Version History – ArmA: Armed Assault

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This article details the version history for ArmA

Version 1.05


Version 1.05 makes all game versions released up to date at almost one level (with the exception of single player mission M13 Blood, Sweat and Tears that remains only in 505 Games retail DVD Edition).

It comes in three flavours:

- ArmA Euro Patch for version 1.04 only - ArmA International Update for all versions released so far 1.0, 1.01, 1.02 and 1.04 - ArmA English Online Download from

Main new features and improvements since version 1.04 are:


  • grass is now simulated for AI and multiplayer (including largerd view distances)
  • STOVL support
  • improved 3D irong sights
  • improved satchel simulation (including detection of player and AI usage)


  • various improvements and bug fixes across all campaign missions


  • overall polish and streamline of menus
  • new modern GPS device enabled for some vehicles and situations
  • satellite texture can be displayed in the main map


  • improved stability of helicopters (jaw now does not affect bank)
  • extended support for keyboard shortcuts (you can toggle by holding any key and press second key together)


  • general AI tweak and improvements
  • more realistic AI target detection


  • improved MP browser
  • improved voice over net (you can hear enemy talking, direct channel is enabled)


  • all versions possible to upgrade to 1.05 level
  • English subtitles enabled for Czech and German versions

How to use STOVL

Harrier (AV8B) can now perform Short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL). 
It is controled with "Autohover ON/OFF" action. 
When activated, there is no such autopilot for slowdown that helicopters use. 
Thrust vector is just rotated downwards. Q/Z keys control only airplane speed. 
There are no keys for control over vertical thrust, 
so it is not possible to hover up/down like in helicopter. 
Takeoff procedure:
- activate Autohover 
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K)
- gain some speed by holding Q for a short while and then release it.
- once in the air, retract gear (crtl+G)
- hold Q a little longer until you move fast enough
- retract flaps as you build more speed (2x ctrl+L)
- at aprox. 180kmph toggle autohover off and control flight as regular aircraft
Landing procedure:
- reduce speed and altitude same way as during conventional landing 
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K), drop gear (crtl+G)
- hold Z to reduce speed 
- at aprox 180 kmph activate Autohover 
- pitch nose up to reduce speed, check speed, height and flight path vector indicated on HUD
- hold Z for descent at aprox 2.5 m/s 
- at touchdown toggle autohover off 

Engine Change Log

  • 5122 - Changed: Video options Quality preference now affects terrain detail as well.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Setting overall settings to Very low was not properly indicated in video options.
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI Machine gunners are now more aggressive against near infantry unit.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Motorbikes right/left turning is now enabled even when looking around
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI could sometimes aim into the air when targeting an unknown land unit.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Explosion sometimes revealed the exact unit position to the AI units.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Texture extension can be supplied with the procedural color texture now (texture type is calculated according to it)
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI was planning the path over the destroyed bridge
  • 5122 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled by mouse
  • 5123 - Fixed: Bad voice buffer unqueuing, could cause memory leak when using voice over net.
  • 5123 - Fixed: Silent sound cut off too early when load sound was near
  • 5123 - Fixed: AI was not able to uses satchels on Destroy waypoints.
  • 5123 - Fixed: Binocular style laser designators were using wrong models and animations.
  • 5123 - Improved: Increased internal cache size for computers with more than 512 MB of RAM.
  • 5123 - Fixed: AI usage of laser designators much improved.
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session list - Server state not shown for incompatible sessions
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session list - country is shown for all sessions now
  • 5124 - New: New trigger types "Seized by ..."
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session browser - sometimes session info was hiding and showing repeatedly
  • 5124 - New: Access to option categories directly from the main menu
  • 5124 - Fixed: When the script change the player using "selectPlayer" function from the dead one, game info about the mission state is changed as well.
  • 5124 - New: different progress indicator during game startup
  • 5124 - New: playerKilledScript entry in the description.ext of the mission can override this entry in the config
  • 5126 - Fixed: Crash when command "hintC" was used
  • 5126 - Fixed: status of disableAI is now saved and loaded.
  • 5126 - Fixed: DS crash occurred when mission with some special name (containing '%') was selected
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP - manual fire rate was too high sometimes
  • 5126 - Fixed: Aircraft were sometimes disappearing when flying above small objects.
  • 5126 - Added: MP - new server scripting function lock
  • 5126 - Added: MP - new commands #lock, #unlock
  • 5126 - New: Possibility to show satellite textures in the in-game map and briefing
  • 5126 - New: Multiple layers of cut effects, extended version of commands cutText, cutRsc and cutObj
  • 5126 - Added: functions titleFadeOut, cutFadeOut
  • 5126 - Fixed: View limits in vehicle applied on TrackIR and NumPad looking around
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP - Cancel button in the briefing will return player to lobby, not to server browser
  • 5126 - New: Map legend parameters are now read from the resource
  • 5126 - Fixed: When using shadow detail high with some nVidia cards (Nv3x chip-set) loading screen could happen sometimes mid-game.

