Benargee – User

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m (Text replacement - " (\=+)([a-zA-Z0-9][^ ]+[a-zA-Z0-9])(\=+) " to " $1 $2 $3 ")
(96 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
Steam: Benargee
Steam: Benargee <br>
Arma 3: Benargee
Arma 3: Benargee <br>
My wiki:
{| cellpadding="0" style="float: right; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 0.5em; border: #99B3FF solid 1px"
=== frequent ===
[[:Category:Scripting Commands]]<br>
[[Arma_3: Event Handlers]]<br>
[[Arma: GUI Configuration]]<br>
[[Benargee's Sandbox]]<br>
[[Arma 3 Assets]]<br>
[[Arma 3: Startup Parameters]]<br>
[[supportInfo]] [[All_Arma_Commands_Pages]]<br>
[[Debugging Techniques]]<br>
[[Arma 3: Dedicated Server]]<br>
= Work in Progress =
== JIP ==
No longer needed. Will use for server exec template [[File:Server_Only.gif]]<br>
== Category:GAME New Scripting Commands List ==
Problematic categories:
* <s>[[:Category:Arma 2: New Scripting Commands List]]</s>
== Altis, VR and Stratis map ==
Landmarks (chapels, regions, islands, towns, bases, airfields(airfield length and heading), etc), terrain statistics (highest point, lowest point, etc)
== Arma 3 Map Legend ==
'''Arma 3\Addons\ui_f_data\a3\ui_f\data\map\locationtypes'''<br>
'''Arma 3\Addons\ui_f_data\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl'''<br>
== Arma 3 Default Controls ==
{{Hatnote|See: [[inputAction/actions/bindings]] for '''ALL''' default bindings}}
[[Arma 3: Default Controls]]
=== Common ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Inventory
| {{kb|I}}
| Map
| {{kb|M}}
| Hide Map
| {{kb|M}}
| Diary
| {{kb|J}}
| GPS (toogle)
| {{kb|Right Ctrl|M}}
| AV Camera
| {{kb|Tab}}
| AV Camera (toggle)
| 2x {{kb|Tab}}
| Open DLC Screen
| {{kb|Left Shift|P}}
| Compass
| {{kb|K}}
| Compass (Toggle)
| 2x {{kb|K}}
| Watch
| {{kb|O}}
| Watch (Toggle)
| 2x {{kb|O}}
| Night Vision
| {{kb|N}}
| Binoculars
| {{kb|B}}
| Headlights on/off
| {{kb|L}}
| Previous
| {{kb|Mouse Wheel}} up<br>{{kb|[}}
| Next
| {{kb|Mouse Wheel}} down<br>{{kb|]}}
| Use Default Action
| {{kb|Space}}<br>{{kb|Enter}}<br>{{kb|Middle Mouse Btn.}}
| Use Selected Action
| {{kb|Space}}<br>{{kb|Middle Mouse Btn.}}
| Back
| {{kb|Backspace}}<br>{{kb|Sec. Mouse Btn.}}
| Toggle full HUD info
| {{kb|Right Ctrl|H}}
| Last help
| {{kb|H}}
| Vehicle Turbo
| {{kb|Left Shift}}
| Get out
| {{kb|V}}
| Eject
| 2x {{kb|V}}
| Swap gunner
| Select all units
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|~}}
| Commanding mode
| {{kb|~}}
| Switch command menu
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|Space}}<br>{{kb|App Menu}}
| Team switch
| {{kb|U}}
| Team switch to previous
| Team switch to next
| Time deceleration
| {{kb|-}}
| Time acceleration
| {{kb|{{=}}}}
| Copy Version to Clipboard
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|/}}
=== Weapon ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Fire
| {{kb|Prim. Mouse Btn.}}
| Execute default action
| Command Fire
| {{kb|Left Ctrl.|Prim. Mouse Btn.}}
| Command Fire
| Reload
| {{kb|R}}
| Reload weapon magazine
| Next weapon
| {{kb|F}}
| Next weapon or firemode
| Previous weapon
| Previous weapon or firemode
| Switch gun / launcher
| {{kb|Right Ctrl|;}}
| Switch from main weapon to launcher and back
| Switch gun / handgun
| {{kb|;}}
| Switch from main weapon to handgun and back
| Optics
| {{kb|Sec. Mouse Btn.}}<br>{{kb|0 [NUM]}}
| Enter weapon optics
| Optics temporary
| {{kb|Sec. Mouse Btn.}}<br>{{kb|0 [NUM]}}
| Temporarily enter weapon optics
| Optics Mode
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|Sec. Mouse Btn}}<br>{{kb|/ [NUM]}}
| Change weapon optics mode
| Hold Breath
| '''Hold''' {{kb|Sec. Mouse Btn.}}
| Calm down and control your breath for a steady <br>aim for a short period of time
| Raise weapon
| Temporarily raise your weapon
| Toggle raise weapon
| '''2x''' {{kb|Left Ctrl}}
| Permanently raise weapon
| Throw
| {{kb|G}}
| Throw
| Cycle throw items
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|G}}
| Change throw item
| Zeroing Up
| {{kb|Page Up}}
| Increases zeroing of weapon sights
| Zeroing Down
| {{kb|Page Down}}
| Decreases zeroing of weapon sights
