Wish List – ArmA: Armed Assault

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Revision as of 00:41, 20 December 2006 by Kronzky (talk | contribs)
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Please try to refrain from posting suggestions which imply major changes to the existing game mechanics and features, or at least mark them as such. Discussions should be held on the Discussion Page and not in the Wishlist.


  • Possibility to assign 'double-tap' buttons of a controller (or joystick) to an action like you can do with key assignments maxqubit
  • Something like Rainbow Six: Vegas or Gears of war, when you arrive to the corner/small piece of wall, start an animation of the player so he puts his back on the wall, could be a great addition to improve the feeling of the game on CQB combats. Txalin
  • I would like to see the upcoming 3D Editor from VBS2 in ArmA. Maybe within an Addon or better with a patch. Raptor 18:19, 29 November 2006 (CET)
  • More wildlife! Where are my rabbits and my sheep? Zeinger -- There is a texture for a rabbit in the animals.pbo, and a rabbit .p3d but you are right, I've not seen any in game yet!!! Zombie Mod
  • Add Folder Settings (or at least a key in registry). My C drive is already full. Giova
  • Possibility to create stony falls and rocks on roads with satchel charges. Boyscout
  • Automatic lights in towns. ON at 19:00 and if the electric lines are cut, lights switch OFF automatically. Boyscout
  • If it's possible, optimized performance for Dual Core CPUs and Dual GPU graphics cards like 7950GX2 or SLI systems. number se7en
  • Custom-made waypoints in the editor. Add a script to a waypoint and save it as a new waypoint-type, so we can find & choose it in the droplist (eg: paradrop). 06/12/2006 blanco
  • When wounded, it would be good if the characters wouldn't be forced to be proned, because it seems weird. Would be very good if the characters eg. would need to drag one of their legs, run slower, etc. as if they're injured. - Serial Killer 20:40, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • Support for Windows Vista and DirectX 10 effects, perhaps in the very far future. Yarex
  • Implementing more than one usable runway for AI aircraft. This has been a major issue since the introduction of OFP. Havoc 05:57, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • Time deceleration would be nice for single player games. Now there is 1x, 2x and 4x, how about .5x - 1x? This would help when controlling large amounts of AI. --Ballistic 06:07, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • The abillity to save variables in files, much like the saveConfig-Command in VBS1. --Papa Mike 20:45, 8 December 2006 (CET)
  • After death the camera should zoom out from the avatar's corpse and then show the unit which killed the avatar. This camera move should be similar to the same thing in OFP. In my opinion this feature added a lot to the athmosphere. --Alpha-kilo 19:51, 9 December 2006 (CET)
  • Would it be possible to slide down ladders quickly, rather than climbing down very slowly, even under fire? --Alpha-kilo 19:53, 9 December 2006 (CET)
  • Better Hill Climbing simulation. A 70 degree vertical hill is at the moment perfectly climbable, and the heavily equiped infantry soldier looses no stamina after climbing a 300 foot mountain in less than 2 minutes. --RyanKaplan 10 December 2006
  • When being run over by a vehicle, the driver should be listed as the killer. It would make some things easier. - Serial Killer 16:23, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • The possiblity to fire while running/sprinting --Jimboob 10:46, 13 December 2006 (GMT)
  • An option to disable the tree animations, grass and some other effects to reduce lag - Serial Killer 18:05, 13 December 2006 (CET) - DISAgree becuase this would be an easy step to giving yourself a unfair advantage in MP against other players who do have the movemenet on.
  • (In a new campaign) Characters! They made OFP cool and different. Makes you familiar to the game, in a fast and confident way. ArmA is too steril at that point. Tekkerchrede 19:26, 13 December 2006 (CET)
  • Realtime editor and Adjustable Agent AI. Please. OFP survived so long because of a great game and the modding community. Imagine what coul dbe achieved with ArmA. Twisted 14 Dec 2006.