The problem was caused by bad usage of D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE, which was wrongly handled by the driver.

  • 5126 - New: commands hint, hintCadet now works also with the structured text
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP game using ships was crashing
  • 5126 - Fixed: Function "hintC" (versions with the title) - when dialog is closed, text is shown in HUD
  • 5126 - Fixed: Integer light constants as I_POINTLOOPCOUNT were not recorded and there was a problem when using compass during the day
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP Voice over Net on LAN sessions was not working sometimes
  • 5126 - Fixed: Hellfires (maverickweapon) on a helicopter were visible even when the helicopter was destroyed
  • 5127 - Fixed: Mouse cursor color was not handled correctly
  • 5127 - Added: function difficultyEnabled
  • 5127 - Added: functions ctrlMapScreenToWorld, ctrlMapWorldToScreen
  • 5127 - Fixed: Threat calculation was inaccurate for weapons with multiple modes
  • 5127 - Fixed: Fully closed vehicle interiors were rendered with strange gray shadows with shadow detail Normal or lower.
  • 5127 - Fixed: Switching into the mission editor by clicking on the Task bar caused selecting mode to be active.
  • 5127 - Changed: Message about addons not listed in the mission is no longer displayed when playing single player missions.
  • 5127 - Added: New animation controller cabin for airplanes.
  • 5128 - Change: airplane fuel consumption dependent on thrust.
  • 5128 - Added: function addVehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: Crash during saving game in Library mission
  • 5128 - Fixed: Zoom instead of optics in transport
  • 5128 - Fixed: Improved airplane landing autopilot.
  • 5128 - Fixed: STOVL ability added (use autohover action to toggle VTOL mode).
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI now considers grass layer in the visibility calculations.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Terrain detail low/very low no longer degrades quality unless viewdistance requires it.
  • 5128 - New: enableGPS vehicle config entry can enable GPS for given vehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: When OpenAL is unable to create sound buffer for VoN, the game continues without VoN.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Group leader now can command subordinates to get in secondary turrets
  • 5128 - Fixed: command "crew" now lists all gunners in the vehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: Units created dead were partially alive.
  • 5128 - Fixed: "fire" command works for all turrets now
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI cars not willing to drive under power lines.
  • 5128 - New: Any combinations of two keys can be used for user action mapping
  • 5128 - Fixed: Dedicated server radio processing was broken, resulting in AI often not doing what expected.
  • 5128 - Fixed: watch and compass no longer shown once mission is restarted.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Moving of cars in convoy - better following of road
  • 5128 - Fixed: Controls mapped on 3D object did not work correctly in different screen ratios than 4:3
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not takeoff when placed on the runway.
  • 5128 - New: Gear shifting limits can now be defined in the config for each vehicle.
  • 5128 - Fixed: UI - button text position calculation improved
  • 5128 - Fixed: UI - structured text drawing - spaces between elements
  • 5129 - Fixed: MP - Radio messages echo on remote clients was missing
  • 5129 - Fixed: MP - get out waypoint did not work as in single player (player not forced out, player commanded to get in)
  • 5129 - Fixed: UI - disabled default button responded to Enter
  • 5129 - Fixed: The game crashed when gear screen was opened and the player was vanished (using scripting functions)
  • 5129 - Fixed: Airplane landing light may be now off when gear is up.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Aircraft may miss lighting from its own lights when airborne.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Colored positional lights were rendered white.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Display all (fading) HUD elements when mission is restarted
  • 5129 - New: possibility to skip briefing screen using "briefing = 0" in the mission description.ext
  • 5129 - Improved: Delay when returning from map to game is now much shorter.
  • 5129 - Improved: Improved night vision goggles rendering.
  • 5129 - Added: functions setCurrentWaypoint, waypoints
  • 5129 - Added: function distributionRegion
  • 5129 - Fixed: Reduced water splash volume when boats are not moving.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Reduced distant unit warping / jumping.
  • 5130 - Fixed: Languages switching was disabled for some distributions
  • 5130 - Fixed: mission editor - condition changed when Continue button is shown
  • 5130 - Added: functions assignedVehicle, assignedVehicleRole
  • 5130 - Fixed: function "deleteWaypoint" now works for all waypoints (recent, current)
  • 5130 - Fixed: After save/load weapons might become invisible.
  • 5130 - Fixed: AI - After transport of player's group, AI was staying on the same position
  • 5130 - Fixed: Drawing of subtitles (all structured texts) - the offset of shadow was not always fixed
  • 5131 - Fixed: Prone rolling no longer activates lean toggle
  • 5131 - Fixed: Tracers are visible again early in the night
  • 5132 - Fixed: When fleeing is disabled, units never flee - even when having no weapons
  • 5132 - Fixed: AI did now follow player over the bridge
  • 5132 - Fixed: server config parameter persistent is fully working now
  • 5132 - Fixed: MP - situation when admin logged in during mission voting is handled correctly now
  • 5132 - Fixed: AI flying helicopter was changing dive wildly when flying fast.
  • 5133 - Fixed: Iron sight view no longer strictly tied to a weapon.
  • 5133 - Fixed: MP - admin is deciding when briefing is finished now
  • 5133 - Fixed: UI - Single missions dialog title is changing by the selected folder
  • 5133 - Fixed: when alternate directory for profiles given by command line options -profiles, user profiles are no longer stored to this directory, but to its Users subdirectory
  • 5134 - Fixed: Improved AI spotting ability in towns.
  • 5134 - Fixed: Look around in vehicles (faster and better limits now)
  • 5135 - Fixed: AI deprecated to get in heavy damaged vehicle even when repaired again
  • 5136 - Fixed: MP - command #exec allowed only for logged (not voted) admin
  • 5136 - Fixed: UI - Tooltips are kept is screen safe area, not in the UI area
  • 5136 - Fixed: MP - dynamically created helicopters handle "FLY" flag correctly now
  • 5136 - Fixed: Peripheral vision are kept is screen safe area, not in the UI area


