Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_FreeForAllFaction Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_FreeForAllFaction:

Public Member Functions

override bool DoCheckIfFactionFriendly (Faction faction)
 Check if provided faction is friendly.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_Faction
int GetOrder ()
bool GetCanCreateOnlyPredefinedGroups ()
void GetPredefinedGroups (notnull array< ref SCR_GroupPreset > groupArray)
ResourceName GetFlagName (int index)
int GetFlagNames (out array< string > flagNames)
ResourceName GetGroupFlagImageSet ()
ResourceName GetGroupFlagImageSetOutlines ()
int GetGroupFlagTextures (out array< ResourceName > textures)
ResourceName GetFactionFlag ()
ResourceName GetFactionFlagMaterial ()
void SetFactionFlagMaterial (ResourceName materialResource)
EEditableEntityLabel GetFactionLabel ()
SCR_FactionCallsignInfo GetCallsignInfo ()
Color GetNotificationFactionColor ()
Color GetNotificationTextFactionColor ()
Color GetOutlineFactionColor ()
void InitializeFaction ()
void SetAncestors (notnull array< string > ancestors)
bool IsPlayable ()
 Check if the faction is playable.
bool IsShownInWelcomeScreenIfNonPlayable ()
 If faction should be shown in the welcome screen if it is not playable.
void InitFactionIsPlayable (bool isPlayable)
 Init faction is playable.
bool IsInherited (string factionKey)
 Check if the faction is inherited from a faction with given faction key.
void SetIsPlayable (bool isPlayable, bool killPlayersIfNotPlayable=false)
 Set if the faction is playable.
ScriptInvoker_FactionPlayableChanged GetOnFactionPlayableChanged ()
 Get On Playable Changed Script Invoker.
override bool DoCheckIfFactionFriendly (Faction faction)
 Check if provided faction is friendly.
void SetFactionFriendly (notnull Faction faction)
 Add given faction as friendly towards this faction (Server Only) Called by SCR_FactionManager please use the SCR_FactionManager.SetFactionsFriendly function instead of this to make sure the setting is mirrored! If you add factionA friendly towards factionB but not the other way around then factionA will not retaliate if shot at by factionB.
void SetFactionHostile (notnull Faction faction)
 Remove given faction as friendly towards this faction (Server Only) Called by SCR_FactionManager please use the SCR_FactionManager.SetFactionsHostile function instead of this to make sure the setting is mirrored! If you add factionB hostile towards factionA but not the other way around then factionA will not retaliate if shot at by factionB.
int GetPlayerCount ()
 Get the number of players assigned to this faction.
int GetPlayersInFaction (notnull out array< int > players)
string GetFactionRadioEncryptionKey ()
int GetFactionRadioFrequency ()
string GetRankName (SCR_ECharacterRank rankID)
string GetRankNameUpperCase (SCR_ECharacterRank rankID)
string GetRankNameShort (SCR_ECharacterRank rankID)
string GetRankInsignia (SCR_ECharacterRank rankID)
SCR_EntityCatalog GetFactionEntityCatalogOfType (EEntityCatalogType catalogType, bool printNotFound=true)
 Get Entity catalog of specific type linked to faction The catalog contains all entities part of the faction of that specific type.
int GetAllFactionEntityCatalogs (notnull out array< SCR_EntityCatalog > outEntityCatalogs)
 Get all entity catalogs within the faction The catalogs contain all entities part of the faction.
int GetFriendlyFactions (notnull out array< Faction > friendlyFactions, bool includeSelf=true)
override void Init (IEntity owner)
 Called when faction is initialized.
array< int > GetBaseCallsignIndexes ()
SCR_MilitaryBaseCallsign GetBaseCallsignByIndex (int index, int offset=0)
ResourceName GetFactionBackground ()
bool IsMilitary ()
void Init (IEntity owner)
 Called when faction is initialized.
bool DoCheckIfFactionFriendly (Faction faction)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Faction
proto external FactionIdentity GetFactionIdentity ()
proto external bool IsFactionFriendly (Faction otherFaction)
 Returns true if this faction and other faction are friendly.
proto external bool IsFactionEnemy (Faction otherFaction)
 Returns true if this faction and other faction are hostile.
proto external string GetFactionName ()
 Returns the name of this faction for via this Faction's UI Info.
proto external FactionKey GetFactionKey ()
 Returns the identifier of this faction specified in FactionManager.
proto ref Color GetFactionColor ()
 Returns the color of this faction specified in FactionManager.
proto external UIInfo GetUIInfo ()
 Returns the UI info of this faction.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_Faction
static Faction GetEntityFaction (notnull IEntity entity)
 Get the provided entity's Faction.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_Faction
SCR_CharacterRank GetRankByID (SCR_ECharacterRank rankID)
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_Faction
int m_iOrder
ref Color m_OutlineFactionColor
ref Color m_NotificationFactionColor
ref Color m_NotificationTextFactionColor
bool m_bIsPlayable
bool m_bShowInWelcomeScreenIfNonPlayable
bool m_bIsMilitary
ResourceName m_FactionFlagMaterial
EEditableEntityLabel m_FactionLabel
bool m_bFriendlyToSelf
ref array< string > m_aFriendlyFactionsIds
ref SCR_FactionCallsignInfo m_CallsignInfo
ref array< ref SCR_GroupPresetm_aPredefinedGroups
bool m_bCreateOnlyPredefinedGroups
string m_sFactionRadioEncryptionKey
int m_iFactionRadioFrequency
ref array< string > m_aAncestors
ref ScriptInvoker_FactionPlayableChanged m_OnFactionPlayableChanged
ref array< ref SCR_CharacterRankm_aRanks
ref array< ref SCR_EntityCatalogm_aEntityCatalogs
ref array< ResourceName > m_aGroupFlags
ResourceName m_sGroupFlagsImageSet
ResourceName m_sGroupFlagsImageSetOutlines
ref array< string > m_aFlagNames
ResourceName m_sFactionBackground
ref array< ref SCR_MilitaryBaseCallsignm_aBaseCallsigns
ref map< EEntityCatalogType, ref SCR_EntityCatalogm_mEntityCatalogs = new map<EEntityCatalogType, ref SCR_EntityCatalog>()
bool m_bCatalogInitDone
ref set< Factionm_FriendlyFactions = new set<Faction>

Member Function Documentation

◆ DoCheckIfFactionFriendly()

override bool SCR_FreeForAllFaction.DoCheckIfFactionFriendly ( Faction  faction)

Check if provided faction is friendly.

Implements SCR_Faction.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: