Bug or Feature – ArmA: Armed Assault

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Bug of Feature?


At times it might not be quite clear whether certain features or behaviours are bugs, planned features, engine limitations, or just false expectations due to confusing documention.

For those cases, this list has been created.

If you come across features where one of the above criteria might apply, put it here first, and then, once it has been determined to be a true bug, it will then be moved to the official bug list.

General Issues

AI Issues

In the second mission where I have to be an AT insurgent and must destroy 5 tanks:

I fired 3 ATs. Got 2 extra from an ammo dump. Killed a man guarding the route to the 2 last tanks I have to destory. After getting his ammo I don't have my US automatic rifle in my hands. My hands look like I carry the rif;e but I don't see it. However I can should - I see a cross. Yet when I use my visor nothing shows at all and I don't know where to should. Again I can should shot, but I can see the file.

After getting an AK from a dead enemy I can see the weapon visually.

Of course the AK is'nt better for good aiming.

Cheers UKoppie (ANdre Koppers)

Audio Issues

Collision Issues

Control Issues

  • Unable to get off roofs. video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa

Editing & Scripting

  • exit doesn't terminate an SQF script. [1.02] --Kronzky 00:17, 16 January 2007 (CET)
  • setFriend will not make anybody an enemy, even if the value is set to zero. [1.02] --Kronzky 20:57, 16 January 2007 (CET)
  • surfaceType will always return either "#GRASSSOUTH", "#GRASSGENERAL", or "#SANDGENERAL" even inside buildings or in water. --Kronzky 04:26, 31 January 2007 (CET)
  • join will not work. After the joining, the units doesn´t follow their new leader chaos 06:46, 23 March 2007 (CET)

Island & Object Issues

Mission Issues

  • On the demo CTF mission the bluefor truck is respawning. Why is that the only one? video [1.03.5116 demo] -Armaaa

Multi Player Issues

  • At the server browser there should be an option to filter out incompatibile server versions. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa

Dedicated Server Issues

Allow interaction to the dedicated server from localhost.

If you gave access to the admincommands through a socket on the dedicated server like the RCon protocol does in BF2, we as a community could build proper tools for governing an Armed Assault dedicated server

Performance Issues

Physics Issues

Visual Issues

  • Sometimes it's too dark to look without night vision, and the night visions picture is also unusable. [1.04.5121] -Armaaa
Maybe you set your gamma/contrast settings too low? --Messiah(UA) 15:15, 21 February 2007 (CET)
No, it's happening at night. -Armaaa
  • Since the menu, the game engine has a horrible bug: the sky is twinkling pieces in black and white. when the mission is in sunset, the twinkling pieces are yellow. by the way, sometimes, suddenly, the entire screen looks a bit more dark, and backs to the normal color scheme, except the sky, obviously. (arma 1.04/win xp sp2 - abit kn9/athlon 64 x2/bfg 8800gts)


In the Difficulty settings panel there is an option to Enable/Disable Rifle Tracers. This option is not working at all; regardless whether it's enabled or disabled all rifles (including even sniper rifles) fire tracer rounds. Please correct this issue. The new add-on sniper rifles that came with the version 1.04 do not fire tracer rounds (Russian KSVK and American M107 Beretta). The stock sniper rifles on the West and on the East side are all fit with tracers - a gross oversight from the point of view of realism which BIS is trying to portray. -SluggCDN

It's already filed as a bug. --Kronzky 23:30, 4 April 2007 (CEST)