override bool | IsValid (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action, vector actionPosition, out ESupportStationReasonInvalid reasonInvalid, out int supplyCost) |
| Executed when action has been executed.
override void | OnExecutedServer (notnull IEntity actionOwner, notnull IEntity actionUser, notnull SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Executed the support Station effect (Server only).
void | OnExecutedServer (notnull IEntity actionOwner, notnull IEntity actionUser, notnull SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Executed the support Station effect (Server only).
bool | IsValid (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action, vector actionPosition, out ESupportStationReasonInvalid reasonInvalid, out int supplyCost) |
| Executed when action has been executed.
ESupportStationType | GetSupportStationType () |
| Get Support station type.
ESupportStationPriority | GetSupportStationPriority () |
| Get Support station priority.
void | SetEnabled (bool enable) |
| Set support station enabled.
bool | IsEnabled () |
| Get if support station is enabled.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnEnabledChanged () |
| Get scriptinvoker when support station is enabled changes.
SCR_Faction | GetFaction () |
| Get current faction of Support Station (Or if allowed get default faction)
int | GetMaxAvailableSupplies () |
| Scan for the max available supplies that can be used for the action.
bool | AreSuppliesEnabled () |
| Get if support station should check for supplies.
SCR_ResourceConsumer | GetResourceConsumer () |
float | GetRange () |
| Returns range.
bool | IsInRange (notnull IEntity actionOwner, vector actionPosition) |
| param[in] actionOwner Owner of the support station action to check range of param[in] actionPosition Action position if the bounding box is not used or in valid to check range
bool | UsesRange () |
| If true then the action will use range, if false it will not use range and only execute if the action and the action manager is on the entity itself.
vector | GetPosition () |
| Get the center of the Support station that is used with range + offset.
vector | GetOffset () |
bool | IgnoreSelf () |
| If true and the action uses range it will never check itself.
LocalizedString | GetOverrideUserActionName () |
bool | OverrideDamageState (EDamageState damageState, bool checkIfHasDamageSystem) |
| Allows devs to functionally destroy the Support station (or other state) without the need of a DamageManager.
override bool | RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer) |
override bool | RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader) |
override void | EOnInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
override void | OnDelete (IEntity owner) |
float | GetMaxHealScaled () |
float | GetDamageOrStateToHeal (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, notnull SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction action, out EDamageType activeDoT, out notnull array< HitZone > hitZones) |
override int | GetSupplyCostAction (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Get the minimum amount of supplies needed for the action.
override void | OnExecute (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, int playerId, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Called by OnExecuteBroadcast and is executed both on server and on client playerId can be -1 if the user was not a player.
void | OnExecuteDamageSystemBroadcast (RplId ownerId, RplId userId, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, int actionId, float healthScaled) |
void | OnExecuteDamageSystem (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, SCR_BaseDamageHealSupportStationAction action, float healthScaled) |
void | SendDamageSupportStationNotification (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action, SCR_EDamageSupportStationHealState healState, float healthScaled) |
void | FindEntityIds (IEntity owner, IEntity user, out RplId ownerId, out RplId userId, out int playerId) |
void | GetEntitiesFromID (RplId ownerId, RplId userId, out IEntity owner, out IEntity user) |
void | OnExecuteBroadcast (RplId ownerId, RplId userId, int userPlayerId, int actionId) |
void | OnExecute (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, int playerId, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Called by OnExecuteBroadcast and is executed both on server and on client playerId can be -1 if the user was not a player.
void | OnSuccessfullyExecuted (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
void | PlaySoundEffect (SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration audioConfig, notnull IEntity soundOwner, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
void | PlayCharacterVoiceEvent (IEntity character) |
void | SetEnabledBroadcast (bool enable) |
bool | IsMoving () |
bool | IsUserValidFaction (IEntity user) |
int | GetSupplyCostAction (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, SCR_BaseUseSupportStationAction action) |
| Get the minimum amount of supplies needed for the action.
bool | HasEnoughSupplies (IEntity actionOwner, IEntity actionUser, int supplyAmountToCheck) |
bool | OnConsumeSuppliesServer (int amount) |
| Action is executed and supplies are used (Server Only)
SCR_ResourceComponent | GetResourceComponent () |
bool | GetSendNotificationOnUse () |
SCR_AudioSourceConfiguration | GetOnUseAudioConfig () |
void | GetPlayerIdsInVehicle (IEntity vehicle, out notnull array< int > playerIds) |
void | OnHitZoneDamageStateChanged (SCR_HitZone defaultHitZone) |
| Called when default hitZone damage state changed. Not called if entity has a damage manager.
void | OnDamageStateChanged (EDamageState damageState) |
| Called when damage manager (or default hitZone) damage state changes.
void | AddRemoveOnDamageStateChanged (IEntity owner, bool subscribe) |
| Grabs either damage manager or HitZoneContainer to subscribe to OnDamageStateChanged.
bool | InitValidSetup () |
void | TEMP_OnInteractorReplicated () |
void | DelayedInit (IEntity owner) |