  • More entertable buildings! Urban warfare on South Sahrani cities feel lame, because theres very few buildings, which you can enter. Joebob 19:05, 14 December 2006 (CET)
  • Media-texture channel, that allows useage of regular video-files on TV´s, cockpit display and in briefings --Balschoiw 14:39, 16 December 2006 (CET)
  • Dedicated hooks(tcp or udp) for an administrationinterface outside the game. If you could supply the possibility to send servercommands/recieve information via a suecured(passworded) channel outside the game I could write a dedicated administrationtool for handling mapchanges, warnings, kicks and bans as well as chatmonitoring / serverlogmonitoring. This would add a huge benefit to the larger communities interested in running large AA servers with a massive player influx. Panzerhans 16:48, 16 December 2006 (CET)
  • different voiceset for at least 1 Opfor side. It´s very unrealistic that all sides issue voice commands in english. By keeping the english text-display and replacing the voicefiles for one side it would still be totally playable and much more realistic --Balschoiw 01:35, 18 December 2006 (CET)
  • embedded game-logics for artillery, airsupport, airstrikes, etc. --Balschoiw 01:35, 18 December 2006 (CET)
  • animated doors on vehicles and proper get-in / get-out animations --Balschoiw 01:39, 18 December 2006 (CET)
  • Please improve rotation around the center for wheels on some vehicles,5 TONS,HMMWV,UAZ,BRDM2,STRIKER,M113,T72,M1A1 and BMP2 have the problem,all other are fine,I know a bit maniacal thing! but important for me. Example video to show what I mean. See video Lujon


  • A detailed path for the AI near buildings, which can provide them cover, more brained and improved AI please. --Linker Split 05.57 PM, 3 December 2006
  • AI that freaks out under fire and gets less accurate. AI that takes a bit more time to communicate with each other depending on distance from each other. AI that can call for reinforcements with radio. AI that makes mistakes depending on rank (higher means less chance of mistakes) and pressure. --Twisted
  • AI that follows proper military doctrine for the appropriate army (OPFOR, BLUFOR, Independant). --Twisted
  • AI that works as a squad. This would include things like MG providing suppressing fire while riflemen move in. It would be great if squads could be 'linked controled' and work together to acheive a goal rather than as separate weaker entities. --Twisted
  • Individual AIs would be able to lean, sidestep and roll, like the player can. All the movements that the player can carry out, the AIs would also be able to perform. It is very important in a military simulator so that the player does not have any undue advantage over the AI. --buddhiraja73
  • When in alert mode, the AIs would always stay close to cover and move from cover to cover when any form of cover is present. On sensing danger, they would take firing positions near the edges of covers, like building corners and tree trunks, and lean to shoot or go prone whatever is appropriate. Before moving again they would lean and check out the area so that they don't run into a shooter. Presently, the AIs are often far from cover. --buddhiraja73
  • Improvement in their reaction to suppressive fire and AIs that are self preserving, as a priority. --buddhiraja73
  • More strategic decisions by AI groups like -- they would retreat or relocate when outnumbered, they would use small groups as diversion before the main attack, they would try to fool the player, they would call in reinforcements by radio etc. --buddhiraja73
  • More realistic enemies. Not possible to hit with burst rounds or even full automatic fire at 200 metres or just stop running, shooting, and continue running. Tekkerchrede 18:35, 13 December 2006 (CET)
  • An autoupdater of some kind Jimboob


  • That the explosions near a guy prevent hearing noises for few seconds all around him(like Raven Shield)Boyscout
  • Either remove the radio clicks or have the voices with a radio-effect. Right now it´s neither fish nor flesh. --Balschoiw 01:41, 18 December 2006 (CET)


  • Implement "Call CAS"(Close Air Support) by a command line like VBS1Boyscout
  • Less (or no) mouse smoothing/filtering. IMHO, aiming is needlessly tedious right now: move the mouse, wait for sight/cross hair to catch up, make small correction #1, wait, make small correction #2, wait, fire. The game could be more responsive, without becoming any less realistic. --teaCup 4 December 2006
  • Player movement and aiming to be as OFP 1.96; At the moment it is very unresponsive (detailed above) ~Jaffo
  • Option to disable the new green command options and just use the old command system ~Jaffo
  • Make view distance bindable to keys, so players can adjust it within cities to get better performance. Even better, add fields for auto adjusting viewdistance within a certain range (e.g. 700-2000m) depending on framerate or location ~Anders^on
