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SCR_GroupButton Interface Reference

Component attached to the group button. More...

Inheritance diagram for SCR_GroupButton:

Public Member Functions

override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
void SetGroup (notnull SCR_AIGroup group)
void UpdateGroup (bool canJoin=true)
void UpdateGroupName ()
string GetGroupName ()
int GetGroupId ()
SCR_AIGroup GetGroup ()
void UpdateGroupPrivacy (bool isPrivate)
void UpdateButtonAvailability (SCR_PlayerControllerGroupComponent groupCtrl)
void UpdateGroupFrequency ()
void UpdateGroupFlag ()
override void SetSelected (bool selected)
 Visually set the button as selected.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_DeployButtonBase
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
Widget GetList ()
GridLayoutWidget GetGridList ()
void ExpandList ()
void CollapseList ()
void SetParentHandler (SCR_DeployRequestUIBaseComponent parent)
void HideTooltip ()
void Update (float dt)
void Lock (bool loadingAnim=false)
 Lock the button (eg. during a request)
void Unlock ()
 Unlock the button (eg. after receiving a request response)
void SetSelected (bool selected)
 Visually set the button as selected.
void SetFocused ()
 Set the button focused.
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override void SetEnabled (bool enabled, bool animate=true)
void SetShouldUnlock (bool shouldUnlock)
 Marks if the buttons should be unlocked when calling the Unlock() method.
void SetTooltipAvailable (bool available)
 Set if tooltip should be shown.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ButtonImageComponent
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
ImageWidget GetImageWidget ()
void SetImage (ResourceName texture, bool fromLocalStorage=false)
void SetImage (ResourceName imageSet, string imageName)
string GetImage (out string imageSet)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ButtonBaseComponent
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
void SetToggled (bool toggled, bool animate=true, bool invokeChange=true, bool instant=false)
bool IsToggled ()
void SetToggleable (bool togglable)
bool GetToggleable ()
void ShowBorder (bool show, bool animate=true)
bool IsBorderShown ()
void SetBackgroundColors (Color defColor=null, Color hoverColor=null, Color selectColor=null, Color selectHoverColor=null, Color clickColor=null)
 Alternate way of setting button background colors through script.
void ColorizeBackground (bool animate=true)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_WLibComponentBase
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
void SetHoverSound (string soundHover)
void SetClickedSound (string soundClicked)
string GetHoverSound ()
string GetClickedSound ()
void SetEnabled (bool enabled, bool animate=true)
void SetVisible (bool visible, bool animate=true)
bool IsEnabled ()
void SetMouseOverToFocus (bool mouseOverToFocus)
void SetDisabledOpacity (float newDisabledOpacity)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
Widget GetRootWidget ()
bool IsVisible ()

Static Public Member Functions

static void SGetGroupName (notnull SCR_AIGroup group, notnull TextWidget widget)
 Set the group name into a TextWidget widget.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ButtonImageComponent
static SCR_ButtonImageComponent GetButtonImage (string name, Widget parent, bool searchAllChildren=true)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ButtonBaseComponent
static SCR_ButtonBaseComponent GetButtonBase (string name, Widget parent, bool searchAllChildren=true)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_WLibComponentBase
static bool SetTexture (ImageWidget widget, ResourceName texture, string image="")
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
static SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent GetComponent (TypeName componentType, string name, Widget parent, bool searchAllChildren=true)
 Base method for component lookup through the widget library.

Protected Member Functions

void SetGroupFull (bool full)
void SetText (string text)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_DeployButtonBase
bool ShouldUnlock ()
 Return true when the button should be unlocked when calling the Unlock() method.
bool ShouldShowTooltip ()
 Get if tooltip should be shown.
void OnTooltipShow (SCR_ScriptedWidgetTooltip tooltip)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ButtonBaseComponent
void OnMenuSelect ()
void MenuSelectBase ()
void FindParentMenu ()
 Finds the parent menu of this component.
bool IsParentMenuFocused ()
 Returns true if parent menu is focused, or if there is no parent menu.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_WLibComponentBase
void OnEnabled (bool animate)
void OnDisabled (bool animate)
bool IsChildWidget (Widget parent, Widget child)
void SetAnimationRate ()
void PlaySound (string sound)

