|game1= arma3 |version1= 1.58
|gr1= Triggers
|gr2= Markers
|gr3= Locations
|gr4= Positions
|descr= Checks whether given position or object is inside given area. Use inAreaArray to check multiple positions/objects within area.
|s1= position inArea area
|p1= position: Object or Array in format Position2D or Position3D
|p2= area: Object, String, Location
|r1= Boolean
|s2= position inArea [center, a, b, angle, isRectangle, c]
|p21= position: Object or Array in format Position2D or Position3D
|p22= center: Array or Object - center of the area in format Position2D, Position3D, Object or Group
|p23= a: Number - x axis (x / 2)
|p24= b: Number - y axis (y / 2)
|p25= angle: Number - rotation angle
|p26= isRectangle: Boolean - true if rectangle, false if ellipse
|p27= c: Number - (Optional, default -1 (unlimited)) z axis (z / 2) |p27since= arma3 1.60
|r2= Boolean
|x2= _positionIsInside = _myPosition inArea [[100, 100, 0], 20, 30, 45, false];
|seealso= inAreaArray triggerArea in inPolygon drawEllipse drawRectangle createTrigger createMarker createLocation }}