCR_UIInfo info)
 Set information about the entity on entity instance, locally on this machine.
bool IsReplicated (out RplId replicationID=-1)
 Check component's replication.
bool Serialize (out SCR_EditableEntityComponent outTarget=null, out int outTargetIndex=-1, out EEditableEntitySaveFlag outSaveFlags=0)
 Check if the entity can be serialized during session saving managed by SCR_EditableEntityStruct.
void Deserialize (SCR_EditableEntityComponent target, int targetValue)
 Deserialise the entity based on given params.
GenericEntity GetOwnerScripted ()
bool GetPos (out vector pos)
 Get position representing the entity.
vector GetIconPos ()
 Get icon offset.
bool GetTransform (out vector outTransform[4])
 Get world transformation matrix of editable entity.
bool GetLocalTransform (out vector outTransform[4])
 Get local transformation matrix of editable entity.
int GetPlayerID ()
 Get player controlling this entity.
void SetAuthor (int playerID)
 Sets AuthorID (player that modified this entity last) in Session.
void SetAuthor (SCR_EditableEntityAuthor author)
 Sets AuthorID (player that modified this entity last) from a Save.
SCR_EditableEntityAuthor GetAuthor ()
string GetAuthorUID ()
 Returns author UID.
string GetAuthorPlatformID ()
 Returns author Platform ID.
int GetAuthorPlayerID ()
 Returns author Player ID.
int GetAuthorLastUpdated ()
 Returns Unix Time of last modification.
PlatformKind GetAuthorPlatform ()
 Returns Unix Time of last modification.
void SetAuthorUID (string authorUID)
 Set Author UID (for normal usage use SetAuthor())
void SetAuthorPlatformID (string authorPlatformID)
void SetAuthorUpdatedTime (int updatedLast)
 Set Time of last update.
void SetAuthorPlatform (PlatformKind authorPlatform)
Faction GetFaction ()
 Get entity's faction.
ScriptInvoker GetOnUIRefresh ()
 Get event called when GUI should refresh entity's GUI, i.e., update faction color and call events in GUI widgets.
ScriptInvoker GetOnUIReset ()
 Get event called when GUI should reset widgets that are used for entity visualization.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetAIGroup ()
 Get entity's AI group.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetAIEntity ()
 Get entity which represents this entity as AI.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetVehicle ()
 Get vehicle the entity's in.
int GetCrew (out notnull array< CompartmentAccessComponent > crewCompartmentAccess, bool ignorePlayers=true)
 Get crew of vehicle or if in a vehicle get self.
float GetHealth ()
 Get entity health.
bool CanDestroy ()
bool IsDestroyed ()
 Check if the entity is destroyed.
void SetStatic (bool isStatic)
 Set entity as static.
bool GetStatic ()
 Check if the entity is marked as static.
void UpdateStaticPos ()
 Update static cached position.
void SetHierarchyAsDirtyInParents ()
 Mark hierarchy in all parents of the entity as dirty, i.e., modified by user.
void SetHierarchyAsDirty ()
 Mark entity hierarchy as dirty, i.e., modified by user.
void SetTransformWithChildren (vector transform[4])
 Update transformation of the entity and all its editor children and broadcast the changes to all clients.
void SetTransform (vector transform[4], bool changedByUser=false)
 Update entity's transformation and broadcast the changes to all clients.
bool Destroy ()
 Kill/destroy this editable entity.
bool Delete (bool changedByUser=false, bool updateNavmesh=false)
 Delete this editable entity.
RplId GetOwnerRplId ()
float GetMaxDrawDistanceSq ()
 Get squared maximum distance in which this entity is drawn in editor (e.g., with an icon).
void SetMaxDrawDistance (float maxDrawDistance)
 Set maximum distance in which this entity is drawn in editor (e.g., with an icon).
bool GetEntityBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null)
 Get entity budget costs.
bool GetEntityChildrenBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null)
 Get entity budget costs including cost of children (for groups/compositions)
bool GetEntityAndChildrenBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null)
 Get budgets for both, entity and it's children.
bool CanDuplicate (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > outRecipients)
 Can entity be duplicated by editor and which recipients should be passed to the duplicated entity Overridden by other EditableEntityComponents.
void ForceVehicleCompartments (notnull array< ECompartmentType > forceVehicleCompartments)
 Authority Only, forces entities such as Character and Group to place characters into a specific vehicle position.
void OnCreatedServer (notnull SCR_PlacingEditorComponent placedEditorComponent)
bool HasEntityState (EEditableEntityState state)
 Check if given entity state is active.
EEditableEntityState GetEntityStates ()
 Check bit array with all currently active states.
void SetEntityState (EEditableEntityState state, bool toSet)
 Set value of an entity state.
void ResetEntityStates ()
 Reset all entity states.
bool HasEntityFlag (EEditableEntityFlag flag)
 Check if a flag is active.
