Military Symbols

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Military Symbols allow to display units' military symbol in real time either in-game (above units), on map or both.


Module Location

  • Arma 2: Modules (F7)
  • Arma 3 Eden Editor: Systems (F5) > Modules > Other > Military Symbols

Enable Icons

Place the "Military Symbols" module and include the code following in the init line: setGroupIconsVisible [<<true/false -- markers on map>>, <<true/false -- 3D markers>>];

Set up Module

Set variables to BIS_marta_mainscope with desired values

  • rules = <array>; - custom settings which defines how will be each side/faction shown. Array contains of array in format [<prefix>,<markercolor>]. Prefix is one of NATO marker prefixes ("b_" for BLUFOR,"o_" for OPFOR or "n_" for NEUTRAL) and markercolor is color of marker from CfgMarkerColors. If number of array items is 4, it is applied to sides. Otherwise it is applied to factions.
Example: BIS_marta_mainscope setVariable ["rules", [["o_", "colorred"], ["b_", "colorgreen"], ["n_", "colorgreen"], ["n_", "coloryellow"]]];
Default value: [["o_", "colorred"], ["b_", "colorgreen"], ["n_", "colorgreen"], ["n_", "coloryellow"]]

To set up colors in RGB format put the following into module`s init line:

Example: this setVariable ["rules", [["o_", [0.00001, 1, 0, 1]], ["b_", [1, 0, 0, 1]], ["n_", [0, 0.7, 0, 1]], ["n_", [0.8, 0.8, 0, 0]]], true]

Where array after prefix has format : [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha (transparency)]

  • delay = <number>; - Refresh delay in seconds
Example: BIS_marta_mainscope setVariable ["delay", 0.1];
Default value: 0.5
  • duration = <number>; - duration defines how long will be markers shown after group get out from detection area (destroyed groups will have 1/10 of this duration)
Example: BIS_marta_mainscope setVariable ["duration", 600];
Default value: 300 (5 minutes)
  • minSize = <number>; - Minimal size of group which is requested to draw a marker.
Example: BIS_marta_mainscope setVariable ["minSize", 3];
Default value: 1
  • WPgroups = <array>; - Set which groups will have displayed waypoints.
Example: BIS_marta_mainscope setVariable ["WPgroups", [group soldier1, group player]];
Default value: empty array

Set up groups

  • MARTA_customIcon = <string>; - Define custom marker class for given group
Example: (group player) setVariable ["MARTA_customIcon", "b_recon"];
  • MARTA_WP_isText = <boolean>; - true if waypoints numbers are to be displayed
Example: (group ruOfficer) setVariable ["MARTA_WP_isText", true];

Set up units

  • MARTA_showRules = <array>; - Custom show rules of specific unit for given faction (1 is always show, 0 means automatic detection when spotted, -1 is never show).
Example: player setVariable ["MARTA_showRules", ["USMC", 1, "CDF", 0]];
(GeneralCarver, 11/27/10) - As of Arma 2 v1.7 and Operation Arrowhead v1.55 this command seems to be ignored in multiplayer, but works in single player.
A complete list of factions can be found here: faction

  • MARTA_reveal = <array>; - Groups which will be always visible for given unit.
Example: player setVariable ["MARTA_reveal", [group ruTarget]];
  • MARTA_hide = <array>; - Groups which will be always hidden for given unit.
Example: player setVariable ["MARTA_hide", [group usmcPatrol]];


In Arma 2 you have to use waitUntil { not isNil "BIS_fnc_init" };.

Get visible groups

[<position, radius>] call BIS_Marta_getVisibleGroups;
  • <position, radius> - none (using whole map data) or both arguments
  • Returned value: list of groups that have visible NATO marker (in given circle)
  • Returned value: Group - marker associated with group

Marker list


Icon name consists of prefix and name. Prefix is used to define side and can be one of following:

Value Description
n_ neutral

Name defines purpose of the icon. See picture on the right or code below to get visual list of icons:

Value Description
inf Infantry
motor_inf Motorized infantry
mech_inf Mechanized infantry
armor Armored platoon
air Rotary wing aircraft
maint Maintanance group
hq Headquarters
supply Supply convoy
plane Fixed wing aircraft
art Artillery
mortar Mortar
med Medical
recon Reconnaissance team
uav Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
empty Unknown

For example, to set icon of enemy artillery, use prefix o_ and type art to get o_art icon type.

Icons are defined in cfgGroupIcons section.