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Revision as of 01:53, 10 March 2016 by Killzone Kid (talk | contribs) (clarified description, moving confusing note to talk)
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Exits current scope {...} it is executed from, creates new scope {...code...} and executes the given code in it. Often used for exiting do, for, count or forEach. Exiting waitUntil or onEachFrame scopes with exitWith will have no effect as these scopes are called repeatedly and require different handling to terminate.


if (condition) exitWith code
if (condition): If Type
code: Code
Return Value:


Example 1:
if (_x>5) exitWith {echo "_x is too big"; _x} When _x is greater than 5, outputs message and terminates code in current level with value of _x.
Example 2:
for "_j" from 1 to 10 do { player sideChat format ["%1",_j]; if (_j==5) exitWith {player sideChat "5 is enough"}; }; player sideChat "Complete"; Only the "for" loop will exit when the exitWith condition has been fulfilled (not the whole script). Execution will continue after the end of the loop (player sideChat "Complete").
Example 3:
Most loops will also terminate when their scope exited. To exit and terminate scopes which are called every frame such as onEachFrame and waitUntil use the following examples: onEachFrame { if (!alive player) exitWith { onEachFrame {} } } _time = time + 10; waitUntil { if (time > _time) exitWith { true } }

Additional Information

See also:
scopeNamebreakOutbreakToelseControl Structuresthen , assert


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Posted on May 28, 2010 - 22:15
Since ArmA2 uses Blocks in FSM as any ordinary Handle like while, for etc. in Scripts, ExitWith also only closes the Block in the FSM.
Posted on August 04, 2013 - 12:20
The command will exit the current scope - no ifs no buts. If the current scope is a loop, it will exit the loop. If the current scope is the main body of a script, it will exit the script. For more understanding of scopes and exitWith have a look at this resource.
Posted on January 06, 2014 - 13:41
To further explain Killzone_Kid's above statement, exitWith does not work as described within any subsequent inner scopes of a loop - it will only simply exit the current scope. For example, this code will not exit the while loop:
while {true} do { // 'while' scope if (player == (leader player)) then { // 'if-then' scope if (time > (5 * 60)) exitWith {}; // This will only exit the 'if-then' scope }; sleep 1; }; hint "Mission Started"; // This code will never execute

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