  • Fixed mass positioning in all helicopter models - jaw naw does not afect bank
  • New engine sound for AV-8
  • Disabled lights on parachutes
  • Mi17 added mirror material
  • SU34, SU34b - added clansigns and proxy flag
  • config.cpp
    • GPS disabled for Camel and Parachute
    • configured HUD
    • fixed Harrier landing light
    • changed head movement limitations
  • model.cfg
    • openable canopy for harriers
  • modified pilot anims for crew in cocpits with HUD
  • fixed hud definition for helicopters
  • parachute sound occlusion fixed


  • Fixed inbetween issue that civilians could not go prone forward
  • Sprinting enabled for several stances
  • Bug in the transition from handgun to launcher fixed
  • Deformation when looking around with lowered rifle
  • Improved middle part of animations in cutscene 7 - fingers and hands


  • fixed wire fences AI can now shoot through them
  • panelak*.p3d - fixed collisions


  • added Library models
    • Road Cone, Obstacle - Saddle, Ramp - concrete, Humps - dirt, Buoy small, Buoy, Road barrier and Road barrier small are now also available in editor as Objects


  • Addondependency for ak74pso added
  • Civilians have the same ammount of slots as regular soldiers
  • Anchorman2 introduced to be used for regular missions
  • GPS enabled for Special forces and squad leaders
  • np_soldier_officier.p3d "osobnost" redefined


Grass layer information added.


  • No fade vertex shader definition added to trunk materials, fixed polyplanes in str krovisko vysoke.p3d, added viewgeom and materials on dead trunk models.


  • config.cpp disabled destruction on PaletaBase models


  • deleted ViewGeometry in Rock*.p3d models (fireGeo will be used instead)
  • removed specularity for ground clutter stones (did not work well)


Grass layer information added.