  • Tweak helicopter controlability and responsiveness - at the moment they do not allow the same level controlability as in reality. this is according to pilots posting in BISforum and i tend to agree. ~Twisted
  • Momentum for player infantry movements. The lack-of makes it jarring in first person. Source-based games demonstrate this well. Kaiserpanda 08:04, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • Color teams can be ordered into various formations, given different Roe etc. All the commands that can be given to the whole team can be given to color teams as well. buddhiraja73
  • Ordering them to use specific weapons like grenades, GL, smoke etc. buddhiraja73
  • Wish a second joystick/input would be detected and accepted - like pedals or steering wheels. This would come handy esp. for helicopters (pedals!) and cars (pedals for gas/brake, steering wheel for the obvious) - Weasel75 14:12, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • A point and click command interface for commanding units to target/attack ANYTHING, even friendly units. Selecting units and right clicking on another unit, be it friendly, enemy, empty, whatever, should be able to target it. Also, a button+click combination to force an attack on ANYTHING... For example, select units and then CTRL+CLICK on anything (friendly,enemy,empty etc) will order a command to attack it. Currently only enemy units can be targeted and attacked by clicking, and you want your units to attack an empty vehicle you have to use the menu otherwise they will just board it. --Canalien 04:57, 15 December 2006 (CET)
  • Elimination of the pointless 'space to command mode' feature when controlling infantry... there is already a unit list at the bottom of the screen. The bottom unit list needs to be bigger also, it's difficult to read currently.--Canalien 04:57, 15 December 2006 (CET)
  • Visible crosshair in vehicles like in OFP/VBS1 for marking objects as target for gunner. --Kamran 01:22, 17 December 2006 (CET)

Weapons Vehicles & Units

  • Free-aim in iron sight mode, as seen here Vic 14:57, 29 November 2006 (CET)
  • Non or partially disrupting recoil in iron sight mode. Right now the iron sight view seems to be sticked to the weapon. While this might have been a requirement in OFP, due to the 2D sights, I feel this shouldn't be kept in ArmA. Vic 14:57, 29 November 2006 (CET)
  • New iron sights for sniper in which you can see the side of the environment when sniping, like in SniperElite.[[1]]Zeinger
  • Black Hawk and Mi-17 fast rope and ladder. --Serclaes 00:58, 3 December 2006 (CET)
  • Artillery system. --Serclaes 00:58, 3 December 2006 (CET)
  • Make all planes, and choppers easy to fly like in OFP.--julian Dec 3 2006 6:15pm
  • Add basic planes/choppers according to faction sides, such as: A-10,F-16,F-15,mig23, mig29,apache chopper,mi-24.--julian Dec 3 2006 6:20pm
  • Be able to hang on(collide) howitzers or trailers behind trucksBoyscout
  • Use weapons knives or baïllonnettes or even clubBoyscout
  • New weapons which are under development in real life, for example OICW --Alpha-kilo 15:43, 5 December 2006 (CET)
    • OICW is dead since 2005 Funnyguy1 14:27, 9 December 2006 (CET)
      • I guess the wishlist is not the right place for a dicussion, but if you keep repeating this comment, I'd like to reply: I am aware of it, but please don't forget that ArmA is a game and such a weapon might be fun for some players! Those who don't like it just shouldn't use it. The extreme marksmanship of any AI with any type of weapon in any visual condition and the strange flight model seem to justify a little "advantage" of the human player. --Alpha-kilo 20:12, 9 December 2006 (CET)
  • New helicopter: Comanche, provided that the stealth features and a simplified flight model - which would simulate advanced controls - can be implemented.--Alpha-kilo 15:43, 5 December 2006 (CET)
    • RAH-66 Comanche is dead since 2004 Funnyguy1 14:27, 9 December 2006 (CET)
      • Please see the comment on OICW. --Alpha-kilo 20:12, 9 December 2006 (CET)
        • I do not think this and your OICW request belong here, these are requests for addons, not updates to the game. If BIS made them as official addons, that's another thing, but is still nothing that mods/addon makers cannot provide. --Big Dawg KS 01:50, 13 December 2006 (CET)
  • Ability to fire from a vehicle Zeinger
  • floating and small lingering smoke after shooting so many rounds with various semi, and automatic rifles.--julian Dec 3 2006 6pm
  • Ejecting shells from heavy machine guns, and small arms to be ejected, and remain on ground or wherever they land for a small period of time. .--julian Dec 3 2006 6:10pm
  • An effective cargo handling system, allowing user made addons the ability to transport other vehicles and objects within, on, or towed behind other vehicles Low Light 21:17, 5 December 2006 (CET)
