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- Description:
- Checks specific difficulty settings of the current user. Difficulty flag names can be found in the ArmA profile file under class Difficulties/xxx/Flags (xxx being regular or veteran).
- Multiplayer:
- This command checks the difficulty flags of the computer (client/server) where it is executed.
- Groups:
- Difficulty
- Syntax:
- difficultyEnabled flagName
- Parameters:
- flagName: String - difficulty flag name. Following values are available:
- Return Value:
- Boolean
- Example 1:
- Example 2:
- List current difficulty settings:
Copycall { private ["_diff", "_cfg", "_flags", "_res"]; _diff = []; _cfg = configFile >> "CfgDifficulties"; { _flags = _cfg >> configName _x >> "Flags"; for "_i" from 0 to count _flags - 1 do { _diff pushBack configName (_flags select _i); }; } forEach ("true" configClasses _cfg); _diff = _diff arrayIntersect _diff; _diff sort true; _res = text ""; { _res = composeText [_res, parseText format [ "<t align='left'>%1 - %2</t>", _x, [0, 1] select difficultyEnabled _x ], lineBreak]; } forEach _diff; hint _res; };
Additional Information
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- Scripting Commands
- Introduced with Armed Assault version 1.05
- ArmA: Armed Assault: New Scripting Commands
- ArmA: Armed Assault: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Scripting Commands
- Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead: Scripting Commands
- Take On Helicopters: Scripting Commands
- Arma 3: Scripting Commands
- Command Group: Difficulty