  • moved two "podesta" objects at Ga66


  • repacked from VCS data


  • Limited head movement on M163 and M113 ambulance drivers
  • Fixed bug with interior shadows in BMP-2
  • M113, M113_RACS - Fixed gunner animation in cargo LOD


  • RscScreen.hpp:
    • Aspect ratio indicator added to the video options dialog
    • Option to display satellite texture map
  • Empty mission translations updated
  • Notepad model updated


  • GPS enabled for RHIBs


  • Hellfire and Vikhr hitvalues slightly raised
  • MP5 was very uneffective
  • changed config.cpp
    • laser designators to use binocular style animations
    • Javelin scope to protected
    • AGS30 library description fixed
    • adjusted weapons dextrity values
  • changed Soflam laser designator model
  • aligned chamber points with scope at M4_GL_ACOG and M4_SPR
  • ACOG gun sights and balistics modified, changed balistics also on M4 Aimpoint
  • SVD optics modified
  • changed M119 gunnerview
  • changed optics zoom settings on all rifles
    • add to readme:
 Optics/Ironsights leveling on distance: 
50m > MP5, pistols
100m > AK74UN, M4/M16 with Aimpoint, ACOG sights or suppressor
120m-400m > M4SPR
200m > SVD, KSVK, AK74PSO
300m > AK74, AK74GL, AK74U, M16A2, M16GL, M16A4, M16A4GL, all G36, machineguns
500m > M107


  • M107 autofire disabled
  • M16 ACOG optics leveled on 100m
  • M107 and KSVK config.cpp
    • modified dextrity of weapons
  • new KSVK and AK74PSO optics introduced for better aiming
  • M16A4, M16A4GL aiming fix


    • model.cfg
  • Stryker gunner is able to turn its head now
  • Stryker drivers FOV changed
  • Added driver optics to all Strykers
  • added mirror material (Stryker*.p3d, 5t*.p3d, Landrover*.p3d, Urals*.p3d, hilux*.p3d)
  • Fixed bug with interior shadows in Strykers
  • config.cpp
    • GPS enabled for Humer, Stryker and BRDM


  • getting rid of some hard coded strings
  • Added destruction effect
  • Fixed damper selection for M1030
  • Improved alpha faces for Both Bikes