  • Some close-combat weapons (eg. knife, bayonet, shovel, ability to punch or kick, etc.) - Serial Killer 22:40, 5 December 2006 (CET)
  • addon directionnal parachute for hight jumpBoyscout
  • add good simulate claymoreBoyscout
  • implement Ground Surveillance Radar System (GSRS) like VBS1Boyscout
  • controllable machine-gun for helicopters - left/right + up/down + center via new extra-controls - Weasel75 11:10, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • for the FFAR (e.g. Cobra) and the 57mm/80mm (Hip/Hokum): controllable aimpoint up/down/center - if thats not too realistic, maybe put the impact-point at least a but below the flightpath-trajectory - Weasel75 11:10, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • lock onto targets for Hokum-MG - Weasel75 11:10, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • for AGM-missiles (from helicopters): lock should work also for/against unmanned/inactive ground-vehicles - Weasel75 11:10, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • helicopters: no super-radar (on top) for the Hokum, it has neither gunner nor radar to collect/display all those informations - Weasel75 11:10, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • Implement the AK47(74) with the sound of VBS1(very realistic sound!)Boyscout
  • Some long-sleeved civilians! At the moment, every civilian only has t-shirts, when not counting the newsreporter and those. - Serial Killer 20:43, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • Some more European and Russian weapons (eg. Kalashnikov AK-47, Vz 61 Scorpion, PP-19 Bizon, VSS Vintorez, RPK) - Serial Killer 20:51, 6 December 2006 (CET)
  • Integrating features to allow addon makers to easily make useful HUD on aircraft. It should be able to display airspeed, target location relative to aircraft's position, detecting optimal time to fire a weapon at a target, and CCIP (death dot/circle) on the HUD showing the location of where dumb bombs and cannon fire will probably hit (+-5% accuracy error vs LGB's).--Havoc 05:33, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • possibility to do sling with helicopters to carry amno or other.(I m not sure of the translate so I put a link =www.cen.ulaval.ca/bylot/images/photo_63.jpg)Boyscout
  • Ability to apply time delay on weapons firing. I.e. when the player presses fire, the weapon can wait an alloted time to actually discharge - Required for weapons such as the Javelin and MILAN so that a realistic series of events can be coded once the fire key is pressed - Sound of the safety being switched off, gunner calling 'firing' and other such bits and pieces that occur in the operation of such weapons. - Messiah 16:59, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • turn off Radar for vehicles which are manned by one person only - with 2nd person (i.e. gunner or commander) the "radar" comes up again = good for MP?! - Weasel75 21:51, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • Protective eyeware, shades, and glases - rise
  • Realistic Bullet Penetration. 50cals should be able to penetrate most walls, while the Auto Cannons and Tank Cannon rounds should be able to penetrate almost everything. --ryankaplan 10 December 2006
    • If that, also need bullet deflection and destruction. Kaiserpanda 08:09, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • Include ability to keep lights & engine on, even if nobody isn't inside. Very useful. Already done in VBS1 (lights). - Aquarius_PL 13:35, 13 December 2006
  • Other resistance units. More like OFP, poor equipment, "civil soldiers". Will be a perfect match for BIS's thoughts of a portrait of the real war. Not as romantic as portraited in many other games (and OFP)..Tekkerchrede 19:23, 13 December 2006 (CET)
  • No more WW2 style tank gunnery, please. Thermal imaging and ballistic computer as in Steel Beasts (2000) would be sufficient. If an object wouldn't have a heat signature map it would be generated from the color map (convert to grayscale, adjust brightness to match ambient temperature or a higher temperature if it's a soldier or a vehicle in use). - Pulverizer 19:01, 19 December 2006 (CET)


  • Multiplayer compatible setObjectTexture which transfers changes to all clients and the server! --TeRp 15:13, 3 December 2006 (CET)
  • The ability to use folders in mp missions directory --Messiah(UA) 16:47, 29 November 2006 (CET)
  • Display map names in MP server browser WGL.Q
  • Proper ping display (number) in MP server browser WGL.Q
  • Make MP server browser remember column sort priority when doing refresh WGL.Q
  • Add a lot more MP server browser filter categories WGL.Q
  • Ability to get a preview list of players on a server WGL.Q
