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Makes a unit or a vehicle fire given muzzle. Make sure that there is some ammo to fire, and, in case of a unit, the weapon with given muzzle is already selected. It can be used to fire pretty much any muzzle on unit or vehicle from anywhere. Available weapons could usually be found with weapons, weaponsTurret and allTurrets commands.
The function is global, it is not to be used in unit fields.
unit will not fire its weapon from FFV position. This is due to forceWeaponFire command ignoring units in FFV.
WeaponsObject ManipulationCombat


[entity, muzzle, turret] call BIS_fnc_fire
entity: Object - unit or vehicle
muzzle: String - muzzle name of the muzzle to fire
turret: Array - (Optional) turret path of the turret with given muzzle (vehicles only)
Return Value:
Boolean - in SP and on hosted server in MP or Nothing on client in MP. When boolean, true if all checks have passed and muzzle should have fired, false if there was a problem, like:
  • no ammo
  • non-existing muzzle
  • the muzzle is on a weapon that is not selected
  • the weapon has no unit operating it


Example 1:
marshall = "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F" createVehicle position player; createVehicleCrew marshall; [marshall, "HE"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires HE muzzle of the main cannon [marshall, "AP"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires AP muzzle of the main cannon [marshall, "autocannon_40mm_CTWS"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires HE muzzle, because it is default [marshall, "LMG_M200_body"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires machine gun [marshall, "SmokeLauncher"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires smoke launcher [marshall, "TruckHorn"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // beeps the horn
Example 2:
[bob, "SmokeShellMuzzle"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // bob throws smoke grenade, if he has one [bob, "HandGrenadeMuzzle"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // bob throws hand grenade, if he has one
Example 3:
blackfoot = "B_Heli_Attack_01_dynamicLoadout_F" createVehicle position player; createVehicleCrew blackfoot; [blackfoot, "missiles_DAGR"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires missiles [blackfoot, "missiles_ASRAAM"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires missiles [blackfoot, "gatling_20mm"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires machine gun [blackfoot, "CMFlareLauncher"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // fires chaff
Example 4:
[vehicle mortargunner, "mortar_82mm"] call BIS_fnc_fire; // mortargunner fires mortar

Additional Information

See also:
fire fireAtTarget forceWeaponFire


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