Audio Editor: Signal Editor: Nodes – Arma Reforger

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Interfacing Nodes


Creating an Input node will automatically create a corresponding input port on the Signal node within the Audio Editor. It allows the usage of game data within the Signal Editor in two ways:

  • Inside the Audio Editor, another node can be connected to the Signal node's inputs ports. The corresponding Input nodes within the Signal will then use the value passed from the connected node.
  • Giving an Input node the same name as a Signal passed via script or present on the connected entity's SignalsManagerComponent will automatically cause the node to use the respective values.
    e.g naming an Input node "Distance" will result in that it returns the distance from the listener to the entity.
Naming Conventions

Input nodes that are designed to be fed from constants nodes will be NAMED_IN_ALLCAPS. The respective Constant output ports get the exact same name.

Name Description Range Input port
Global If true and the .acp file using the Signal is attached to a SoundComponent, the signal name will be looked up in the list of global game signals instead of the connected entity. true/false Unchecked


Creating an Output node will automatically create a corresponding output port on the Signal node within the Audio Editor. It allows the usage of data processed within the Signal Editor to be used within the Audio Editor.

No attributes.

Value-Generating Nodes


The Value node will always output a single, specified value.

For readability, it can make sense to change the node's name or comment to the specified value.
Name Description Range Input port
Value The value the node is supposed to output. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked


The Variable node outputs the current Value of an audio variable.

Name Description Range Input port
Var Name Defines which variable from within the Variable Resource the node will output. N/A Unchecked
Var Resource Defines which Variable config file will be accessed. N/A Unchecked


The Random node will output a random number within a specified min/max range.

Name Description Range Input port
Min Minimum value that can be generated. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked
Max Maximum value that can be generated. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked
Update Rate Defines the rate at which the node will generate random values.
  • Every Get: generate a random value on each request (Could be multiple times per frame).
  • Every OnFrame: generate a random value once per frame.
  • Once: generate a random value once and then continue outputting it on every successive get.


The Generator node generates "impulses" of a specified Value in one frame in specified intervals.

Name Description Range Input port
Value To Generate The value which will be generated. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked
Interval The interval in milliseconds between each value generation. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked


The Time node continuously outputs either the time a sound instance has existed or the time the world has been running on the client's machine (in milliseconds).

Name Description Range Input port
Time Type Defines what time in milliseconds the node outputs.
  • Life Time: Outputs the time in milliseconds the sound instance has existed so far. If the node is used by more than one sound that plays from the same .acp at the same time, it will output the Life Time of the first sound that was triggered.
  • World Time: Outputs the time in milliseconds the world has been running on the local machine so far (not how long it has been running on the server).


The L(ow)F(requency)O(scillation) node oscillates between 0 and 1 in a specified shape.

Name Description Range Input port
Frequency Defines the LFO cycle's duration in seconds. N/A Unchecked
Shape The shape used for oscillation.
  • Sine
  • Triangle
  • Square
  • Saw

Curve Modulator

The Curve Modulator node allows it to plot modulation curves by defining the curve's single points.

Name Description Range Input port
Points Allows to add points to the curve. N/A Unchecked
Points: Time The time in milliseconds it takes to interpolate from the previous Value to the one of this point. [1, 1000000] Unchecked
Points: Time Variance The allowed maximum deviation from the specified point Value. [0, 500000] Unchecked
Points: Value The value of the point. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked
Points: Value Variance The allowed maximum deviation from the specified point Value. [0, 500000] Unchecked

Square Modulator

The Square Modulator node allows it to generate a sequence of pulses with specified peak values, peak lengths and gaps between peaks.

Name Description Range Input port
Points Allows to add points to the curve. N/A Unchecked
Points: Value The value of the peak. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Unchecked
Points: Value Variance The allowed maximum deviation from the specified point Value. [0, 500000] Unchecked
Points: Peak The time in milliseconds the Value will be held before going back to 0. [1, 1000000] Unchecked
Points: Peak Variance The allowed maximum deviation from the specified Peak time. [0, 500000] Unchecked
Points: Gap The time in milliseconds the Value will remain at 0 before reaching the next Point. [1, 1000000] Unchecked
Points: Gap Variance The allowed maximum deviation from the specified Gap time. [0, 500000] Unchecked

Math Operators and Logic Nodes


The Sum node outputs the sum of all input nodes (simple addition).

No attributes.


The Sub(traction) node subtracts the Subtracter value from the Input value and outputs the result.

Name Description Range Input port
Subtracter Defines the value which will get subtracted from the input value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The Mul(tiplication) node outputs the product of all inputs.

No attributes.


The Div(ision) node outputs the quotient of the dividend (Input) and the Divisor.