| Gun Elevation Up
| {{kb|Page Up}}
| Chassis elevation up
| Gun Elevation Down
| {{kb|Page Down}}
| Chassis elevation Down
| Slow Gun Elevation
| {{kb|Left Shift}}<br>{{kb|Right Shift}}
| Chassis elevation up
| Auto Elevation
| {{kb|/}}
| Automatic chassis elevation
| Lock target
| {{kb|T}}
| Lock current target
| Reveal target
| {{kb|T}}
| Reveal/ announce target
| Next target
| Cycle amongst multiple targets
| Next empty target
| Lock on empty target
| Next target (in vehicle)
| {{kb|R}}
| Lock vehicle targets
| Next empty target (Veh.)
| Lock empty vehicle targets
| Lock UAV Turret
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|T}}
| Lock UAV turret on object in centre of view
| Change gunner weapon
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|T}}
| Command gunner to switch weapon
| Toggle manual fire
| {{kb|'}}
| Execute manual fire from helicopter
| Countermeasure
| {{kb|C}}
| Launch countermeasure
| Countermeasure mode
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|C}}
| Change countermeasures
=== View ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Aim Up
| {{kb|Mouse Up}}
| Aim up
| Aim Down
| {{kb|Mouse down}}
| Aim down
| Aim Left
| {{kb|Mouse left}}
| Aim to the left
| Aim Right
| {{kb|Mouse right}}
| Aim to the right
| Look Up
| {{kb|Mouse up}}
| Look above
| Look down
| {{kb|Mouse down}}
| Look down
| Look Left
| {{kb|Mouse left}}
| Look to the left
| Look Right
| {{kb|Mouse right}}
| Look to the right
| Toggle view
| {{kb|Enter [NUM]}}
| Switch to 1st person view
| Tactical view
| {{kb|. [NUM]}}
| Switch to 3rd person view
| Zoom temprary
| '''Hold''' {{kb|Sec. Mouse Button}}
| Zoom in temporarily
| Look
| {{kb|Left Alt}}
| Free look
| Command watch
| {{kb|Left Alt}}
| Command watch
| Freelook
| '''2x''' {{kb|Left Alt}}<br>{{kb|*[NUM]}}
| Permanant free look
| Look left up
| {{kb|7 [NUM]}}
| Look left up
| Look up
| {{kb|8 [NUM]}}
| Look above
| Look right up
| {{kb|9 [NUM]}}
| Look right up
| Look left
| {{kb|4 [NUM]}}
| Look to the left
| Center look.
| {{kb|5 [NUM]}}
| Centre view
| Look right
| {{kb|6 [NUM]}}
| Look to the right
| Look left down
| {{kb|1 [NUM]}}
| Look left down
| Look down
| {{kb|2 [NUM]}}
| Look down
| Look right down
| {{kb|3 [NUM]}}
| Look right down
| Zoom in
| {{kb|+ [NUM]}}<br>{{kb|Mouse Btn. #5}}
| Hold to zoom in
| Zoom in (Toggle)
| '''2x'''{{kb|+ [NUM]}}
| Zoom in permanently
| Zoom out
| {{kb|- [NUM]}}<br>{{kb|Mouse Btn. #4}}
| Hold to zoom out
| Zoom out (Toggle)
| 2x{{kb|- [NUM]}}
| Zoom out permanently
| Move Head Up
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|Page Up}}
| Move Head Up
| Move Head Down
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|Page Down}}
| Move Dead Down
| Move Head Forward
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|8 [NUM]}}
| Move Head Forward
| Move Head Left
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|4 [NUM]}}
| Move Head Left
| Center Head Move
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|5 [NUM]}}
| Center Head Move
| Move Head Right
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|6 [NUM]}}
| Move Head Right
| Move Head Back
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|2 [NUM]}}
| Move Head Back
| Head Roll Left
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|Q}}
| Head Roll Left
| Head Roll Right
| {{kb|Left Ctrl|E}}
| Head Roll Right
| Look left (Analog)
| '''[[TrackIR]] Rot Left'''
| Look left
| Look right (Analog)
| '''TrackIR Rot Right'''
| Look right
| Look down (Analog)
| '''TrackIR Rot Down'''
| Look down
| Look Up (Analog)
| '''TrackIR Rot Up'''
| Look up
| Zoom in (continuous)
| '''TrackIR -tZ'''
| Continual zoom in
| Zoom out (continuous)
| '''TrackIR +tZ'''
| Continual zoom out
| Head left (anlg.)
| '''TrackIR Left'''
| Head left (anlg.)
| Head right (anlg.)
| '''TrackIR Right'''
| Head right (anlg.)
| Head up (anlg.)
| Head up (anlg.)
| Head forward (anlg.)
| Head forward (anlg.)
| Head Roll Left (anlg.)
| '''TrackIR +rZ'''
| Head Roll Left (anlg.)
| Head Roll Right (anlg.)
| '''TrackIR -rZ'''
| Head Roll Right (anlg.)
