
From Bohemia Interactive Community
Revision as of 21:13, 11 May 2018 by R3vo (talk | contribs) (see also)
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Create a task.


[owner, nameOrParent, details, destination, state, priority, showNotification, type, shared] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate
owner: Boolean, Object, Group, Side or Array - Task owner(s)
nameOrParent: String or Array - Task name or array in the format [task name, parent task name]
details: Array or String - Task description in the format ["description", "title", "marker"] or CfgTaskDescriptions classname as string
destination: Object, Array or String (default: objNull) - Task destination (object, position or marker)
state: Boolean, Number or String - Task state (or true to set as current)
priority: Number - Task priority (when automatically selecting a new current task, higher priority is selected first)
showNotification: Boolean (default: true) - Show notification
type: String - Task type as defined in the CfgTaskTypes
shared: Boolean (default: false) - Should the task being shared, if set to true, the assigned players are being counted
Return Value:


Example 1:
[civilian,["task1"],["Do this and you get a cookie","Earn Cookie","cookiemarker"],[0,0,0],1,2,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate
Example 2:
[west,["task2"],["Good luck finding this cookie","Find Cookie","cookiemarker2"],objNull,1,3,true] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate //Task without a map location

Additional Information

See also:
BIS fnc deleteTaskBIS fnc setTaskBIS fnc setTaskLocalBIS fnc sharedObjectivesBIS fnc taskAlwaysVisibleBIS fnc taskChildrenBIS fnc taskCompletedBIS fnc taskCurrentBIS fnc taskDescriptionBIS fnc taskDestinationBIS fnc taskExistsBIS fnc taskHintBIS fnc taskParentBIS fnc taskRealBIS fnc taskSetAlwaysVisibleBIS fnc taskSetCurrentBIS fnc taskSetDescriptionBIS fnc taskSetDestinationBIS fnc taskSetStateBIS fnc taskSetTypeBIS fnc taskStateBIS fnc tasksUnitBIS fnc taskTypeBIS fnc taskTypeIconBIS fnc taskVarArma 3 Task FrameworkArma 3 Tasks Overhaul


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Posted on February 2, 2018 - 13:15 (UTC)
Lou Montana
You can define a CfgTaskDescriptions part in description.ext, such as: class CfgTaskDescriptions { class myTask { title = $STR_MyTaskTitle; description = $STR_MyTaskDescription; }; }; This should allow tasks to be localised for every player in MP. You can use "myTask" as details parameter.