EEditableEntityFlag GetEntityFlags ()
 Get entity flags.
void SetEntityFlag (EEditableEntityFlag flag, bool toSet)
 Set entity flag.
void CopyEntityFlags (EEditableEntityFlag flags)
 Override the Entity flags.
string GetLogText (string prefix="")
void Log (string prefix="", bool onlyDirect=false, LogLevel logLevel=LogLevel.DEBUG)
 Print out entity information.
void Log (string prefix, EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Print out the entity and all its descendants which are compatible with given key.
void LogAccessKey ()
 Print out entity's access key.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent EOnEditorPlace (out SCR_EditableEntityComponent parent, SCR_EditableEntityComponent recipient, EEditorPlacingFlags flags, bool isQueue, int playerID=0)
 Event called on server when the entity is placed in the editor.
void EOnEditorSessionLoad (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parent)
 Event called on server when the session is being loaded by SCR_EditableEntityStruct.
override bool RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
override void OnDelete (IEntity owner)
override void OnPostInit (IEntity owner)
void SCR_EditableEntityComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)
void Attach (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent attachable)
 Add the received attachable waypoint to the attached entities (runs on parent)
void Detach (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent attachable)
 Removes the received attachable waypoint from the attached entities (runs on parent)
set< SCR_EditableEntityComponentGetAttachedEntities ()
 Returns attached entities of self.
bool IsAttachable ()
 Returns if current entity is attachable.
bool IsAttached ()
 Returns if current entity is attached.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetAttachedTo ()
 Returns current entity which this editable task is attached to.
bool CanSetParent (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity)
 Check if the entity can be moved to intended parent.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent SetParentEntity (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, bool changedByUser=false)
 Set parent of the entity.
void RestoreParentEntity ()
 Add the entity to its previous parent after it was unregistered using RemoveParentEntity() Allowed only on server.
void RemoveParentEntity ()
 Remove entity from its parent.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetParentEntity ()
 Get parent entity.
void GetParentEntities (out notnull array< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities)
 Get hierarchy of all parent entities, all the way to the root.
bool IsChildOf (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity)
 Check if the entity is in hierarchy of given entity.
set< SCR_EditableEntityComponentGetChildrenRef ()
 Get direct reference to entity's immediate children.
void GetChildren (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities, bool onlyDirect=false, bool skipIgnored=false)
 Get child entities.
void GetChildren (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities, bool onlyDirect, EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Get child entities with compatible key.
int GetChildrenCount (bool onlyDirect=false)
 Get number of child entities.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetChild (int index)
 Get child on given index.
bool IsLayer ()
 Check if the entity is also a layer, i.e., has some child entities.
bool CanEnterLayer (SCR_LayersEditorComponent layersManager=null, bool toExtreme=false)
 Checks if can enter layer.
bool IsRegistered ()
 Check if the entity is registered.
void SetVisible (bool show)
 Set entity visibility.
void EnableVisibilityReplication (bool enable)
bool CanReplicateVisibility ()
void OnRplVisibilityChanged ()
bool GetVisibleSelf ()
 Check visibility setting of the entity.
bool GetVisibleInHierarchy ()
 Check visibility setting of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is set as visible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).
void AddAccessKey (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Add access key.
void RemoveAccessKey (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Remove access key.
void ClearAccessKeys ()
 Clear all access keys.
EEditableEntityAccessKey GetAccessKey ()
 Get entity's access key.
bool HasAccessSelf (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Check access key of the entity.
bool HasAccessInHierarchy (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
 Check acces keys of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is compatible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).
bool HasAccessSelf ()
 Check access key of the entity compared to those defined in SCR_AccessKeysEditorComponent.
bool HasAccessInHierarchy ()
 Check access key of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is compatible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).