  • Show map size before actually having to download the map (so either in the server browser add a map size column or display the size in the mission briefing itself) WGL.Q
  • Downloaded missions in the game folder itself by default and custom path possible !!! WGL.Q
  • Downloaded bytes of missions compared to complete download size (MP map download) WGL.Q
  • Client/Server Demo Recording/Playback Support !! :( 2 December 2006 MassRefuge
  • Dedicated Server software able to persist mission information to disk -- Sy 3/12/2006 @ 10.52pm
  • Increase 'text chat box' size from 2 lines and maybe decrease font size Korax 22:52, 5 December 2006 (CET)
  • Fast mission/addon downloads through external source (e.g. http/ftp server) that can be specified in the server.cfg ~Anders^on
  • Be able to specify in script which portions of a .pbo can be downloaded to clients. -- Sy 9/12/2006 @ 10.11am NZST
  • A numeric key combo to broadcast ones position back to the other players. As answer to the "Where are you?". This would be fantastic! --SniperAndy
  • The Chatbox is hidden behind the chat itself. That can become dangerous because an admin for example is not able to have a proper view to the text he is currently typing. Revealing the server's password accidentally, is one of the hazardous thing that may happen. You better turn the chat back to the flashpoint style! Hoot 13:33, 15 December 2006 (CET)
  • The admin should have the possibility to quick assign teams, or just a simple method to reorganise the teams during a battle, just to prevent mates from being forced to play on the hostile side when all friendly slots are full. Hoot 13:33, 15 December 2006 (CET)
  • The ability to lock a side(West/East/etc.) that no other player can choose this side! --=sMu= 21:30, 15 December 2006 (CET)
    • To lock the slots for Clanmembers that possibly want to join later. Maybe by using an extra 'slot-password'.Hoot 15:20, 18 December 2006 (CET)
  • Buddy System and Favorites for the server browser. Rudedog
  • anti-TeamKill wishes: please create a TK counter with following features --Dwarden
      • 1) there should be points for TeamKill, TeamDamage, TeamVehicleDamage, TeamVehicleKill, TeamStructureDamage, TeamStructureKill etc. (each as server options) increasing TK counter
      • 2) TK counter decreases over time (server option)
      • 3) when TK counter reach max threshold value (server option) then player is auto-kicked (1st time, 2nd kick results into ban XY min. (server option))
      • 4) include victim vote (server option) Punish / Forgive / Nothing (empty vote), where punish double TK points and forgive removes TK points for that action against voting victim
      • 5) each violation (counter increase) gives offending player warning via chat (no counter values given to avoid abuse)--Dwarden
  • Anti-spam feature (server option) --Dwarden
    • works same way like TK counter, with own max threshold (lines / words per time frame (server option)), decreases over time (server option)
    • also can be configured against vote spamming (server option)
    • offender is muted from channel(s) when reaching threshold (server option)
  • Voice chat / Custom sounds / Radio sounds related features--Dwarden
    • Icon + Name of player indicating that he is actually using voice chat (option-able, easiest to get own separated GUI window like Options one)
    • ability to disable (mute) voice chat and/or custom sounds / radio sounds for each player separately
    • ability to disable (mute) voice chat and/or custom sounds / radio sounds for squad / group / channel / all / etc.
    • ability for server admin to globally mute voice chat and/or custom sounds for selected player
  • Interface suggestion for Chat History:--Dwarden
    • new standalone GUI window for Chat text messages and Engine info/warning etc. messages with 3 sub-sections:
      • A) Combined (both chat and engine messages)
      • B) Chat only
      • C) Engine messages only (switchable via menu same way like Options)
    • new key bind to show/hide this GUI window on the fly (of course can be closed by mouse or call by mouse, needs new menu entry Chat for mouse way)


  • Additional event handlers "hasSpottedEnemy", "collision", "commandDone" --Feersum 22:19, 14 December 2006 (CET)
  • New scripting commands to get the pressed keys (like in fWatch) --T_D 14:55, 3 December 2006 (CET)
  • The command allowDammage, that was once in Operation Flashpoint, would be good to have. - Serial Killer 22:40, 5 December 2006 (CET)
  • A new command (gettarget) that will allow a scripter to retrieve the target chosen/given to a unit. This is extremely useful for more precisely controlling AI behaviour and who they fire on in a scripted system such as a sophisticated SAM network operating in an ArmA mission.--Havoc 05:48, 7 December 2006 (CET)
