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- Description:
- Overrides group params from CfgORBAT. See ORBAT Viewer for a detailed explanation.
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Strategic
- Syntax:
- [target, idType, size, type, side, name, shortName, texture, textSizeCoef, insignia, textColour, commName, commRank, description, assets] call BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupParams
- Parameters:
- target: Config - path to class in CfgORBAT
- idType: Number or String - ID Type (e.g. 1 to result in "1st", or a specific string)
- size: String - size as a class from CfgChainOfCommand > Sizes (e.g., "Platoon")
- type: String - type as a class from CfgChainOfCommand > Types (e.g., "Infantry")
- side: String - side as a class from CfgChainOfCommand > Sides (e.g., "West")
- name: String - name. Passed arguments are: %1 - ID, %2 - type, %3 - size)
- shortName: String - short name. Passed arguments are: %1 - ID, %2 - type, %3 - size)
- texture: String - texture. Can be link to a file or a class from CfgMarkers
- textSizeCoef: Number - texture size coeficient. 1 is the default size
- insignia: String - insignia displayed in tooltip and in the ORBAT viewer background
- textColour: Array - texture color in format RGBA
- commName: String - commander name. Can be the name directly or a class from CfgWorlds > GenericNames
- commRank: String - commander rank
- description: String - description shown in tooltip
- assets: Array of Arrays in format [vehicleClass, count]:
- Return Value:
- Boolean
- Example 1:
- Copy[ configFile >> "CfgORBAT" >> "BIS" >> "B_1_A_1", 1, "Platoon", "Infantry", "West", "Name: %1 %2 %3", "Short Name: %1 %2 %3", "b_air", 3, "\A3\Air_F_EPB\Heli_Light_03\data\UI\Heli_Light_03_CA.paa", [0,0,0,1], "Commander Name", "General", "Description", [["B_MRAP_01_F",5]] ] call BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupParams;
Additional Information
- See also:
- ORBAT Viewer BIS_fnc_ORBATAddGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATAnimate BIS_fnc_ORBATConfigPreview BIS_fnc_ORBATGetGroupParams BIS_fnc_ORBATOpen BIS_fnc_ORBATRemoveGroupOverlay BIS_fnc_ORBATSetGroupFade BIS_fnc_ORBATTooltip
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