Summary Version 1.04

Engine Change Log

  • 5101 - Fixed: Plane mouse control do not affect cyclic while looking around
  • 5101 - Fixed: "life" cheat (immortality) disabled in Retail versions
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boats were able to drive on shore quite fast.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boats were able to sink into the terrain once destroyed.
  • 5101 - Fixed: (Car) Camera height angle is reset going from external to internal view or vice versa
  • 5101 - Fixed: AI pathfinding improved (unexpected leaving of roads will happen less frequently)
  • 5101 - New: Config switch to disable "Voice over Net" on dedicated servers (disableVoN=0;)
  • 5101 - Fixed: Car-ground collision response improved.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Cars simulation - better speed stability when low speed wanted
  • 5101 - Fixed: Wake up object physics after setVector/setVectorUp.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Injured soldier is forced to prone only when he wants to move (done to fix RPG *soldier ability to run even when injured)
  • 5101 - New: Headlights are now not switched when player leaves the vehicle.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Command line options -world, -noland and -netlog enabled.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled with keyboard while looking around using a mouse.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Peeking through walls using leaning is no longer possible.
  • 5104 - New: Grass flattened around soldiers, improving visibility.
  • 5104 - Added: Support for languages switching
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI - combo in control group did not handle mouse events well
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI - listbox scrollbars did not handle well thumb position for mouse events
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI fade animations (ctrlSetFade) did not work for controls in control groups
  • 5105 - Fixed: Briefing picture lighting was incorrect.
  • 5106 - Fixed: Mount command (from the commanding menu) now works even for units already in the target vehicle (but on the different position)
  • 5106 - Fixed: Missions in addons - wrong mission name was sometimes shown
  • 5106 - Fixed: Filtering was not working properly when using pushbuffers (square artefact on ground were visible under certain conditions)
  • 5108 - Fixed: Player hosting game was not able to hear voice over net
  • 5110 - Fixed: Dedicated server can use missions in addons now
  • 5110 - Fixed: Voice recording did not work with some sound-cards/drivers.
  • 5111 - Added: On-screen icons indicating bad connection quality or desync in MP
  • 5111 - Improved: Multiplayer screens layout
  • 5111 - Fixed: preloadCamera and preloadObject always return true on dedicated server.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Dedicated server crash on preloadCamera (causing CTI crash in the demo).
  • 5111 - Fixed: Tanks could fall through narrow gaps in some models.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Command line option -netlog was still not enabled in 1.02 - fixed now.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Targets are made known to AI once message about them is transmitted over radio. This prevents situations where AI gunner silently rejected a command because not knowing the target.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Random DS crashes
  • 5111 - Fixed: DS - Mission voting results show correctly localized mission name for missions in addons
  • 5111 - Fixed: Failure opening custom files (face, squad logo) might be causing server termination.
  • 5112 - Fixed: DS crash (for group with no waypoints) @param forced set when a suitable position (support, base) was found
  • 5112 - New: Push to Talk actions for voice over net
  • 5112 - Fixed: Keys 0,..,9 and F1,..,F12 are reserved even when combined with Ctrl key
  • 5112 - Fixed: Crash caused by target handling change in 5111.
  • 5114 - Added: functions createMarkerLocal, deleteMarkerLocal, setMarkerTextLocal, setMarkerShapeLocal, setMarkerBrushLocal, setMarkerDirLocal
  • 5114 - Added: functions setMarkerPosLocal, setMarkerTypeLocal, setMarkerSizeLocal, setMarkerColorLocal
  • 5114 - Added: functions markerDir, markerText
  • 5114 - Fixed: setWPPos and setWaypointPosition now modifies waypoint position on all computers in MP
  • 5115 - Fixed: Random crashes during reporting of targets (since 5111)
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP session list - better sorting by the host name or the mission name
  • 5115 - Fixed: DS crash after player disconnected and action command active for him
  • 5115 - New: button "Play again" added to the mission interrupt dialog
  • 5115 - Fixed: UI - Enter no longer generate OK event when OK button not present
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP - fire effects sometimes did not transferred (especially for JIP players)
  • 5115 - Optimized: Somewhat reduced frame rate hit caused by bushes and trees on Normal, Low and Very Low shading detail settings.
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP - show progress during mission transfer
  • 5115 - New: Terrain Detail now controls grass detail as well (can be used to turn off the grass)
  • 5115 - Fixed: Reduced object LOD switching.
  • 5115 - Fixed: Soldier movement stopped when firing in burst or auto mode or with an empty magazine.
  • 5115 - New: MP - better progress indication during mission launching
  • 5115 - Fixed: Terrain detail settings not working properly - could introduce holes on lower settings.
  • 5115 - Fixed: Scene preloading could take long or never end with Shading detail Low or Very low
  • 5117 - Fixed: Helicopters now explode when landing upside down.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Helicopters now get destroyed very fast when attempting to dive into the water.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Small objects (e.g. firing range targets) not visible with Object Detail = Low or Very Low.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Cars (esp. small ones) were able to for a water too deep.
  • 5117 - Fixed: scripting command setUnitPos did not work
  • 5117 - Added: function setUnitPosWeak
  • 5117 - Fixed: The game did not process mouse input when running in fullscreen on the secondary monitor
  • 5117 - Fixed: Player could sometimes get stuck after falling onto some object or vehicle.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Vehicle side was assumed incorrectly when player switched into a crew position from cargo.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Burst simulation in MP (Blackhawk M134 fired even when key released)
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI soldiers sometimes went through handrail of bridge
  • 5117 - New: GetOut mapped to user action
  • 5117 - New: LandGear and Flaps mapped to user actions (Default mapping is LandGear to RCtrl+G, FlapsDown to RCtrl+K, FlapsUp to RCtrl+L)
  • 5117 - Fixed: LOD transition is now dependent on time only and therefore is very smooth
  • 5117 - Fixed: Grenade throwing direction indication more intuitive
  • 5117 - New: Toggle and hold actions for Compass, Watch and GPS minimap (default is now hold, not toggle)
  • 5117 - New: In-game GPS minimap
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI does not forget about an enemy when seeing him boarding a vehicle.
  • 5117 - New: Extended AI fleeing - given more freedom in flee point selection.
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI did not properly considered enemy vehicles with turret mounted weapons in its threat maps, sometimes resulting to careless behaviour.
  • 5117 - Changed: Command Fire in vehicles works also when commanding mode is not active
  • 5117 - Fixed: When the command menu is up, many keys/functions do not work.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Mouse button triple click was misinterpreted as 2x double click
  • 5117 -Changed: Right Ctrl used for key combination instead of left one. (Right Ctrl no longer mapped to any actions.)
  • 5117 - Improved: AI now retreats when under threat and having no weapons to engage any enemy targets.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Argument -noland is now ignored when not running as Buldozer.