    • The command assignedTarget might be what you're looking for, or might not. We'll have to see. --Big Dawg KS 03:51, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • A debug console or application that allows scripters to see what data they are giving/using, what type is each part of data being given/used (logic, object, numeric, string, arrays, etc.) and showing the changes or errors that occur. Similiar to how modern debuggers work for programming languages like C++. --Havoc 05:48, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • Access to MagazineCargo/WeaponCargo as an array of the magazines and weapons in a cargospace or weaponholder. Bedges 23:38, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • A LookAt command. Different from GlanceAt in that the unit will stay 'locked' on the object or positional array, regardless of which direction the unit's body is facing. Bedges 23:38, 7 December 2006 (CET)
  • The command setunitpos "kneel" like in VBS1 would be really nice to have W0lle 03:04, 8 December 2006 (CET)
  • A change to the MoveinCargo command to include a seat reference, i.e. unit MoveinCargo [bmp,2]. This would also require a separate array called Cargo, as in cargo_seats = Cargo bmp or unit MoveinCargo [bmp, Cargo bmp select 1]. -Bedges 11:27, 9 December 2006 (CET)
  • Ability to write script in langage C or C# or C++ to have a real syntaxe tom_48_97
  • Command to return the face of the selected unit, something like getFace. --Sniperwolf572 20:18, 11 December 2006 (CET)
  • If the .sqs scripts are interpreted - not sure if they are, they were in OFP - is there any chance of precompiling them so that they execute faster? My zombie mod needs 1000s of zombies running a script per zombie, anything that would speed it up is a bonus -- Zombie Mod
  • New Waypoint Type "Reverse" to allow a AI to follow the WP's backwards PhunkMaZ 13:58, 13. December 2006 (CET)
  • widen the scope of the commands saveStatus, loadStatus, saveIdentity, loadIdentity, saveVar and loadVar to be usable in multiplayer. Rune 22:48, 16 December 2006 (CET)
  • some basic string-handling functions (substring, indexof, replace, etc.) --Kronzky 00:20, 17 December 2006 (CET)
  • error trapping --Kronzky 00:22, 17 December 2006 (CET)
  • In the Mission editor, there should be an undo button ~ Jason
  • publicvariable support for arrays Braghar
  • New command: server - true return value on server, false return value on client Braghar
  • onMapSingleClick does not work if the map was invoked by forceMap. I would expect same behavior as the user have had invoked the map. Braghar


  • Realistic helicopter flight-physics like in the Battlefield 1942 modification Desert Combat. The helicopter-physics in DC are faked with 2 thrust-vectors for main and tail rotor. Video (DivX ~15MB) PhunkMaZ
  • make helicopters rotate slower and more sluggishly about all axes, but especially with regards to yaw. Rune 22:58, 16 December 2006 (CET)
  • Implement dammages more realistic like VBS1 for the Armored when hit by RPG.Boyscout
  • More destructible objects and realistic destruction models. buddhiraja73


  • Management of the stamina: when you run too much, your guy can't run again (only walk since a definite time); example 1km MAX for sprint...8 kms for run and no limit for walk!Boyscout
  • Shellshock effect when a grenade or other thing explodes next to you. - Serial Killer 22:40, 5 December 2006 (CET)
  • when a gamer do a neutralization fire with machine gun, the ia wich under shooting-fire hold fire or fire lessBoyscout
  • when we launch a smoke shell, creating invisibles small objects between the ia and the gamer along time of the smokeBoyscout
  • implement ai animation to Carry(Wear) on the ground a wounded soldierBoyscout
  • Simulate a shock wave when explosive or grebade explosed near a soldier(animation when a soldier is in the explosion hitbox perimeter)Boyscout
  • Implement a real radio system; so no radio soldier in group, no communication with other group!Boyscout
  • Realistic head-movement while driving/flying. Head-translation and shaking effect affected by force. (like in Flightsim. X) This would give ArmA a extra feel. PhunkMaZ 13:00, 6th December 2006 (CET)
  • Implement on the MAP a Set square repport of points(for precision of location) That we can move.(same as artillery)Boyscout
  • Implementer in the groups of IA a Automatically general fold on 500m back if 80 % of deaths.Boyscout
  • handsignals system and some squad controling options like in General Barron's handsignals mod for ofp link
  • Reworked Binocs like they used to be in OFP with lines or digi binocs that allow distance measuring --SniperAndy
  • Recoil effects on Artillery and Vehicle-Guns. Even the Turret-Cannon on BMP's or Stryker etc. show no recoil at all. -TK- 10:32, 9 December 2006 (CET)
  • more accurate simulation of AT weapons and tanks:
    • backblasts of shoulder launched weapons should cause injuries, and launchers should be discarded after use (now even such ones are reloadable)
