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- Description:
- Returns the list of object or model LODs.
- Groups:
- Object Manipulation
- Syntax:
- allLODs objectOrModel
- Parameters:
- objectOrModel: Object or String
- Object - object
- String - model path (see getModelInfo)
- Return Value:
- Array - list of all model LODs in the following format: [LODindex, LODname, LODresolution, countNamedSelections], where:
- LODindex: Number - direct index of the LOD for fast access
- LODname: String - LOD description name for LOD identification
- LODresolution: Number - the actual LOD resolution, could be used to select LOD in selectionNames and selectionPosition
- countNamedSelections: Number - number of named selections in this LOD, could be returned with selectionNames command
- Example 1:
- CopyallLODs player; /* [ [0,"1",1,91], [1,"2",2,91], [2,"3",3,84], [3,"4",4,43], [4,"5",5,34], [5,"VIEW_PILOT",1100,89], [6,"shadow(0)",10000,80], [7,"shadow(10)",10010,33], [8,"geometry",1e+013,42], [9,"memory",1e+015,55], [10,"landContact",2e+015,0], [11,"hitpoints",5e+015,33], [12,"geometryView",6e+015,19], [13,"geometryFire",7e+015,57], [14,"shadow(1000)",11000,80], [15,"shadow(1010)",11010,33] ] */
- Example 2:
- CopyallLODs getText (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "arifle_MX_F" >> "model"); /* [ [0,"1",1,17], [1,"2",2,17], [2,"3",3,16], [3,"4",4,14], [4,"5",5,12], [5,"6",6,9], [6,"VIEW_PILOT",1100,16], [7,"shadow(0)",10000,2], [8,"shadow(10)",10010,0], [9,"geometry",1e+013,0], [10,"geometrySimple",2e+013,0], [11,"memory",1e+015,13], [12,"geometryView",6e+015,2], [13,"shadow(1000)",11000,2], [14,"shadow(1010)",11010,0] ] */
Additional Information
- See also:
- createSimpleObject hideSelection selectionNames selectionPosition namedProperties animationNames LOD resolutions
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