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Display a resource defined in RscTitles of the mission's Description.ext, the campaign's description.ext or the global config.
Arma 3
For greater efficiency and ease of modability, it is recommended to use named layers available with String and Syntax 2.
To avoid conflicts with existing layers it is recommended to register a layer with BIS_fnc_rscLayer and to start the name with a TAG:
("TAG_myLayer" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["myRsc", "PLAIN"]; "TAG_myLayer" cutRsc ["myRsc", "PLAIN"];
GUI Control


cutRsc [class, effect, speed, showInMap, drawOverHUD]
class: String - the class name of the resource. ("Default" will remove the current resource.)
effect: String - one of "PLAIN", "PLAIN DOWN", "BLACK", "BLACK FADED", "BLACK OUT", "BLACK IN", "WHITE OUT" and "WHITE IN". See Title Effect Types for more information about these values.
speed: Number - (Optional, default -1) time in seconds to fade in resource.
showInMap: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to hide the text when the map is opened.
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.16
drawOverHUD: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to show the resource under in-game HUD
Return Value:

Alternative Syntax

layer cutRsc [class, effect, speed, showInMap, drawOverHUD]
layer: Number or String
  • Number - layer number on which the effect is shown, where 0 is the back most. Layer number is rounded to the nearest integer and also cannot be negative. Layer 99.5 will be treated as layer 100
  • String - Arma 3 logo black.png1.58 layer name on which the effect is shown. Layer names are CaSe SeNsItIvE.
class: String - the class name of the resource. ("Default" will remove the current resource.)
effect: String - one of "PLAIN", "PLAIN DOWN", "BLACK", "BLACK FADED", "BLACK OUT", "BLACK IN", "WHITE OUT" and "WHITE IN". See Title Effect Types for more information about these values.
speed: Number - (Optional, default -1) time in seconds to fade in resource.
showInMap: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to hide the text when the map is opened.
since Arma 3 logo black.png2.16
drawOverHUD: Boolean - (Optional, default true) false to show the resource under in-game HUD
Return Value:


Example 1:
cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN"]; cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN", 2]; cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN", 2, false];
Example 2:
2 cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN", 2];
Example 3:
_layer = "layer1" cutRsc ["binocular", "PLAIN", 2];
Example 4:
// create IGUI display // such display can be closed with closeDisplay command or by overwriting the same cut layer with another output. // note that "Unload" EH for some reason does not work with such display. "someLayer" cutRsc ["RscTitleDisplayEmpty", "PLAIN"]; private _display = uiNamespace getVariable "RscTitleDisplayEmpty";

Additional Information

See also:
allCutLayers titleRsc cutText cutObj cutFadeOut setTitleEffect allActiveTitleEffects activeTitleEffectParams


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Only post proven facts here! Add Note
Dr_Eyeball - c
Posted on Jun 30, 2008 - 08:44 (UTC)
Using cutRsc (instead of titleRsc) for a HUD has the benefits of:
  • having the HUD automatically hide itself when you access the map and redisplay itself after closing the map.
  • using the 'Direct communication' chat channel messages will not interfere with the HUD by hiding it.
Killzone_Kid - c
Posted on Oct 17, 2013 - 16:30 (UTC)
Regarding removing current resource with cutRsc ["Default", "PLAIN"]. If it does't work and it gives you error message that "Default" is not found, add it by yourself to RscTitles in description.ext so it looks like this:
class RscTitles
	class Default 
		idd = -1;
		fadein = 0;
		fadeout = 0;
		duration = 0;

Alternatively, you can use cutText, yes cutText command to cancel your resources. As Karel Moricky explains: "All 'cut' commands are in the same layer, the same as all 'title' commands are in another one." So to remove cutRsc resource execute cutText on the same layer:

cutRsc ["myRsc", "PLAIN"]; // show cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; // remove

10 cutRsc ["myRsc", "PLAIN"]; // show 10 cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; // remove

Also if you use layers would be a good idea to register them with BIS_fnc_rscLayer to avoid possible clashes with other layers:

("myLayerName" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutRsc ["myRsc", "PLAIN"]; // show ("myLayerName" call BIS_fnc_rscLayer) cutText ["", "PLAIN"]; // remove

You can also immediately remove resource with cutFadeOut command:

Sa-Matra - c
Posted on Apr 13, 2023 - 08:19 (UTC)
Layer display time seems to be display's "duration" parameter divided by "speed" provided into this command, which also acts as effect time. So to make sure your display doesn't close after a bit, have your ""duration"" at a very high number like cduration = 1e11;