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(note about empty magazines)
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This is the case of WY-55 Hellcat. This function returns an empty array.
This is the case of WY-55 Hellcat. This function returns an empty array.
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<dl class="command_description">
<dd class="notedate">Posted on April 5, 2019 - 22:28 (UTC)</dd>
<dt class="note">[[User:Yuval|Yuval]]</dt>
<dd class="note">
This command does not include magazines loaded into weapons stored inside player's backpack (or every other container).
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Revision as of 23:28, 5 April 2019

Hover & click on the images for description


Returns array of arrays of all vehicle's magazines with extended information about them. Magazine type is available for loaded magazines only, otherwise it is -1.

Output format:

Magazine format:
0: Magazine class name
1: Magazine current ammo count
2: Magazine state (true - loaded, false - not loaded)
3: Magazine type (-1 - n/a, 0 - grenade, 1 - primary weapon mag, 2 - handgun mag, 4 - secondary weapon mag, 65536 - vehicle mag)
4: Magazine location ("Vest", "Uniform", "Backpack", "") or corresponding currentMuzzle

This command does not return empty magazines from containers, only from the weapon. Use magazinesAmmoCargo <container> instead


magazinesAmmoFull vehicle
vehicle: Object - unit or vehicle.
Return Value:


Example 1:
_magazinesAmmoFull = magazinesAmmoFull player; /* [ ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Uniform"], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,false,-1,"Vest"], ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",16,false,-1,"Vest"], ["SmokeShellGreen",1,true,0,"SmokeShellGreenMuzzle"], ["Chemlight_green",1,true,0,"ChemlightGreenMuzzle"], ["HandGrenade",1,true,0,"HandGrenadeMuzzle"], ["30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag",30,true,1,"arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F"], ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag",16,true,2,"hgun_P07_F"] ] */
Example 2:
_magazinesAmmoFull = magazinesAmmoFull Mi_48; /* [ ["250Rnd_30mm_APDS_shells",250,false,-1,""], ["250Rnd_30mm_HE_shells",250,true,65536,"gatling_30mm"], ["8Rnd_LG_scalpel",8,true,65536,"missiles_SCALPEL"], ["38Rnd_80mm_rockets",38,true,65536,"rockets_Skyfire"] ] */

Additional Information

See also:


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Posted on December 20, 2014 - 14:40 (UTC)
When used on vehicles this will only return all magazines associated with a single turretPath (which one depends on the actual armament of the vehicle, usually the first armed turretPath or alternatively turretPath [-1]).
If you want to get all turrets' magazines, use allTurrets and magazinesTurret. --Actium (talk) 15:40, 20 December 2014 (CET)
Posted on February 10, 2015 - 04:40 (UTC)
Pierre MGI
As Actium said, this function seems to extract data from: configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _the_vehicle_you_want >> "Turrets" >> "MainTurret">> "magazines". Some vehicles return an empty field {} because magazines are in straight in: configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _the_vehicle_you_want >> "magazines" (often dedicated to flares only). This is the case of WY-55 Hellcat. This function returns an empty array.
Posted on April 5, 2019 - 22:28 (UTC)
This command does not include magazines loaded into weapons stored inside player's backpack (or every other container).