Generic Sentences – Talk

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To export list of all generic sentences in wiki format, execute following code:

startLoadingScreen [""];
_result = "";

_cfg = configFile >> "RadioProtocol_EN_H";
for "_c" from 0 to (count _cfg - 1) do {
	_sentence = _cfg select _c;
	if (isClass _sentence) then {
		_result = _result + format ["* '''%1'''<br />",configName _sentence];

		for "_s" from 0 to (count _sentence - 1) do {
			_variant = _sentence select _s;
			if (isclass _variant) then {
				_text = getText (_variant >> "text");
				_result = _result + format ["** ""%1""<br />",_text];

copyToClipboard _result;


++Str 11:38, 24 October 2011 (CEST)