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Sets the Unicode flag which forces some of the string manipulation commands to switch to Unicode. The Unicode flag is always set right after forceUnicode command execution, but is reset depending on the command mode (see mode).

When the flag is set it will also affect all scopes within the script including child scopes (see diag_scope).

There are many other string manipulation commands like ctrlSetText, getTextWidth, etc. that support Unicode by design so no additional forcing is needed.


forceUnicode mode
mode: Number - mode of operation, can be:
  • -1 - resets previously set Unicode flag
  •  0 - sets Unicode flag until the end of script
  •  1 - sets Unicode flag until after next supported command or until the end of script, whichever comes earlier
Return Value:


Example 1:
copyToClipboard "д"; // copies "д" to clipboard forceUnicode 1; copyToClipboard "д"; // copies "д" to clipboard
Example 2:
private _string = "привет"; // a string that uses Unicode characters systemChat str count _string; // 12 - the character count is wrong without forceUnicode call { systemChat str count _string; // 12 - identical result forceUnicode 0; systemChat str count _string; // 6 - correct result }; systemChat str count _string; // 6 - outer scope is affected by forceUnicode as well, because the command mode is 0 forceUnicode -1; // cancelled call { systemChat str count _string; // 12 - wrong count forceUnicode 1; systemChat str count _string; // 6 - correct result, but Unicode it reset after this operation, because command mode is 1 }; systemChat str count _string; // 12 - outer scope is not affected as it was reset right after count

Additional Information

See also:
copyToClipboard copyFromClipboard select count in insert find splitString reverse


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