Note: we want WinMain to be protected by Fade this is impossible when there are any DLL functions referenced all references to Win32 calls must be moved outside Note: this function is not exited via standard means, and local variable destructors on the function scope will not be called. Be careful when placing local variables.

  • 5117 - Fixed: units picked up while swimming and dropped on land still swim
  • 5117 - Fixed: swimming AI were unable to get in
  • 5117 - New: new config option alwaysTarget forcing training targets to be lockable
  • 5118 - Fixed: MP - after Cancel in the Briefing screen, MP session was not fully destroyed
  • 5118 - New: Eject mapped to user action
  • 5118 - Fixed: Crash after changing Creative XFi mode from Gaming to Entertainment or after disabling full acceleration.
  • 5119 - Fixed: Some international characters was clipped in the chat log
  • 5120 - New: parameter persistent in the server config to allow the mission to continue even when no players are connected
  • 5120 - Fixed: No entry reported in server browser when server was using custom world.
  • 5120 - Fixed: Locking target by RMB in tank does not activate optics action
  • 5120 - Fixed: Seagull wings sometimes not animated.
  • 5120 - Fixed: Commander can use Tab to issue target orders when sitting in the weapon station as long as his own weapons are not lockable.


  • AH1Z fixed glass sorting
  • Mi17MG gunnerview
  • GBU*.p3d and AV8B.p3d
  • MH6* fixed gaudes sorting
  • Improved Hit-Points of small rotor for AH1Z.p3d, ah6_lb.p3d, ah6_lb_sp.p3d, mh6_lb.p3d, mh6_lb_sp.p3d.


  • modified speed of sprint with lowered rifle - FL and FR was 10% faster than F direction
  • added specific cutscene moves for cts 7 and 10 - to improve look of these cutscenes as there were no specific moves recorded for these originally, only generic moves were used. Also related to - cutscene mission definitions update.
  • modified transition launcher kneel raised to prone unarmed: used specifically recorded MC data; this move allows a player to faster go prone.
  • Rifle does not move when pistol or launcher are reloading now
  • Small adjustments for instand grenade throw when running
  • transition prone ritle raised still to erected rifle lowered sprint redone to improve the look and remove problematic shake in the move
  • Enabling grass flattening for some transition/reload animations


  • tovarna2.p3d
    • modified geometry
  • hotel_riviera1.p3d
  • hotel_riviera2.p3d
    • fixed geometry under stairs
  • plot_vinice.p3d
    • removed roadway
  • modified roadways to pass over small obstacle walls (lavicka_1, lavicka_2, lavicka_3, lavicka_4, podesta_1_cornL, podesta_1_cornR, podesta_1_mid, podesta_1_mid_cornL, podesta_1_mid_cornP)
    • stuck on roofs (dum_istan2, dum_istan2_01, dum_istan2_02, dum_istan2_03, dum_istan2_03a, dum_istan2b, dum_istan3, dum_istan3_hromada2, dum_istan3_pumpa, dum_olez_istan1, dum_olez_istan2, dum_olez_istan2_maly)
  • added fences (podesta_1_stairs, podesta_1_stairs2, podesta_1_stairs3)
  • buildings\misc\nastenka2, buildings\misc\nastenka3 - reposition
  • castle\helfenburk
  • garaz_bez_tanku.p3d, garaz_s_tankem, ammostore_2


  • vlajka.paa (added missing texture)


  • SoldierGCommando respawn magazines fixed
  • new face53 added
  • SoldierWSaboteurRecon binocular removed


  • modified ladder in/out points (water_tank, water_tank2)
  • modified armored target destruction (drevtank.p3d, model.cfg, targets.hpp) added new model drevtank_ruin
  • modified roadways (zidka_klek, zidka_stani)


