The description.ext is a text file located in the root of the mission folder which allows you to define many things in your mission. Each entry must be given a new line in the description.ext. The description.ext in fact uses the same syntax as all config files, therefore each line should be terminated with ;. OFP is most often able to recover from missing semicolons, ArmA though is strict and requires a ;.
When editing a mission in the mission editor description.ext is only read when the mission is loaded, not when you preview the mission.
OnLoadMission et al
This displays a message whilst the mission is loading. Note that a mission that takes very little time to load will only display the message for a short time. Care should be taken to see whether your message is readable in that timeframe.
OnLoadMission = "YourMissionName"; OnLoadIntro = "YourMessage";
The OnLoadMission option is used to present the mission name to the user. In MP this is the name you see when selecting a mission and also the name that is presented to the GameSpy browser.
If the option is missing from the description.ext then the filename is presented. *note needs verified
OnLoadIntroTime et al
This allows you to define whether you will see the time and date displayed whilst the mission loads. Variables are True or False.
OnLoadIntroTime = False; OnLoadMissionTime = False;
This feature allows you to set scores for your mission. Score is related to the star display in the debriefing screen. The score can be influenced during a missions progress by using the addRating command.
MinScore = 0; AvgScore = 1800; MaxScore = 7500;
Respawn Options
respawn = RespawnType;
RespawnType | Description |
0 or "NONE" | No respawn |
1 or "BIRD" | Respawn as a seagull |
2 or "INSTANT" | Respawn just where you died. |
3 or "BASE" | Respawn in base. Requires a marker named:
4 or "GROUP" | Respawn in your group (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull). |
5 or "SIDE" | Respawn on your side (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull) - planned, but was never implemented. |
There are three types of sound that can be specified:
- General sounds that can be used for dialog, voiceovers in the briefing etc. These sounds are actioned in a mission by using the commands: say, playSound
- Dialog where one unit talks over the radio, for example using the command sideRadio
- Music using the command playMusic name
General Sounds
class CfgSounds { sounds[] = {}; class wolf1 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\sound\wolf1.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; class wolf2 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\sound\wolf2.ogg", 1, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; };
playSound wolf2
Radio Sounds
class CfgRadio { sounds[] = {}; class RadioMsg1 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\sound\filename1.ogg", db-100, 1.0}; title = "Well all the civilians are now safe in the lodge. I am ready for your orders."; };
class RadioMsg2 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\sound\filename2.ogg", db-100, 1.0}; title = {$STR_RADIO_2}; }; };
unit sideRadio RadioMsg2
class CfgMusic { tracks[]={};
class MarsIntro { name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\filename.ogg", db+0, 1.0}; }; class Ludwig9 { name = ""; sound[] = {"\music\filename.ogg", db+10, 1.0}; }; };
playMusic MarsIntro
Name can be left blank as in the examples above. Only specify a name if you wish to access these sounds via the environment options of a trigger.
Title is the text string that will be displayed on the screen when the sound file is played. See also Stringtable.csv
It is here that you can define the identies of individual units, you can specify the face, type of glasses worn, voice, tone of voice and name of an identity. You then give a specific unit this identity by using the command setIdentity in the mission.
class CfgIdentities { class John_Doe { name="John Bartholemew Doe"; face="Face20"; glasses="None"; speaker="Dan"; pitch=1.1; }; };
See setIdentity for valid options for: face, glasses, speaker etc.
Since Armed Assault it's possible to define keys for every mission. Keys are used for marking mission as completed in mission list (square left to mission name) and for unlocking hidden content.
keys[] = {"key1","key2","key3"}; // List of keys (needed for keysLimit) keysLimit = 2; // Number of keys from the list needed for unlock a mission. doneKeys[] = {"key4"}; // Name of key(s) needed for mark a mission in SP missions list as completed.
See also: activateKey, isKeyActive
Removes all playable units which do not have a human player. (MP)
Note: Disabling all the AI units will prevent JIP into playable units in OFP:Elite and ArmA.
disabledAI = false/true
Enables/Disables the GPS
ShowGPS = 0;
Defines if the debriefing is shown or not at the end of the mission.
debriefing = 0;
Defines if the compass is visible.
showCompass = 0;
Defines if the map is shown after the mission starts.
showMap = 0;
Defines if the NotePad is shown after the mission starts.
showPad = 0;
Defines if the watch is visible.
showWatch = 0;
Dialogs are also configured in the description.ext into classes.
See Dialogs for more information.
TitleParam1 and TitleParam2 are multiplayer options. These options are seen in the lobby of a multiplayer game. These options can be useful for setting time limits and score limits in such games as Capture the Flag and Death Matches. Other popular uses include accelerate time, setting the mission difficulty or switching the intro on/off.
In the mission param1 and param2 have the values of the chosen options. Many people will assign a variable in the init.sqs file to param1 for simplicity, an example of this would be to assign variable timelimit = param1.
titleParam1 = "Time limit:"; valuesParam1[] = {0, 300, 600, 900}; defValueParam1 = 900; textsParam1[] = {"Unlimited", "5 min", "10 min", "15 min", };
titleParam2 = "Score to win:"; valuesParam2[] = {10000, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30}; defValueParam2 = 5; textsParam2[] = {"Unlimited", 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30};
Header Class
With the introduction of OFP:Elite, BI started to include a new class definition in the description.ext. The purpose of this class definition is to signal the engine the gameType which is displayed in the MP game browser. This can assist other players for finding particular missions using the filters.
Here is a basic class example:
class Header { gameType = COOP; //DM, Team, Coop, CTI minPlayers = 1; //min # of players the mission supports maxPlayers = 10; //Max # of players the mission supports playerCountMultipleOf = 1; //OFP:Elite option. };
These are basic types to help with filtering in the MP game browser.
Death Match Capture the Flag Flag Fight Cooperative Mission Team Mission Sector Control Hold Location Unknown - is used when there is no class header is defined.
playerCountMultipleOf was introduced in OFP:Elite, the game server would set the maximum amount of players based on bandwidth and eventually this parameter. The default is 2, so it means the mission will try to balance the game to multiples of 2 (2 vs 2, 4 vs 4, etc.) and you did not end up with a team mission with 5 maximum players(2 vs 3 is unfair?). Coop type missions use 1, Team type missions use 2(default).
In OFP:Elite this file is required for MP missions. If this is not included -1 error is shown when selecting a mission and the mission won't load.
In ArmA if this class is missing the mission will still load with an error in the RPT file and the mission type will be considered Unknown.