Protected Attributes

string m_sGroupName
TextWidget m_wGroupName
string m_sFreq
TextWidget m_wFreq
string m_sPlayerCount
TextWidget m_wPlayerCount
string m_sPrivateGroup
Widget m_wPrivateGroup
string m_sFullGroup
Widget m_wFullGroup
string m_sArrowIcon
ImageWidget m_wArrowIcon
int m_iGroupId
SCR_AIGroup m_Group
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_DeployButtonBase
ref Color m_ColorSelected
ref Color m_ColorWarning
string m_sElements
Widget m_wElements
string m_sList
Widget m_wList
string m_sGridList
GridLayoutWidget m_wGridList
string m_sBackgroundHighlight
Widget m_wBackgroundHighlight
SCR_DeployRequestUIBaseComponent m_ParentHandler
ButtonWidget m_wRootButton
Widget m_wLoading
SCR_LoadingSpinner m_Loading
SCR_ScriptedWidgetTooltip m_ControlsTooltip
bool m_bCanBeUnlocked = true
bool m_bShowTooltip = true
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ButtonBaseComponent
bool m_bIsToggled
MenuBase m_ParentMenu
SCR_SubMenuBase m_ParentSubMenu
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_WLibComponentBase
string m_sSoundHovered
string m_sSoundClicked
float m_fAnimationTime
bool m_bMouseOverToFocus
float m_fDisabledOpacity
float m_fAnimationRate
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
Widget m_wRoot

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ButtonImageComponent
ResourceName m_sTexture
string m_sImageName
ImageWidget m_wImage
ref ScriptInvoker< Widget > m_OnMouseEnter = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker< Widget > m_OnMouseLeave = new ScriptInvoker()
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ButtonBaseComponent
bool m_bCanBeToggled
bool m_bUseColorization
ref Color m_BackgroundDefault
ref Color m_BackgroundHovered
ref Color m_BackgroundSelected
ref Color m_BackgroundSelectedHovered
ref Color m_BackgroundClicked
bool m_bShowBorderOnFocus
bool m_bShowBackgroundOnFocus
bool m_bNoBorderAnimation
bool m_bNoBackgroundAnimation
bool m_bShowBorderOnHover
Widget m_wBackground
Widget m_wBorder
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnClicked = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnToggled = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker< Widget > m_OnFocus = new ScriptInvoker<Widget>()
ref ScriptInvoker< Widget > m_OnFocusLost = new ScriptInvoker<Widget>()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnShowBorder = new ScriptInvoker()
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ScriptedWidgetComponent
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnClick = new ScriptInvoker
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_WLibComponentBase
static const float START_ANIMATION_RATE = 10001
static const float START_ANIMATION_PERIOD = 250
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_DeployButtonBase
static SCR_DeployButtonBase s_ExpandedList

Detailed Description

Component attached to the group button.

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetGroup()

SCR_AIGroup SCR_GroupButton.GetGroup ( )

◆ GetGroupId()

int SCR_GroupButton.GetGroupId ( )

◆ GetGroupName()

string SCR_GroupButton.GetGroupName ( )

◆ HandlerAttached()

override void SCR_GroupButton.HandlerAttached ( Widget  w)

Implements SCR_DeployButtonBase.

◆ SetGroup()

void SCR_GroupButton.SetGroup ( notnull SCR_AIGroup  group)

◆ SetGroupFull()

void SCR_GroupButton.SetGroupFull ( bool  full)

◆ SetSelected()

override void SCR_GroupButton.SetSelected ( bool  selected)

Visually set the button as selected.

Implements SCR_DeployButtonBase.

◆ SetText()

void SCR_GroupButton.SetText ( string  text)

◆ SGetGroupName()

static void SCR_GroupButton.SGetGroupName ( notnull SCR_AIGroup  group,
notnull TextWidget  widget 

Set the group name into a TextWidget widget.

◆ UpdateButtonAvailability()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateButtonAvailability ( SCR_PlayerControllerGroupComponent  groupCtrl)

◆ UpdateGroup()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateGroup ( bool  canJoin = true)

◆ UpdateGroupFlag()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateGroupFlag ( )

◆ UpdateGroupFrequency()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateGroupFrequency ( )

◆ UpdateGroupName()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateGroupName ( )

◆ UpdateGroupPrivacy()

void SCR_GroupButton.UpdateGroupPrivacy ( bool  isPrivate)

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_Group

SCR_AIGroup SCR_GroupButton.m_Group

◆ m_iGroupId

int SCR_GroupButton.m_iGroupId

◆ m_sArrowIcon

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sArrowIcon

◆ m_sFreq

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sFreq

◆ m_sFullGroup

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sFullGroup

◆ m_sGroupName

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sGroupName

◆ m_sPlayerCount

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sPlayerCount

◆ m_sPrivateGroup

string SCR_GroupButton.m_sPrivateGroup

◆ m_wArrowIcon

ImageWidget SCR_GroupButton.m_wArrowIcon

◆ m_wFreq

TextWidget SCR_GroupButton.m_wFreq

◆ m_wFullGroup

Widget SCR_GroupButton.m_wFullGroup

◆ m_wGroupName

TextWidget SCR_GroupButton.m_wGroupName

◆ m_wPlayerCount

TextWidget SCR_GroupButton.m_wPlayerCount

◆ m_wPrivateGroup

Widget SCR_GroupButton.m_wPrivateGroup

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: