Bug or Feature – ArmA: Armed Assault

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Bug of Feature?


At times it might not be quite clear whether certain features or behaviours are bugs, planned features, engine limitations, or just false expectations due to confusing documention.

For those cases, this list has been created.

If you come across features where one of the above criteria might apply, put it here first, and then, once it has been determined to be a true bug, it will then be moved to the official bug list.

General Issues

AI Issues

  • The AI players disembark the BRDM when the tire is damaged. They don't even try to shoot back with the turret. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • The AI keeps running when gets injured from bullets instead lieing down or trying to shoot back. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
  • At night the AI can see much further than he should be. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
  • The AI can crawl through fences. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa

Audio Issues

Collision Issues

Control Issues

  • Unable to turn after trying to mount (and failed) a vehicle. Only the head is turning like ALT key was pressed. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • Unable to get off roofs. video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • Unable to move when binocular is the selected "weapon". [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • The player moves slower without any weapons. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • Can't move while reloading. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa

Editing & Scripting

  • exit doesn't terminate an SQF script. [1.02] --Kronzky 00:17, 16 January 2007 (CET)
  • setFriend will not make anybody an enemy, even if the value is set to zero. [1.02] --Kronzky 20:57, 16 January 2007 (CET)
  • surfaceType will always return either "#GRASSSOUTH", "#GRASSGENERAL", or "#SANDGENERAL" even inside buildings or in water. --Kronzky 04:26, 31 January 2007 (CET)
  • name fire 'weaponname' does not work properly for Infantry. Unit aims in the air right after each shot even when 'name doTarget name' is given. [1.02]--Boomer 21:52 21 February2007(CET)

Island & Object Issues

  • Some object tumble down to the wrong direction. video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa

Mission Issues

  • On the demo CTF mission the bluefor truck is respawning. Why is that the only one? video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa

Multi Player Issues

  • At the server browser there should be an option to filter out incompatibile server versions. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
  • Autostart feature at the briefing screen even with admin present. I want an official statement if it will be fixed or not, please. It is very important for serious online gaming with planning and weapons/ammunition allocation. [1.02] --Messiah(UA) 15:09, 21 February 2007 (CET)

Dedicated Server Issues

Performance Issues

Physics Issues


Visual Issues

  • Texture problems on Gef6600GT 128MB (even with recent drivers). picture1 picture2 [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • Sometimes it gets dark too sudden. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
This bug [was fixed] in 1.05 --Messiah(UA) 15:15, 21 February 2007 (CET)
  • Sometimes it's too dark to look without night vision, and the night visions picture is also unusable. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
Maybe you set your gamma/contrast settings too low? --Messiah(UA) 15:15, 21 February 2007 (CET)
No, it's happening at night. -Armaaa
  • The character animations (for example reloading) is not interrputed when the player gets a deadly wound. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa


  • The RPG is not as deadly as it should(?) be. video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • The silenced ammo is NOT the default ammo for silenced M4/AK74. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • If silenced ammo is loaded in the (regular) M4 it behaves like a silenced gun for everyone else. video Is it like it's meant to be? Because you can't load the silenced ammo in AK74. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa
  • Reloading sound seems to be unsyncronised with the reloading animations. [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa