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- Description:
- Returns estimated width of the text based on font type and size. Similar to ctrlTextWidth but does not require a control and can be used to estimate text width for any control including buttons. Result does not include left and right margins (hardcoded at 0.008 each).
- Groups:
- GUI ControlStrings
- Syntax:
- text getTextWidth [font, size]
- Parameters:
- text: String - text string to measure
- font: String - font type
- size: Number - font size
- Return Value:
- Number
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- Example 3:
- Copy#define MARGINS 0.0016 private _ctrl = findDisplay 46 ctrlCreate ["RscText", -1]; _ctrl ctrlSetText "TestString"; _ctrl ctrlSetFont "PuristaMedium"; _ctrl ctrlSetFontHeight 0.04; ctrlTextWidth _ctrl == ("TestString" getTextWidth ["PuristaMedium", 0.04]) + MARGINS; // true
Additional Information
- See also:
- ctrlTextWidth
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- Posted on Oct 28, 2020 - 22:10 (UTC)
When working with multiline controls ctrlTextWidth or getTextWidth will not return a proper value since the text will be treated as one long line.
Solution (Execute in Eden Editor):CopydisableSerialization; private _display = findDisplay 313 createDisplay "RscDisplayEmpty"; private _edit = _display ctrlCreate ["RscEditMulti", -1]; _edit ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,1]; _edit ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,0,0,1]; _edit ctrlSetFont "EtelkaMonospacePro"; _edit ctrlSetFontHeight 0.03; _edit ctrlCommit 0; private _longestLineWidth = 0; private _exampleString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyz0134567890"; private _text = ""; for "_lines" from 1 to 400 do // loop through all lines and find the longest one { _lineText = _exampleString select [round random 35]; _longestLineWidth = _longestLineWidth max (_lineText getTextWidth ["EtelkaMonospacePro", 0.03]); _text = _text + _lineText + endl; }; _edit ctrlSetPositionW (_longestLineWidth + 2 * 0.008); // width of longest line + left and right margin set in engine _edit ctrlCommit 0; _edit ctrlSetText _text;