=== Multiplayer ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Infantry Movement ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Vehicle Movement ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Helicopter Movement ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Plane Movement ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Submarine Movement ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Surface
| {{kb|X}}
| Submarine ascend
| Dive
| {{kb|Z}}
| Submarine descend
| Turn Left
| {{kb|A}}<br>{{kb|LEFT}}<br>{{kb|Mouse left}}
| Turn submarine to the left
| Turn Right
| {{kb|D}}<br>{{kb|Right}}<br>{{kb|Mouse right}}
| Turn submarine to the right
| Move Forward
| {{kb|W}}<br>{{kb|UP}}
| Go forward with submarine
| Move Backward
| {{kb|S}}<br>{{kb|Down}}
| Go backward with submarine
| Nose Up
| {{kb|Mouse up}}
| Submarine nose up
| Nose Down
| {{kb|Mouse down}}
| Submarine nose down
=== Development ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
=== Custom Controls ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Use Action 1
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 2
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 3
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 4
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 5
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 6
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 7
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 8
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 9
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 10
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 11
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 12
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 13
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 14
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 15
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 16
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 17
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 18
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 19
| Click to assign custom action
| Use Action 20
| Click to assign custom action
=== Zeus ===
{| class="wikitable"
! Action !! Assigned Keys !! Description
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
| Null WIP
= Other =
== SQF vs C/C++ ==
== other ==
[[Video:Note Tutorial|300px]]
<div class="usermessage mw-customtoggle-seealso" style="width:300px">Click here to toggle the seealso.</div>
<div class="mw-collapsible" id="mw-customcollapsible-seealso" style="width:400px">
[[setPos]], [[getPos]], [[position]], ...
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" id="mw-customcollapsible-seealso" style="width:400px"
!Comand || Description
| [[setPos]] || {{Wiki|lorem}}
| [[getPos]] || {{Wiki|lorem}}
| [[position]] || {{Wiki|lorem}}
| ... || ...
=== wiki stuff ===
==== time ====
current time at last refresh
{{#timel: Y F d h:i:s}}
=== todo ===
Arma 3 default controls ^^<br>
Altis, VR and Stratis map ^^<br>
[[:Category:Notes: Improper Formatting]]--Resolve and delete<br>
[[Arma 3 Launcher]]<br>
[[Arma 3 Helicopters]]<br>
A3 Vehicles - create/organize/make template<br>
introduced in cats.<br>
[[Side]] - reformat, looks ugly. Add Faction flags<br>
[[ArmA_2:_CfgIdentities]] to [[ArmA_3:_CfgIdentities]] with cam script<br>
[[addLiveStats]] wtf is Xbox.<br>
[[Take On Helicopters - Patches]] go through.<br>
Test all a3 rotorlib commands back in TOH.<br>
[[Arma 3: Editor Modules]]<br>
[[Arma 3: Editor Units]] create<br>
[[Arma 3: Editor Groups]] create<br>
[[Arma_3_Actions#ScudCancel]] is scut not in a2oa?<br>
Arma file types article
=== Added content milestones ===
0.50 first<br> 0.60 alpha (snipers)<br> 0.70 beta<br> 0.74 beta ifv<br> full moar stuff<br> 1.04 pistol<br> 1.08 AAF<br> 1.12 slammer<br> 1.14 CAS jets<br>
=== [[Array]] Manipulation ===
[[in Array]]<br>
[[deleteAt]] Weird behaviour when deleting copied arrays, atleast when doing so through debug. It will delete original array elements and not just copied.<br>
[[deleteRange]] Dev<br>
=== ? ===
Is [[position]] to [[getPos]] as [[visiblePosition]] is to [[getPosVisual]] (surface vs sea) or is it synonym. ([[visiblePositionASL]]?)