  • modified geometries (str_liskac, krovi_bigest, ker_deravej, krovi2, krovi3, krovi4, krovi)


  • extended roadways (Kamenny_most30.p3d, Kamenny_most30v2.p3d, most_bez_lamp.p3d, most_stred30.p3d) to prevent droping of tanks


  • sara.wrp
    • Changed terrain around building at Eh61
    • Adjusted stairs model
    • Updated podesta models, checked for inconsistencies
    • Podesta models aligned where possible
    • Adjusted position of ca\buildings\vez.p3d in the base S of Bagango
    • Repacked with new nastenka2.p3d and nastenka3.p3d


  • modified hitpoints (T72, M1A1) to make damaging more realistic when hit from several angles and weekspots
  • modified gunnerview (T72, M1A1, M113) to make view more simillar to real position of optics
  • BMP-2 recieved an own AT-5 launcher
  • Enabled "Radar" for tankcommanders


  • model.cfg
    • fixed drivewheel rotation direction
  • RHIB.p3d, RHIB_Gunboat.p3d instruments repair + improved hitpoints to disable engines easier


  • Modified the M16
    • modified m16_granatomet_proxy.p3d
    • modified m16_proxy.p3d
    • modified m16_CO.tga
    • modified m16_ironsights_SMDI.tga
    • modified m16_NOHQ.tga
    • modified m16_SMDI.tga
  • M1A1 and T72 ammos overworked
  • M1A1 gun range reduced
  • Grenades can be thrown now without delay
  • Grenade throwing direction indication more intuitive
  • M4_aimpoint
  • M4_SD_Aimpoint
  • m240.p3d news
  • model.cfg
  • AT-1.p3d
  • ironsights
    • ak_74_granatomet, ak_74
    • M2_mg aligning gunnerview for more precision aiming
    • M9_beretta, M9_beretta_SD, Makarov, Makarov_Silenced - gunnerview offset
    • M240
    • PK
  • AT5LauncherSingle for BMP-2
  • m240.p3d
  • model.cfg
    • m136_launcher_loaded.p3d
    • m136_launcher.p3d
    • m136_co.tga
  • Added longrange sniper rifles from weapons3 into the weaponcrates
    • CfgAmmo.hpp
    • CfgVehicles.hpp
    • M4_SD_Aimpoint.p3d
    • M4_Aimpoint.p3d
  • DSkhM_mg fixed get in direction + Icon texture fixed gun orientation


  • changed cargo position of crew (Ural, Ural_open, Ural_civil1, Ural_civil2)
  • Stryker*.p3d - changed named selections in all Stryker models (wheels in Geometry LOD to *_damper because of colision on bridge

Version 1.02


  • Dedicated server related improvements
  • Netcode optimizations


  • Helicopter controls reworked

Engine Change Log

  • 1.02 - Fixed: Parameters set when creating a new profile was not saved
  • 1.02 - Fixed: User profile ending with the period character was handledincorrectly
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Improved helicopter controls and flight model.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server crash
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Random crashes in MP
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Default profile cannot be deleted nor renamed now
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Rename of profile work correctly now
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Stealing gear from medics was possible
  • 1.02 - New: Joystick sensitivity configurable in ArmAProfile file.
  • Configuration is done per positive/negative part of each axis. Default is:
  • 1.02 - Fixed: MP server crash (sometimes after JIP client disconnected)
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Squad logo was not shown on all clients in MP
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Normal maps need not to be thrown away in LowEnd quality settings after restarting the game
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server required OpenAL32.dll
  • 1.02 - Fixed: AI are better planning the path over the bridge
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Player with no legs gets no longer stuck in up/down limbo
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Plane mouse control do not affect cyclic while looking around
  • 1.02 - Fixed: "life" cheat (immortality) disabled in Retail versions
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to drive on shore quite fast.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to sink into the terrain once destroyed.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: (Car) Camera height angle is reset going from external to internal view or vice versa
  • 1.02 - Fixed: AI pathfinding improved (unexpected leaving of roads will happen less frequently)
  • 1.02 - New: Config switch to disable "Voice over Net" on dedicated servers (disableVoN=0;)
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Car-ground collision response improved.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Cars simulation - better speed stability when low speed wanted
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Wake up object physics after setVector/setVectorUp.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Injured soldier is forced to prone only when he wants to move (done to fix RPG soldier ability to run even when injured)
  • 1.02 - New: Headlights are now not switched when player leaves the vehicle.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Command line options -world, -noland and -netlog enabled.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled with keyboard while looking around using a mouse.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Peeking through walls using leaning is no longer possible.
  • 1.02 - Changed: Helicopter autohover default binding changed to double backslash key to improve A/S/D/W precision.
  • 1.02 - New: Added manual fire default binding to ' (apostrophe) key.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: False conflict reported for Handgun, Salute and SitDown actions for vehicles.
  • 1.01 - New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to dedicated server