Name Description Range Input port
Divisor Defines the value by which the input value will get divided. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The Remainder node outputs the remainder of a division. The remainder is the value that is left when the Input (dividend) is not completely divisible by the Divisor.

remainder = dividend - (divisor * roundedQuotient)
Name Description Range Input port
Divisor Defines the value which will be used as the Divisor. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The Mod(ulo) node outputs the modulus of a division. It is essentially the same as the Remainder node, but will floor the Quotient.

modulus = dividend - (divisor * flooredQuotient)
Name Description Range Input port
Divisor Defines the value which will be used as the Divisor. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The Min(imum) node will always output the smallest of the input values fed into it.

No attributes.


The Max(imum) node will always output the largest of the input values fed into it.

No attributes.


The Abs(olute) node will always output the absolute value of an input value. Simply put, it makes sure that the output value is always positive.

No attributes.


The Pow(er) node outputs a power, in which the Input is set to the power of Exponent.

output = input^exponent
Name Description Range Input port
Exponent Defines the value of the exponent. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The Cond(ition) node compares the Input value against a Comparator value and returns 1 if the Condition is met, 0 if not.

Name Description Range Input port
Condition Type Defines the Condition the comparison has to meet for the node to return 1.
Available operators
  • == (Input and Comparator must be equal)
  • != (Input and Comparator must be different)
  • > (Input must be greater than Comparator)
  • >= (Input must be greater than or equal to Comparator)
  • < (Input must be less than Comparator)
  • <= (Input must be less than or equal to Comparator)
Comparator The value the Input value is compared against. Checked


The Converter node allows it to output custom values if the Input falls within specified ranges. If the input value does not fall within these ranges, a Default value is used.
Depending on the node's settings, this Default value can either be

  • specified in the node's Attributes (or fed via the Default input port) or
  • the Input value.
The defined range will be [min, max), meaning the the min value is included, the max value is not.
Name Description Range Input port
Default Defines the default value which will be returned of the Input value does not fall within any Interval. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked
Default from Input If true, the node will output the Input value directly if it does not fall within any Interval. true/false Unchecked
Intervals Allows to define the node's Intervals/Ranges. N/A Unchecked
Intervals: Min Defines the minimum (included) value of the interval. Unchecked
Intervals: Max Defines the maximum (not included) value of the interval. Unchecked
Intervals: Out Defines the output value if the Input value lies within the range. Unchecked


The Interpolate node allows it to smoothly interpolate between two Output values (Y) based on an Input value (X).

  • If the Input value is <= X min, the Output will be Y min.
  • If the Input value is >= X max, the Output will be Y max.
  • If the Input value is in between X min and X max, the Output value depends on the interpolation parameters.
X min = 10, X max = 20
Y min = 0, Y max = 1
input = 15
input is right in-between 10 and 20
brought to Y range, output is 0.5
The min values do not have to be smaller than the max values.
Name Description Range Input port
X min Defines the the Input value at which the interpolation starts. Output value == Y min. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked
X max Defines the the Input value at which the interpolation ends. Output value == Y max. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
Y min Defines the minimum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
Y max Defines the maximum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
Fade In Type Defines the curve function of the interpolation.
Only available if Clamp is activated.
  • Linear: Curve is linear
  • SCurve: Curve is "S-shaped". with a steep middle-part (volume = -6db when time = 50%) and gentle beginning and ending
  • Power of...
Fade Out Type
Clamp If activated, the interpolation is limited to Y min / Y max. If deactivated, the interpolation can continue in both directions and will keep the correlation between X and Y. true/false Unchecked
Enable Custom Curve Allows it to define a custom correlation between Input (X) and Output (Y) in the Curve Editor. Will disable all other attributes. N/A Unchecked


The Env(elope) node allows it to smoothly interpolate from 0 to 1 and then back from 1 to 0 based on an Input value.

  • Between an Input value of A and B, the Output will interpolate from 0 to 1.
  • Between B and C, the Output will remain 1.
  • Between C and D, the Output will interpolate back to 0.
A = 1, B = 4, C = 6, D = 10
Input = 0: result = 0
Input = 1: result = 0
Input = 2: result = 0.333
Input = 3: result = 0.666
Input = 4..6: result = 1
Input = 7: result = 0.75
Input = 8: result = 0.5
Input = 9: result = 0.25
Input = 10: result = 0
Input = 11: result = 0
Name Description Range Input port
A Defines the the Input value at which the first interpolation starts. Output value == 0. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked
B Defines the the Input value at which the first interpolation ends. Output value == 1. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
C Defines the the Input value at which the second interpolation starts. Output value == 1. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
D Defines the the Input value at which the second interpolation ends. Output value == 0. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808]
Fade In Type Defines the curve function of the interpolation.
Only available if Clamp is activated.
  • Linear: Curve is linear
  • SCurve: Curve is "S-shaped". with a steep middle-part (volume = -6db when time = 50%) and gentle beginning and ending
  • Power of...
Fade Out Type


The Smoother node smoothes out changes in the Input by interpolating from the old to the new value over time.

