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Revision as of 00:52, 21 April 2016 by Killzone Kid (talk | contribs) (the command is supposed to work on remote units)
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The entity will be forced to fire weapon from the given muzzle. The weapon will not fire if firemode passed as parameter is not supported by the given muzzle.


entity forceWeaponFire [muzzle, firemode]
entity: Object - vehicle or unit
[muzzle, firemode]: Array
muzzle: String
firemode: String - Common options are "Single", "Burst", "FullAuto". For the full list of a weapon firemodes: hint str (getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> currentWeapon player >> "modes")); If modes[] param in config for the weapon says {"this"}, then the same classname as for the weapon param should be used as firemode param.
Return Value:


Example 1:
soldierOne forceWeaponFire ["arifle_MX_F", "Single"];
Example 2:
player forceWeaponFire ["hgun_ACPC2_F", "hgun_ACPC2_F"];
Example 3:
_unit forceWeaponFire ["HandGrenadeMuzzle","HandGrenadeMuzzle"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["MiniGrenadeMuzzle","MiniGrenadeMuzzle"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["HandGrenade_Stone","HandGrenade_Stone"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["SmokeShellMuzzle","SmokeShellMuzzle"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["ChemlightGreenMuzzle","ChemlightGreenMuzzle"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["IRGrenade","IRGrenade"]; _unit forceWeaponFire ["Laserdesignator","Laserdesignator"];

Additional Information

See also:


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Posted on August 25, 2013
Here is a neat workaround trick for firemode change from a script: _weapon = currentWeapon player; _ammo = player ammo _weapon; player setAmmo [_weapon, 0]; player forceWeaponFire [_weapon, "FullAuto"]; player setAmmo [_weapon, _ammo];
Posted on April 14, 2014
(A3 1.16) forceWeaponFire is no longer only limited to units, but can remote aircrafts weapon firing as well. Passed source unit should be the correct one who controls the weapon, if passed mode is "this", use the weapon name instead: _weapon = (weapons _veh) select 3; _mode = (getArray (configFile >> "cfgweapons" >> _weapon >> "modes")) select 0; if (_mode == "this") then {_mode = _weapon;}; (driver _veh) forceWeaponFire [_weapon, _mode]; //Force a CAS fire a rocket. Currently this command is not available for land vehicle remote fire.
Posted on September 02, 2014
Similar to Killzone Kid's note, This fires the units current weapon in its current firemode. _unit forceWeaponFire [ weaponState _unit select 1, weaponState _unit select 2];

Bottom Section

Posted on January 3, 2015 - 14:55 (UTC)
Killzone Kid
fireAtTarget command can be used to force fire gunner weapon in vehicles. A gunner must be present. _veh fireAtTarget [objNull]; Will fire one shot even if player is gunner. fire command can also be used to fire vehicle weapon, like smoke launcher for example: vehicle player fire "SmokeLauncher"; And if this doesn't work, it is possible to force fire via action tank action ["UseWeapon", tank, commander tank, 0];