Latest revision as of 15:54, 17 November 2021

Steam: Benargee
Arma 3: Benargee
My wiki:

This user is able to contribute with a native level of English.


Work in Progress


JIP False.gifJIP True.gif
No longer needed. Will use for server exec template Server Only.gif

Category:GAME New Scripting Commands List

Problematic categories:

Altis, VR and Stratis map

Landmarks (chapels, regions, islands, towns, bases, airfields(airfield length and heading), etc), terrain statistics (highest point, lowest point, etc)

Arma 3 Map Legend

Arma 3\Addons\ui_f_data\a3\ui_f\data\map\locationtypes
Arma 3\Addons\ui_f_data\a3\ui_f\data\map\MapControl



SQF vs C/C++



Click here to toggle the seealso.
Comand Description
setPos Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
getPos Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
position Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
... ...

wiki stuff


current time at last refresh 2025 March 13 01:36:33


Arma 3 default controls ^^
Altis, VR and Stratis map ^^
Category:Notes: Improper Formatting--Resolve and delete
Arma 3 Launcher
Arma 3 Helicopters
A3 Vehicles - create/organize/make template
introduced in cats.
Side - reformat, looks ugly. Add Faction flags
ArmA_2:_CfgIdentities to ArmA_3:_CfgIdentities with cam script
addLiveStats wtf is Xbox.
Take On Helicopters - Patches go through.
Test all a3 rotorlib commands back in TOH.
Arma 3: Editor Modules
Arma 3: Editor Units create
Arma 3: Editor Groups create
Arma_3_Actions#ScudCancel is scut not in a2oa?
Arma file types article

Added content milestones


Array Manipulation

in Array
deleteAt Weird behaviour when deleting copied arrays, atleast when doing so through debug. It will delete original array elements and not just copied.
deleteRange Dev


Is position to getPos as visiblePosition is to getPosVisual (surface vs sea) or is it synonym. (visiblePositionASL?)