override void | Init (Widget w, SCR_BaseEditorAttribute attribute) |
| Initialize GUI from attribute.
override void | SetVariableToDefaultValue (SCR_BaseEditorAttributeVar var) |
override void | SetFromVar (SCR_BaseEditorAttributeVar var) |
| Update GUI from attribute variable.
override bool | OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished) |
SCR_BaseEditorAttribute | GetAttribute () |
| Get attribute this component represents.
void | SetFromVar (SCR_BaseEditorAttributeVar var) |
| Update GUI from attribute variable.
void | Init (Widget w, SCR_BaseEditorAttribute attribute) |
| Initialize GUI from attribute.
override bool | OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished) |
void | ShowButtonDescription (SCR_AttributeButtonUIComponent button, bool showButtonDescription, string buttonDescription=string.Empty) |
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAttributeChanged () |
| Called on attribute changed via UI.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnAttributeUIFocusChanged () |
| Called on focus changes.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnEnabledByAttribute () |
| Called when another attribute enables/disables the attribute.
ScriptInvoker | GetOnMouseLeave () |
| Called when the mouse leaves the attribute.
bool | GetTickboxEnabled () |
| Get if tickbox is enabled or not.
void | ToggleEnableAttributeTickbox () |
| Toggle tickbox UI, flipping the tickbox from true to false and viceversa.
bool | GetIsFocused () |
| Get if attribute is focused /return if attribute is focused.
override bool | OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y) |
override bool | OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y) |
override void | HandlerDeattached (Widget w) |
SCR_SliderComponent | m_SliderWidgetComponent |
ref SCR_BaseEditorAttributeEntrySlider | m_SliderData |
float | m_fMaxSliderValue |
float | m_fDefaultValue = float.MAX |
bool | m_bIsTimeSlider |
ETimeFormatParam | m_eHideIfZero |
bool | m_bAlwaysHideSeconds |
string | m_sUiComponentName |
string | m_sTickBoxAttributeName |
string | m_sAttributeHolder |
string | m_sGamePadLockedSelectorName |
string | m_sSubAttributeIndicatorName |
float | m_fSubAttributeDisabledAlphaColor |
ref SCR_EditorAttributeUIInfo | m_ButtonDescriptionUIInfo = new SCR_EditorAttributeUIInfo |
SCR_AttributeButtonUIComponent | m_ActiveButtonDescription |
SCR_ChangeableComponentBase | m_UIComponent |
float | m_fBottomPadding = 1 |
bool | m_bIsSubAttribute |
SCR_AttributeTickboxUIComponent | m_TickBoxAttribute |
Widget | m_GamePadLockedSelector |
SCR_AttributesManagerEditorComponent | m_AttributeManager |
InputManager | m_InputManager |
Widget | m_SubAttributeIndicator |
Widget | m_wAttributeHolder |
bool | m_bEnabledByAttribute |
bool | m_bEnabledByTickbox |
bool | m_bIsFocused |
bool | m_bIsShowingDescription |
bool | m_bShowButtonDescription |
string | m_sButtonDescription |
string | m_sButtonDescriptionParam1 |
ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnAttributeChanged = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnEnabledByAttribute = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnAttributeUIFocusChanged = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnInputDeviceChanged = new ScriptInvoker |
ref ScriptInvoker | Event_OnMouseLeave = new ScriptInvoker |