Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_CharacterTriggerEntity:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTriggerEntity
void SetActivationPresence (SCR_EScenarioFrameworkTriggerActivation EActivationPresence)
 Sets Activation Presence.
void SetSpecificClassName (notnull array< string > aClassName)
 Sets specific classnames to be searched in the trigger.
void SetPrefabFilters (notnull array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPrefabFilter > aPrefabFilter)
 Sets specific prefab filters to be searched in the trigger.
void SetSearchVehicleInventory (bool search)
 Sets if trigger should also search vehicle inventory when looking for prefabs/classnames inside.
void SetOnce (bool bOnce)
 Sets if trigger can be finished just once.
void SetNotificationEnabled (bool notificationEnabled)
 Sets if HUD notifications are enabled.
void SetTriggerConditionsStatus (bool status)
 Sets trigger conditions status.
void SetEnableAudio (bool enableAudio)
 Sets if audio features from this trigger are enabled.
void SetMinimumPlayersNeeded (float minimumPlayersNeededPercentage)
 Sets minimum player percentage needed to finish this trigger.
void SetPlayerActivationNotificationTitle (string sTitle)
 Sets HUD activation notification title.
void SetActivationCountdownTimer (float activationCountdownTimer)
 Sets activation coundown timer.
void SetCountdownAudio (string sAudioName)
 Sets which audio can be played from activating this trigger.
void SetCustomTriggerConditions (array< ref SCR_CustomTriggerConditions > triggerConditions)
 Sets custom trigger conditions.
void SetEntityEnteredActions (array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBase > entityEnteredActions)
void SetEntityLefActions (array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBase > entityLefActions)
void SetFinishedActions (array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBase > finishedActions)
void SetOwnerFaction (FactionKey sFaction)
 Sets faction that "owns" this trigger.
bool IsMaster ()
 Returns if this is executed in a server environment.
Faction GetOwnerFaction ()
 Returns trigger faction owner.
ResourceName GetCountdownHUD ()
 Returns the countdown HUD resource name.
float GetActivationCountdownTimer ()
 Returns activation countdown timer.
float GetActivationCountdownTimerTemp ()
 Returns activation countdown timer temporary value which is calculated by the trigger but changes over time.
float GetMinimumPlayersNeededPercentage ()
 Returns minimum players needed percentage.
string GetPlayerActivationNotificationTitle ()
 Returns player activation notification title.
bool GetNotificationEnabled ()
 Returns if HUD notifications are enabled.
bool GetTriggerConditionsStatus ()
 Returns trigger conditions status.
int GetCountInsideTrigger ()
 Returns number of all the entities that are inside this trigger.
int GetCountEntitiesInside ()
 Returns all entities that are inside this trigger.
int GetPlayersCountByFaction ()
 Returns number of players in game by the faction set for this trigger.
int GetSpecificClassCountInsideTrigger (string className, int targetCount=-1)
 Returns number of specific class that is inside of this trigger.
int GetSpecificPrefabCountInsideTrigger (BaseContainer prefabContainer, int targetCount=-1, bool includeInheritance=false)
 Returns number of specific prefab that is inside of this trigger.
int GetCharacterCountByFactionInsideTrigger (Faction faction, int targetCount=-1)
 Returns number of characters from the selected faction that are inside this trigger.
int GetPlayersCountByFactionInsideTrigger (Faction faction)
 Returns number of players from the selected faction that are inside this trigger.
void GetPlayersByFactionInsideTrigger (notnull out array< IEntity > aOut)
 Returns all the players by the faction set for this trigger.
void GetPlayersByFaction (notnull out array< IEntity > aOut)
 Returns all the players in the game.
override bool ScriptedEntityFilterForQuery (IEntity ent)
 Override this method in inherited class to define a new filter.
void FinishTrigger (IEntity ent)
 Finishes trigger.
void ActivationPresenceConditions ()
 Checks activation presesence conditions.
void OnDeactivateCalledLater (IEntity ent)
void HandleAudio ()
 Checks if trigger conditions are met, plays countdown music if true, stops if false.
void PlayMusic (string sAudio)
 Plays specified audio track, sets countdown music playing flag, and calls RPC.
void StopMusic (string sAudio)
 Stops music with given audio name, also stops countdown music if playing.
void OnChange (IEntity ent)
ScriptInvoker GetOnChange ()
void SetInitSequenceDone (bool init)
 Sets Init sequence as done or not.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseTriggerEntity
ScriptInvoker GetOnActivate ()
ScriptInvoker GetOnDeactivate ()
bool ScriptedEntityFilterForQuery (IEntity ent)
 Override this method in inherited class to define a new filter. This base filter will not be used unless overridden!
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseGameTriggerEntity
ScriptInvoker GetOnQueryFinished ()
proto external bool QueryEntityInside (notnull IEntity ent)
proto external void QueryEntitiesInside ()
proto external bool DefaultEntityFilterForQuery (IEntity ent)
proto external int GetEntitiesInside (out notnull array< IEntity > outEntities)
 Get the entities inside the triggers.
proto external void SetSphereRadius (float radius)
proto external float GetSphereRadius ()
proto external void SetUpdateRate (float updateRate)
proto external float GetUpdateRate ()
proto external void EnablePeriodicQueries (bool enable)
proto external bool IsPeriodicQueriesEnabled ()
proto external void AddFilterName (string name)
 Add a name to the filter.
proto external bool RemoveFilterName (string name)
 Remove a name from the filter.
proto external void AddClassType (TypeName classType)
 Add a class type to the filter.
proto external bool RemoveClassType (TypeName classType)
 Remove a class type from the filter.
proto external void AddPrefabFilter (PrefabFilter prefabFilter)
 Add a prefab filter to the filters.
proto external bool RemovePrefabFilter (PrefabFilter prefabFilter)
 Remove a prefab filter from the filters.
proto external EQueryEntitiesFlags GetTraceMask ()
 Get flag(s) from the traces done by the the trigger.
proto external void SetTraceMask (EQueryEntitiesFlags flags)
 Sets trace mask.
proto external void ClearTraceMask (EQueryEntitiesFlags flags)
 Clears trace mask.
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTriggerEntity
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBasem_aEntityEnteredActions
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBasem_aEntityLeftActions
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionBasem_aFinishedActions
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTriggerEntity
static ref ScriptInvokerBase< ScriptInvokerTriggerUpdated > s_OnTriggerUpdated = new ScriptInvokerBase<ScriptInvokerTriggerUpdated>()
static ref ScriptInvokerInt s_OnTriggerUpdatedPlayerNotPresent = new ScriptInvokerInt()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTriggerEntity
void CustomTriggerConditions ()
 This method handles custom conditions.
void HandleNetworkComponentForPlayersInside (IEntity ent)
 Handles players inside the trigger or those who left it.
void ProcessPlayerNetworkComponent (IEntity entity, bool leftTrigger=false)
 Processes the entity and its Network component to replicate only for each player inside the trigger.
void HandleTimer ()
 Handles if timer should be ticking or not.
void UpdateTimer ()
 Updates the timer value and passes info to HUD.
override void OnActivate (IEntity ent)
override void OnQueryFinished (bool bIsEmpty)
override void OnDeactivate (IEntity ent)
void RpcDo_PlayMusic (string sAudio)
 Plays specified audio in music manager if available.
void RpcDo_StopMusic (string sAudio)
 Stops music with given audio name.
override void EOnInit (IEntity owner)
 Initializes the trigger.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseTriggerEntity
bool IsAlive (IEntity entity)
override void OnActivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - activation - occurs when and entity which fulfills the filter definitions enters the Trigger
override void OnDeactivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - deactivation - occurs when and entity which was activated (OnActivate) leaves the Trigger
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ScriptedGameTriggerEntity
void OnInit (IEntity owner)
void OnFrame (IEntity owner, float timeSlice)
void OnActivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - activation - occurs when and entity which fulfills the filter definitions enters the Trigger
void OnDeactivate (IEntity ent)
 callback - deactivation - occurs when and entity which was activated (OnActivate) leaves the Trigger
void OnQueryFinished (bool bIsEmpty)
 callback - query finished - occurs when the current query finished being processd and has updated results
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ScenarioFrameworkTriggerEntity
FactionKey m_sOwnerFactionKey
SCR_EScenarioFrameworkTriggerActivation m_eActivationPresence
ref array< string > m_aSpecificEntityNames
ref array< string > m_aSpecificClassNames
ref array< ref SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPrefabFilterm_aPrefabFilter
ref array< ref SCR_CustomTriggerConditionsm_aCustomTriggerConditions
bool m_bSearchVehicleInventory
bool m_bOnce
float m_fMinimumPlayersNeededPercentage
float m_fActivationCountdownTimer
bool m_bNotificationEnabled
ResourceName m_sCountdownHUD
string m_sPlayerActivationNotificationTitle
bool m_bEnableAudio
string m_sCountdownAudio
ref set< BaseContainer > m_aPrefabContainerSet = new set<BaseContainer>()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnChange
Faction m_OwnerFaction
float m_fTempWaitTime = m_fActivationCountdownTimer
bool m_bInitSequenceDone = false
bool m_bCountdownMusicPlaying
ref array< IEntity > m_aEntitiesInside = {}
ref array< IEntity > m_aPlayersInside = {}
MusicManager m_MusicManager
bool m_bTriggerConditionsStatus
bool m_bTimerActive
int m_iCountInsideTrigger
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseTriggerEntity
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnActivate = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnDeactivate = new ScriptInvoker()
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseGameTriggerEntity
ref ScriptInvoker Event_OnQueryFinished = new ScriptInvoker()

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: