override void | SetTransform (vector transform[4], bool changedByUser=false) |
| Update entity's transformation and broadcast the changes to all clients.
override ScriptInvoker | GetOnUIRefresh () |
| Get event called when GUI should refresh entity's GUI, i.e., update faction color and call events in GUI widgets.
void | SCR_EditableSpawnPointComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
ScriptInvoker_EditableDescriptorLocationChange | GetOnChange () |
bool | UpdateNearestLocation (vector pos=vector.Zero) |
| Update location name.
override bool | RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer) |
override bool | RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader) |
void | SCR_EditableDescriptorComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
override Faction | GetFaction () |
| Get entity's faction.
override ScriptInvoker | GetOnUIRefresh () |
| Get event called when GUI should refresh entity's GUI, i.e., update faction color and call events in GUI widgets.
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
void | ~SCR_EditableSystemComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
string | GetDisplayName () |
| Get entity name from info component.
ResourceName | GetPrefab (bool shorten=false) |
| Get entity prefab.
SCR_EditableEntityComponentClass | GetEditableEntityData (IEntity owner=null) |
| Get prefab data of this editable entity.
EEditableEntityType | GetEntityType (IEntity owner=null) |
| Get entity type.
SCR_EditableEntityInteraction | GetEntityInteraction (IEntity owner=null) |
| Get entity interaction rules of this entity.
SCR_UIInfo | GetInfo (IEntity owner=null) |
| Get information about the entity.
ScriptInvokerEntity | GetOnDeleted () |
| Get event called when entity is deleted.
void | SetInfoInstance (SCR_UIInfo info) |
| Set information about the entity on entity instance, locally on this machine.
bool | IsReplicated (out RplId replicationID=-1) |
| Check component's replication.
bool | Serialize (out SCR_EditableEntityComponent outTarget=null, out int outTargetIndex=-1, out EEditableEntitySaveFlag outSaveFlags=0) |
| Check if the entity can be serialized during session saving managed by SCR_EditableEntityStruct.
void | Deserialize (SCR_EditableEntityComponent target, int targetValue) |
| Deserialise the entity based on given params.
GenericEntity | GetOwnerScripted () |
bool | GetPos (out vector pos) |
| Get position representing the entity.
vector | GetIconPos () |
| Get icon offset.
bool | GetTransform (out vector outTransform[4]) |
| Get world transformation matrix of editable entity.
bool | GetLocalTransform (out vector outTransform[4]) |
| Get local transformation matrix of editable entity.
int | GetPlayerID () |
| Get player controlling this entity.
void | SetAuthor (int playerID) |
| Sets AuthorID (player that modified this entity last) in Session.
void | SetAuthor (SCR_EditableEntityAuthor author) |
| Sets AuthorID (player that modified this entity last) from a Save.
SCR_EditableEntityAuthor | GetAuthor () |
string | GetAuthorUID () |
| Returns author UID.
string | GetAuthorPlatformID () |
| Returns author Platform ID.
int | GetAuthorPlayerID () |
| Returns author Player ID.
int | GetAuthorLastUpdated () |
| Returns Unix Time of last modification.
PlatformKind | GetAuthorPlatform () |
| Returns Unix Time of last modification.
void | SetAuthorUID (string authorUID) |
| Set Author UID (for normal usage use SetAuthor())
void | SetAuthorPlatformID (string authorPlatformID) |
void | SetAuthorUpdatedTime (int updatedLast) |
| Set Time of last update.
void | SetAuthorPlatform (PlatformKind authorPlatform) |
Faction | GetFaction () |
| Get entity's faction.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnUIRefresh () |
| Get event called when GUI should refresh entity's GUI, i.e., update faction color and call events in GUI widgets.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnUIReset () |
| Get event called when GUI should reset widgets that are used for entity visualization.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetAIGroup () |
| Get entity's AI group.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetAIEntity () |
| Get entity which represents this entity as AI.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetVehicle () |
| Get vehicle the entity's in.
int | GetCrew (out notnull array< CompartmentAccessComponent > crewCompartmentAccess, bool ignorePlayers=true) |
| Get crew of vehicle or if in a vehicle get self.
float | GetHealth () |
| Get entity health.
bool | CanDestroy () |
bool | IsDestroyed () |
| Check if the entity is destroyed.
void | SetStatic (bool isStatic) |
| Set entity as static.
bool | GetStatic () |
| Check if the entity is marked as static.
void | UpdateStaticPos () |
| Update static cached position.
void | SetHierarchyAsDirtyInParents () |
| Mark hierarchy in all parents of the entity as dirty, i.e., modified by user.
void | SetHierarchyAsDirty () |
| Mark entity hierarchy as dirty, i.e., modified by user.
void | SetTransformWithChildren (vector transform[4]) |
| Update transformation of the entity and all its editor children and broadcast the changes to all clients.
void | SetTransform (vector transform[4], bool changedByUser=false) |
| Update entity's transformation and broadcast the changes to all clients.
bool | Destroy () |
| Kill/destroy this editable entity.
bool | Delete (bool changedByUser=false, bool updateNavmesh=false) |
| Delete this editable entity.
RplId | GetOwnerRplId () |
float | GetMaxDrawDistanceSq () |
| Get squared maximum distance in which this entity is drawn in editor (e.g., with an icon).
void | SetMaxDrawDistance (float maxDrawDistance) |
| Set maximum distance in which this entity is drawn in editor (e.g., with an icon).
bool | GetEntityBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null) |
| Get entity budget costs.
bool | GetEntityChildrenBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null) |
| Get entity budget costs including cost of children (for groups/compositions)
bool | GetEntityAndChildrenBudgetCost (out notnull array< ref SCR_EntityBudgetValue > outBudgets, IEntity owner=null) |
| Get budgets for both, entity and it's children.
bool | CanDuplicate (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > outRecipients) |
| Can entity be duplicated by editor and which recipients should be passed to the duplicated entity Overridden by other EditableEntityComponents.
void | ForceVehicleCompartments (notnull array< ECompartmentType > forceVehicleCompartments) |
| Authority Only, forces entities such as Character and Group to place characters into a specific vehicle position.
void | OnCreatedServer (notnull SCR_PlacingEditorComponent placedEditorComponent) |
bool | HasEntityState (EEditableEntityState state) |
| Check if given entity state is active.
EEditableEntityState | GetEntityStates () |
| Check bit array with all currently active states.
void | SetEntityState (EEditableEntityState state, bool toSet) |
| Set value of an entity state.
void | ResetEntityStates () |
| Reset all entity states.
bool | HasEntityFlag (EEditableEntityFlag flag) |
| Check if a flag is active.
EEditableEntityFlag | GetEntityFlags () |
| Get entity flags.
void | SetEntityFlag (EEditableEntityFlag flag, bool toSet) |
| Set entity flag.
void | CopyEntityFlags (EEditableEntityFlag flags) |
| Override the Entity flags.
string | GetLogText (string prefix="") |
void | Log (string prefix="", bool onlyDirect=false, LogLevel logLevel=LogLevel.DEBUG) |
| Print out entity information.
void | Log (string prefix, EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Print out the entity and all its descendants which are compatible with given key.
void | LogAccessKey () |
| Print out entity's access key.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | EOnEditorPlace (out SCR_EditableEntityComponent parent, SCR_EditableEntityComponent recipient, EEditorPlacingFlags flags, bool isQueue, int playerID=0) |
| Event called on server when the entity is placed in the editor.
void | EOnEditorSessionLoad (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parent) |
| Event called on server when the session is being loaded by SCR_EditableEntityStruct.
override bool | RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer) |
override bool | RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader) |
override void | OnDelete (IEntity owner) |
override void | OnPostInit (IEntity owner) |
void | SCR_EditableEntityComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent) |
void | Attach (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent attachable) |
| Add the received attachable waypoint to the attached entities (runs on parent)
void | Detach (notnull SCR_EditableEntityComponent attachable) |
| Removes the received attachable waypoint from the attached entities (runs on parent)
set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > | GetAttachedEntities () |
| Returns attached entities of self.
bool | IsAttachable () |
| Returns if current entity is attachable.
bool | IsAttached () |
| Returns if current entity is attached.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetAttachedTo () |
| Returns current entity which this editable task is attached to.
bool | CanSetParent (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity) |
| Check if the entity can be moved to intended parent.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | SetParentEntity (SCR_EditableEntityComponent parentEntity, bool changedByUser=false) |
| Set parent of the entity.
void | RestoreParentEntity () |
| Add the entity to its previous parent after it was unregistered using RemoveParentEntity() Allowed only on server.
void | RemoveParentEntity () |
| Remove entity from its parent.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetParentEntity () |
| Get parent entity.
void | GetParentEntities (out notnull array< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities) |
| Get hierarchy of all parent entities, all the way to the root.
bool | IsChildOf (SCR_EditableEntityComponent entity) |
| Check if the entity is in hierarchy of given entity.
set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > | GetChildrenRef () |
| Get direct reference to entity's immediate children.
void | GetChildren (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities, bool onlyDirect=false, bool skipIgnored=false) |
| Get child entities.
void | GetChildren (out notnull set< SCR_EditableEntityComponent > entities, bool onlyDirect, EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Get child entities with compatible key.
int | GetChildrenCount (bool onlyDirect=false) |
| Get number of child entities.
SCR_EditableEntityComponent | GetChild (int index) |
| Get child on given index.
bool | IsLayer () |
| Check if the entity is also a layer, i.e., has some child entities.
bool | CanEnterLayer (SCR_LayersEditorComponent layersManager=null, bool toExtreme=false) |
| Checks if can enter layer.
bool | IsRegistered () |
| Check if the entity is registered.
void | SetVisible (bool show) |
| Set entity visibility.
void | EnableVisibilityReplication (bool enable) |
bool | CanReplicateVisibility () |
void | OnRplVisibilityChanged () |
bool | GetVisibleSelf () |
| Check visibility setting of the entity.
bool | GetVisibleInHierarchy () |
| Check visibility setting of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is set as visible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).
void | AddAccessKey (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Add access key.
void | RemoveAccessKey (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Remove access key.
void | ClearAccessKeys () |
| Clear all access keys.
EEditableEntityAccessKey | GetAccessKey () |
| Get entity's access key.
bool | HasAccessSelf (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Check access key of the entity.
bool | HasAccessInHierarchy (EEditableEntityAccessKey accessKey) |
| Check acces keys of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is compatible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).
bool | HasAccessSelf () |
| Check access key of the entity compared to those defined in SCR_AccessKeysEditorComponent.
bool | HasAccessInHierarchy () |
| Check access key of the entity in hierarchy (e.g., if an entity is compatible, but its parent is not, false will be returned).