Name Description Range Input port
Fade In Time Time in milliseconds the interpolation will take if the input value increased. [999999999] Unchecked
Fade Out Time Time in milliseconds the interpolation will take if the input value decreased. [999999999] Unchecked
Fade In Type Defines the curve function of the interpolation.
Only available if Clamp is activated.
  • Linear: Curve is linear
  • SCurve: Curve is "S-shaped". with a steep middle-part (volume = -6db when time = 50%) and gentle beginning and ending
  • Power of...
Fade Out Type


The Average node Outputs the average of the Input values within a specified number of frames.

The node is (obviously) framerate-dependent and therefore not reliable when requiring accurate timings; e.g. when storing 30 frames:
  • Running the game at (constant) 30 FPS will result in getting the average of the last second.
  • Running the game at (constant) 60 FPS will result in getting the average of the last 1/2 second.
average = frameValueSums / framesNumber
// e.g capacity = 3, frame1 = 50, frame2 = 100, frame3 = 120
// average = (50 + 100 + 120) / 3 = 90
Name Description Range Input port
Capacity Defines how many frames will be stored and evaluated. [0, 128] Unchecked


The Filter node is one-pole low-pass filter.

Name Description Range Input port
Frequency Cut-off frequency N/A Checked


The Delta node outputs change of input over time.

out = (in - inLast) / timeSlice

No attributes.

Exponential Group Nodes


The Exp(onential) node multiplies the Input value with e (Euler's Number).

No attributes.


The Ln node outputs the Natural Logarithm of the Input value.

No attributes.


The Log2 node outputs the Binary Logarithm of the Input value.

No attributes.


The Log10 node outputs the Decadic Logarithm (or Common Logarithm of the Input value.

No attributes.

Conversion Group Nodes


The D(eci)b(el)2Gain node converts an Input value (in dB) and outputs it as Gain.

gain = 10^(input / 20)

No attributes.


The Gain2D(eci)b(el) node converts an Input value (in Gain) and outputs it as dB.

The initial/reference gain value will always be 1.
decibel = 20 * log10(input)

No attributes.


The S(emi)t(ones)2Gain node converts an Input value (in SemiTones) and outputs it as a Gain value. Alternatively, the Gain value can be interpreted as a relative pitch value.

The Input value hereby represents a change in SemiTones, meaning:

  • an Input of 0 outputs 1 (Baseline, no change in pitch),
  • an Input of -12 outputs 0.5 (half the baseline pitch/ one octave lover),
  • an Input of 12 outputs 2 (double baseline pitch/ one octave higher).
gain = 2^(input / 12)

No attributes.


The Gain2S(emi)t(ones) node converts an Input value (in Gain/relative pitch) and outputs it as SemiTones.

The Input value hereby represents a change in Gain/relative pitch, meaning:

  • an Input of 1 outputs 0 (Baseline, no change in SemiTones),
  • an Input of 0.5 outputs -12 (12 SemiTones/one octave lower),
  • an Input of 2 outputs 12 (12 SemiTones/one octave higher).
semiTones = 12 * log2(input)

No attributes.


The Freq(uency)2Oc(tave) node outputs the nth octave of the Input (frequency).

semiTones = input * 2^(Octaves)
Name Description Range Input port
Octaves Defines the maximum output value. [0, 128] Unchecked


The Freq2Mel node converts an Input value in Hz and outputs it in Mel.

mel = 1127 * ln (1 + f / 700)


The Mel2Freq node converts an Input value in Mel and outputs it in Hz.

hertz = 700 * (e^(Mel / 1127) - 1)

Saturation Group Nodes


The Floor node rounds an Input value down to its next lowest integer (e.g 1.1 → 1, 1.5 → 1, 1.99 → 1, 2.001 → 2).

No attributes.


The Ceil(ing) node rounds an Input value up to its next highest integer (e.g 1.1 → 2, 1.5 → 2, 1.99 → 2, 2.001 → 3).

No attributes.


The Round node rounds an Input value up if its first decimal is >= 5 and down if not (e.g 1.4 → 1, 1.49 → 1, 1.5 → 2, 1.51 → 2).

No attributes.


The Clamp node prevents the Output value from becoming larger than Max and smaller than Min.
If the Input value is smaller than Min, the Output will return Min.
If the Input value is larger than Max, the Output will return Max.

Name Description Range Input port
Min Defines the maximum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked
Max Defines the maximum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The ClampMin node prevents the Output value from becoming smaller than Min. If the Input value is smaller than Min, the Output will return Min.

Name Description Range Input port
Min Defines the maximum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked


The ClampMax node prevents the Output value from becoming larger than Max. If the Input value is larger than Max, the Output will return Max.

Name Description Range Input port
Max Defines the maximum output value. [-9223372036854775808, 9223372036854775808] Checked

Trigonometric Group Nodes


The Sin(e) node outputs the sine of the Input value.

No attributes.


The Cos(ine) node outputs the cosine of the Input value.

No attributes.


The Tan(gent) node outputs the tangent the Input value.

No attributes.


The A(rc)Sin node outputs the ArcSin of the Input value.

No attributes.


The A(rc)Cos node outputs the ArcCos of the Input value.

No attributes.


The A(rc)Tan node outputs the ArcTan of the Input value.

No attributes.

External References