static SCR_LoginDialogUI | CreateLoginDialog () |
static SCR_PlayerProfileDialogUI | CreateProfileDialog () |
static void | Create2FADialog (string name, string code) |
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | CreateLoginSuccessDialog () |
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | CreateLoginTimeoutDialog () |
static SCR_AccountLockedDialogUi | CreateAccountLockedDialog () |
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | CreateFromPreset (ResourceName presetsResourceName, string tag, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi customDialogObj=null) |
| Creates a dialog from preset.
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | GetCurrentDialog () |
static string | GetCurrentDialogTag () |
static bool | IsPresetValid (ResourceName presetsResourceName, string tag) |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnConfirm = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnCancel = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnClose = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnCloseStart = new ScriptInvoker() |
ref ScriptInvoker | m_OnButtonPressed = new ScriptInvoker() |
static const ResourceName | NAVIGATION_BUTTON_LAYOUT = "{87037226B1A2064B}UI/layouts/WidgetLibrary/Buttons/WLib_NavigationButtonSuperSmall.layout" |
static const string | BUTTON_CONFIRM = "confirm" |
static const string | BUTTON_CANCEL = "cancel" |
bool | UpdateButtons () |
void | ShowLoadingAnim (bool show) |
void | ShowWarningMessage (bool show) |
void | CopyPID () |
| Copy playerID to clipboard.
bool | VerifyFormatting (string text) |
| Override in children.
void | OnCommStatusCheckFinished (SCR_ECommStatus status, float responseTime, float lastSuccessTime, float lastFailTime) |
void | OnTOSButton () |
void | OnSuccess (SCR_BackendCallback callback) |
void | OnFail (SCR_BackendCallback callback, int code, int restCode, int apiCode) |
void | OnTimeout (SCR_BackendCallback callback) |
void | OnFailDelayed (SCR_BackendCallback callback, int code, int restCode, int apiCode) |
void | OnTimeoutScripted () |
void | OnConfirm () |
void | OnCancel () |
void | OnButtonPressed (SCR_InputButtonComponent button) |
void | OnMenuOpen (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset) |
| Called last of all, after all the initialization of main element done.
void | Init (Widget root, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset, MenuBase proxyMenu) |
void | InitWidgets () |
SCR_InputButtonComponent | CreateButton (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiButtonPreset buttonPreset) |
void | Internal_Close () |
void | InitAttributedVariables () |
| Verifies that all attributed variables are set up.
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | CreateByPreset (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi customDialogObj=null) |
static Widget | GetContentWidget (Widget baseWidget) |
| Returns the container in which to place the content layout. Container must be called ContentLayoutContainer.
SCR_InputButtonComponent | m_TOSButton |
SCR_InputButtonComponent | m_ConfirmButton |
SCR_InputButtonComponent | m_CreateAccount |
SCR_ButtonImageComponent | m_CopyButtonComponent |
RichTextWidget | m_wPIDText |
SCR_LoadingOverlay | m_LoadingOverlay |
SCR_SimpleWarningComponent | m_Warning |
bool | m_bForceConfirmButtonDisabled |
bool | m_bIsLoading |
ref SCR_BackendCallback | m_Callback |
float | m_fFadeInTime |
ResourceName | m_sNavigationButtonLayout |
string | m_sWidgetNameButtonsLeft |
string | m_sWidgetNameButtonsRight |
string | m_sWidgetNameButtonsCenter |
ImageWidget | m_wImgTopLine |
ImageWidget | m_wImgTitleIcon |
TextWidget | m_wTitle |
TextWidget | m_wMessage |
VerticalLayoutWidget | m_wContentVerticalLayout |
ref map< string, SCR_InputButtonComponent > | m_aButtonComponents = new map<string, SCR_InputButtonComponent> |
Widget | m_wRoot |
OverlayWidget | m_wDialogBase |
SCR_DynamicFooterComponent | m_DynamicFooter |
MenuBase | m_ProxyMenu |
ref SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset | m_DialogPreset |
string | m_sLastPressedButtonTag |
bool | m_bIsClosing |
const string | TOS_BUTTON = "ProfileTOS" |
const string | TOS_LINK = "Link_PrivacyPolicy" |
const string | REGISTER_BUTTON = "createAccount" |
const string | REGISTER_LINK = "Link_RegisterAccount" |
const string | PID_TEXT_WIDGET = "PIDText" |
const string | PID_BUTTON_WIDGET = "CopyPIDButton" |
const int | ON_FAIL_DELAY = 2000 |
static const ResourceName | DIALOG_CONFIG = "{9381BF296A0E273B}Configs/Dialogs/LoginDialogs.conf" |
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi | m_CurrentDialog |