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- Description:
- A helper function for setting rainParams in multiplayer. The call to the function could be placed in init.sqf to sync rainParams between all clients and JIP. Alternatively execute on server.
- Execution:
- call
- Groups:
- Environment
- Syntax:
- rainParams call BIS_fnc_setRain
- Parameters:
- rainParams: Array or Config - custom RainParticles params, see rainParams. Use empty array [] or configNull to reset to default values
- Return Value:
- Boolean
- Example 1:
- Copy0 setOvercast 1; 0 setRain 1; 0 setFog 0.1; // snow affects visibility at distance setHumidity 0.9; // don't want to see dust clouds enableEnvironment [false, true]; // don't want to see snakes and butterflies either forceWeatherChange; [ "a3\data_f\snowflake4_ca.paa", // rainDropTexture - 4 means it has 4 flakes in it. Other available textures: snowflake8_ca.paa, snowflake16_ca.paa 4, // texDropCount - 4 because we are using texture with 4 flakes. Change to 8 or 16 in accordance with other textures used 0.01, // minRainDensity 25, // effectRadius 0.05, // windCoef 2.5, // dropSpeed 0.5, // rndSpeed 0.5, // rndDir 0.07, // dropWidth 0.07, // dropHeight [1, 1, 1, 0.5], // dropColor 0.0, // lumSunFront 0.2, // lumSunBack 0.5, // refractCoef 0.5, // refractSaturation true, // snow false // dropColorStrong ] call BIS_fnc_setRain;
Additional Information
- See also:
- rainParams setRain
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