Protected Member Functions

void SetFactionIndexBroadcast (int index)
void InitSpawnPointCount ()
void InitSpawnPointCountBroadcast (int spawnPointCount)
void OnSpawnpointFactionChanged (SCR_SpawnPoint spawnPoint)
void OnSpawnPointsChanged (string factionKey)
void OnSpawnPointCountChangedBroadcast (int spawnPointCount)
void InitTaskCount ()
void InitTaskCountBroadcast (int factionTaskCount)
void OnTasksChanged (notnull SCR_BaseTask task)
void OnTaskCountChangedBroadcast (int factionTaskCount)
void OnFactionplayableChangedBroadcast (bool factionPlayable)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_EditableEntityComponent
bool IsServer ()
bool CanRpc ()
void SetTransformOwner (vector transform[4])
void SetTransformBroadcast (vector transform[4])
void OnAuthorChangedServer (string authorUID, int authorID, string authorPlatformID, int platform, int lastUpdated)
void OnAuthorChangedSaveServer (string authorUID, int authorID, string authorPlatformID, int platform, int lastUpdated)
void OnAuthorChanged (string authorUID, int authorID, string authorPlatformID, int platform, int lastUpdated)
void OnParentEntityChanged (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntityPrev, bool changedByUser)
void SetParentEntityBroadcast (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntityPrev, bool changedByUser=false, bool isAutoRegistration=false)
void SetParentEntityBroadcastReceive (RplId parentEntityID, RplId parentEntityPrevID, bool changedByUser)
void OnRegistrationChanged (bool toRegister)
EEditableEntityRegister GetAutoRegister ()
void Register ()
void Unregister (IEntity owner=null)
void AddToParent (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, bool changedByUser)
void RemoveFromParent (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, bool changedByUser)
void AddChild (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity)
void RemoveChild (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity)
void UpdateGameHierarchy (IEntity parent, IEntity child, bool toAdd)
void OnChildEntityChanged (SCR_EditableEntityComponent child, bool isAdded)
void SetEntityStateInChildren (IEntity owner, EEditableEntityState state, bool toSet, out array< Managed > components=null)
void OnVisibilityChanged ()
void OnAccessKeyChanged (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey)
void Refresh ()
RplComponent GetRplComponent ()
bool ValidateType ()

Protected Attributes

ref array< ref SCR_ArsenalItemCountConfigm_MaxCountPerItemType
int m_iFactionIndex = -1
Faction m_Faction
SCR_Faction m_ScrFaction
ref SCR_UIInfo m_Info
int m_iSpawnPointCount = -1
int m_iTaskCount = -1
SCR_BaseTask m_PrevTask = null
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnSpawnPointCountChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnTaskCountChanged = new ScriptInvoker()
SCR_EArsenalItemType m_AllowedArsenalItemTypes
ref map< SCR_EArsenalItemType, int > m_aCurrentItemTaken = new map<SCR_EArsenalItemType, int>()
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_EditableEntityComponent
EEditableEntityRegister m_bAutoRegister
vector m_vIconPos
bool m_bEnabledVisibilityReplication
bool m_bVisible
bool m_bStatic
float m_fMaxDrawDistance
EEditableEntityAccessKey m_AccessKey
EEditableEntityFlag m_Flags
SCR_EditableEntityComponent m_ParentEntity
GenericEntity m_Owner
EEditableEntityState m_EntityState
SCR_UIInfo m_UIInfoInstance
ref set< SCR_EditableEntityComponentm_Entities
vector m_vStaticPos
int m_iIconBoneIndex = -1
ref ScriptInvokerEntity m_OnDeleted
ref SCR_EditableEntityAuthor m_Author
int m_iAuthorLastUpdated
ref set< SCR_EditableEntityComponentm_aAttachedEntities

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_EditableEntityComponent
static SCR_EditableEntityComponent GetEditableEntity (IEntity owner)
 Get editable entity component on given entity.

Detailed Description

Special configuration for editable faction.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~SCR_EditableFactionComponent()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.~SCR_EditableFactionComponent ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ CanDuplicate()

override bool SCR_EditableFactionComponent.CanDuplicate ( out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent outRecipients)

Can entity be duplicated by editor and which recipients should be passed to the duplicated entity Overridden by other EditableEntityComponents.

[out]outRecipientseditableEntityComponents that will be passed to the duplicated entity (Groupcomponent / FactionComponent)
true if entity can be duplicated

Implements SCR_EditableEntityComponent.

◆ GetAllowedArsenalItemTypes()

SCR_EArsenalItemType SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetAllowedArsenalItemTypes ( )

◆ GetEntityBudgetCost()

override bool SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetEntityBudgetCost ( out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue outBudgets,
IEntity  owner = null 

Get entity budget costs.