    • better MBTs vs AT infantry simulation
    • changes in the missions/campaign (now they are unrealistic because of e.g. blackops with AT4s destroying tanks thingy, that's just too arcadish) It would have a great impact on the gameplay limiting the usage of MBTs (providing other, more suitable AT weapons are implemented), and increasing of the realism as the missions are now designed like: the harder missions, the more tanks/APCs to be destroyed by infantry wit AT4 that can be quickly reloaded
      • better to have only one AT-4 shot in a disposable launcher than a reloadable launcher that should not be so. Rune 23:10, 16 December 2006 (CET)
    • more realistic damage values for armored vehicles
      • weaker armour on sides and rear. Rune 23:10, 16 December 2006 (CET)
    • realistic engagement ranges and MBTs usage
  • reworked damage models on soldiers which accurately depict effects of modern body armor which is capable of reducing injury to the body from fragmentation and that can greatly decrease injury sustained from rifle rounds where SAPI plates are locatedPuffypuff 23:37, 11 December 2006 (CET)
  • Ability for .50 caliber machine gun to penetrate humvee armor/glassPuffypuff 23:37, 11 December 2006 (CET)
  • More interaction and talking with the non-playing-charecters. This would include more interaction with the frindlies during missions, when in relaxed mode. This factor creates more immersion. buddhiraja73
  • More animals, especially dangerous ones that can harm us. buddhiraja73
  • A lot of people are suggesting that some of the campaigns missions do not let us carry realistic amounts of ammo and there is always a shortage. I hope more ammo is allowed to the extent it is realistic. buddhiraja73
  • Ability to select between anti personnel rocket ammo, the OG-7V warhead, and anti tank rocket ammo which is the PG-7VR warhead (This ammo is only for the RPG-7). I'm not too sure about the different ammo that the AT4 uses (if it has more than one type of ammo) but this would be nice for the AT4 as well. Puffypuff 23:31, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • Abrams tank armor is far too weak. Players have shot at the abrams with T72 at extreme angles and it's always 1 hit kill. In real life, the Abrams can take multiple hits from SABOT rounds from T72's. Even then, the tank shouldn't always explode into a fireball (It has a vent system which blows the fire out if the ammo compartment catches fire). Sometimes when a tank gets hit, it just stopped running (if it is hit in the engine or tracks). Basically, just asking for a more realistic vehicle damage model. Puffypuff 23:42, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • It seems as if when soldiers board a vehicle (Bus, Stryker, humvee, transport vehicles), they become part of the vehicle. When an RPG/explosive hits the front of a truck at the engine (or any hit that destroys the vehicle but totally misses the troops its carrying), every soldier in the back dies. Yes, some soldiers will probably be killed/wounded, but every soldier should not be killed. It is unrealistic and each soldier should be affected by the blasts realistically.Puffypuff 06:15, 13 December 2006 (CET)


  • More debris when a building is destroyed Zeinger
  • A new rain in 3D! The rain texture is barely visible sometimes! Zeinger
  • More Lingering smoke for grenades, missle, rockets, satchel impacts and explosions like in the OFP mods WGL, ECP.--julian Dec 3 2006 6pm
  • Rivers,ponds,Brooks and puddles on MAP...Twinkling red lamps on all the high objects...Boyscout
  • Ability to turn off the grass in the options menu ~Jaffo
  • Add Joint Operations grass type...bodys seems semitransparents in distance when prone in grass. Casandra
  • The car damage model is improved and individual parts can be damaged and can come off when many bullets hit them. ~buddhiraja73
  • Higher zoom rate in map view. --Kronzky 20:28, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • This builds on Jaffo's post. Grass that doesn't fade away after 100m so that players hiding in grass cannot be seen from 100m away as out in the open. Additionally, if the grass issue is resolved, then the ability for multiplayer servers to set grass on/off so that high-end systems which can process grass for long view distances can be put to use whilst low end system users can join games with grass disabled. I'd like to note to the guys who read this from BIS that this is a major change (in my opinion, since the grass is like 40% of what we see in-game). Puffypuff 23:28, 12 December 2006 (CET)
  • Ability to shoot out Streetlamps. Also Streetlamps should be a bit brighter, they are too dark compared to their size. W0lle 17:54, 14 December 2006 (CET)
  • slow down collapsing animation for buildings --Balschoiw 01:47, 18 December 2006 (CET)