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - AH-6 sound occlusion changed


  • 1.02 - Pistol moves improved
  • 1.02 - Evasive forward with launchers improved
  • 1.02 - Launcher reload time increased to 4 seconds


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several buildings.


  • 1.02 - Fixed syntax in ColorCoef[]


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several characters.
  • 1.02 - Fixed wound definition for Fieldreporter
  • 1.02 - Fixed wrong respawn weapons on SoldierWAT
  • 1.02 - Soldiers have now 12 main and 8 side item pockets
  • 1.02 - Grenadiers carry now 8 grenades


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


  • 1.02 - Adjustments of object placements


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in M113
  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from M113


  • 1.02 - Added interface of dedicated server voting screen
  • 1.02 - Fixed lenght of player's name field


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in Zodiak and PBX
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from RHIB weapons


  • 1.02 - Fixed ironsights.
  • 1.02 - modified recoil for M249 on ground
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it
  • 1.02 - Improved guided missiles and rocket behaviour
  • 1.02 - KVPT shoots now from turret
  • 1.02 - Fixed AK74 ammo is not silenced to AI anymore


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Updated armor settings for military wheeled vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it
  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Several campaign missions improved.

Version 1.01


  • Significantly improved general performance of the German version
  • Improved performance on shading detail and texture detail very low
  • Optimized grass implementation
  • Fixed bug in texture management: All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions

Stability and Security

  • Some crash opportunities in multiplayer fixed.
  • Crash when out of videomemory fixed
  • Removed function exportLandscapeXYZ


  • Pathfinding improvements
  • Combat reaction improvements


  • Dedicated server related improvements


  • Improved missions endings in various conditions
  • Fixed mission duration info

Engine Change Log

  • 1.01 - Fixed: Some users disconnected from the MP session after several minutes
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Modified config test is obsolete and no longer supported. Use verifySignatures=1 in the server.cfg to verify data are not modified by clients. Note: this currently prevents using any 3rd party addons as they are not signed.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Lowering terrain grid increased overall settings indication.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Window flags changed to improve full-screen window border handling.
  • 1.01 - New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to dedicated server
  • 1.01 - Changed: normal maps are not used when using "shading quality" "very low"
  • 1.01 - Improved: AI pathfinding failing less often now
  • 1.01 - Removed: function exportLandscapeXYZ
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Tonemapping was not involved in the flare color calculation
  • 1.01 - Fixed: NULL RT texture can be created now if possible as a shadow buffer resource - it will save some video RAM when using nVidia SB technique
  • 1.01 - Fixed: 1x1 texture is created now as a shadow buffer resource, when using retail version of the DX - it will save some video RAM when using nVidia or ATI SB techniques
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Fixed bug in texture management. All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions
  • 1.01 - Fixed: crash when out of videomemory
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not react to change formation command
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI more actively scanning visually for enemy when his position is not known.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes planned path through walls
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not found path around mountains
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.'
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Dedicated server can retranslate Voice Over Net packets
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when exiting multiplayer game.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when hosting MP session
  • 1.01 - Fixed: LOD selection for clutters was not working properly
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Very low shading quality settings now invoke usage of very cheap shader for trees
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Display for mission selecting / voting on dedicated server - mission list fixed
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Crash in multiplayer lobby screen
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Debriefing - mission duration info was wrong in campaign
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Command interface, with ALT held should move cursor
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to soldier being hit nearby.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to friendly units observed being killed.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI reaction improved for enemies disembarking vehicles.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for dedicated server console output.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for debugger output (OutputDebugString)