[out]outBudgetsArray to be filled with budget values
true if the entity cost should be based on outBudgets array, return false to fallback on entityType cost, return true with an empty array to avoid fallback entityType cost

Implements SCR_EditableEntityComponent.

◆ GetFaction()

override Faction SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetFaction ( )

Get entity's faction.


Implements SCR_EditableEntityComponent.

◆ GetFactionIndex()

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetFactionIndex ( )

Get index of a faction represented by this delegate.

Faction index

◆ GetFactionSpawnPointCount()

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetFactionSpawnPointCount ( )

Get Spawnpoint count of faction.

int Spawn Point count

◆ GetFactionTasksCount()

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetFactionTasksCount ( )

Get Task count of faction.

int Task count

◆ GetOnSpawnPointCountChanged()

ScriptInvoker SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetOnSpawnPointCountChanged ( )

Get On Spawn Point Count Changed Script Invoker.

ScriptInvoker Event_OnSpawnPointCountChanged

◆ GetOnTaskCountChanged()

ScriptInvoker SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetOnTaskCountChanged ( )

Get On Task Count Changed Script Invoker.

ScriptInvoker Event_OnTaskCountChanged

◆ GetPos()

override bool SCR_EditableFactionComponent.GetPos ( out vector  pos)

Get position representing the entity.

[out]posEntity's position
true if the entity has a position

Implements SCR_EditableEntityComponent.

◆ InitSpawnPointCount()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.InitSpawnPointCount ( )

◆ InitSpawnPointCountBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.InitSpawnPointCountBroadcast ( int  spawnPointCount)

◆ InitTaskCount()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.InitTaskCount ( )

◆ InitTaskCountBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.InitTaskCountBroadcast ( int  factionTaskCount)

◆ OnFactionplayableChangedBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnFactionplayableChangedBroadcast ( bool  factionPlayable)

◆ OnPostInit()

override void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnPostInit ( IEntity  owner)

◆ OnSpawnPointCountChangedBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnSpawnPointCountChangedBroadcast ( int  spawnPointCount)

◆ OnSpawnpointFactionChanged()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnSpawnpointFactionChanged ( SCR_SpawnPoint  spawnPoint)

◆ OnSpawnPointsChanged()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnSpawnPointsChanged ( string  factionKey)

◆ OnTaskCountChangedBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnTaskCountChangedBroadcast ( int  factionTaskCount)

◆ OnTasksChanged()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.OnTasksChanged ( notnull SCR_BaseTask  task)

◆ RplLoad()

override bool SCR_EditableFactionComponent.RplLoad ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

◆ RplSave()

override bool SCR_EditableFactionComponent.RplSave ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

◆ SetAllowedArsenalItemTypes()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.SetAllowedArsenalItemTypes ( SCR_EArsenalItemType  allowedArsenalItemTypes)

◆ SetFactionIndex()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.SetFactionIndex ( int  index)

Assign faction to this editable entity.

[in]indexIndex of the faction in FactionManager array

◆ SetFactionIndexBroadcast()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.SetFactionIndexBroadcast ( int  index)

◆ SetFactionPlayableServer()

void SCR_EditableFactionComponent.SetFactionPlayableServer ( bool  factionPlayable)

Set faction Playable, can only be called from the server side.

[in]factionPlayablebool for setting faction playable

Member Data Documentation

◆ Event_OnSpawnPointCountChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_EditableFactionComponent.Event_OnSpawnPointCountChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ Event_OnTaskCountChanged

ref ScriptInvoker SCR_EditableFactionComponent.Event_OnTaskCountChanged = new ScriptInvoker()

◆ m_aCurrentItemTaken

ref map<SCR_EArsenalItemType, int> SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_aCurrentItemTaken = new map<SCR_EArsenalItemType, int>()

◆ m_AllowedArsenalItemTypes

SCR_EArsenalItemType SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_AllowedArsenalItemTypes

◆ m_Faction

Faction SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_Faction

◆ m_iFactionIndex

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_iFactionIndex = -1

◆ m_Info

ref SCR_UIInfo SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_Info

◆ m_iSpawnPointCount

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_iSpawnPointCount = -1

◆ m_iTaskCount

int SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_iTaskCount = -1

◆ m_MaxCountPerItemType

ref array<ref SCR_ArsenalItemCountConfig> SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_MaxCountPerItemType

◆ m_PrevTask

SCR_BaseTask SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_PrevTask = null

◆ m_ScrFaction

SCR_Faction SCR_EditableFactionComponent.m_ScrFaction

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: