Version History – ArmA: Armed Assault

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This article details the version history for ArmA

Summary Version 1.05

  • 5122 - Changed: Video options Quality preference now affects terrain detail as well.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Setting overall settings to Very low was not properly indicated in video options.
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI Machine gunners are now more aggressive against near infantry unit.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Motorbikes right/left turning is now enabled even when looking around
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI could sometimes aim into the air when targeting an unknown land unit.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Explosion sometimes revealed the exact unit position to the AI units.
  • 5122 - Fixed: Texture extension can be supplied with the procedural color texture now (texture type is calculated according to it)
  • 5122 - Fixed: AI was planning the path over the destroyed bridge
  • 5122 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled by mouse
  • 5123 - Fixed: Bad voice buffer unqueuing, could cause memory leak when using voice over net.
  • 5123 - Fixed: Silent sound cut off too early when load sound was near
  • 5123 - Fixed: AI was not able to uses satchels on Destroy waypoints.
  • 5123 - Fixed: Binocular style laser designators were using wrong models and animations.
  • 5123 - Improved: Increased internal cache size for computers with more than 512 MB of RAM.
  • 5123 - Fixed: AI usage of laser designators much improved.
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session list - Server state not shown for incompatible sessions
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session list - country is shown for all sessions now
  • 5124 - New: New trigger types "Seized by ..."
  • 5124 - Fixed: MP session browser - sometimes session info was hiding and showing repeatedly
  • 5124 - New: Access to option categories directly from the main menu
  • 5124 - Fixed: When the script change the player using "selectPlayer" function from the dead one, game info about the mission state is changed as well.
  • 5124 - New: different progress indicator during game startup
  • 5124 - New: playerKilledScript entry in the description.ext of the mission can override this entry in the config
  • 5126 - Fixed: Crash when command "hintC" was used
  • 5126 - Fixed: status of disableAI is now saved and loaded.
  • 5126 - Fixed: DS crash occurred when mission with some special name (containing '%') was selected
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP - manual fire rate was too high sometimes
  • 5126 - Fixed: Aircraft were sometimes disappearing when flying above small objects.
  • 5126 - Added: MP - new server scripting function lock
  • 5126 - Added: MP - new commands #lock, #unlock
  • 5126 - New: Possibility to show satellite textures in the in-game map and briefing
  • 5126 - New: Multiple layers of cut effects, extended version of commands cutText, cutRsc and cutObj
  • 5126 - Added: functions titleFadeOut, cutFadeOut
  • 5126 - Fixed: View limits in vehicle applied on TrackIR and NumPad looking around
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP - Cancel button in the briefing will return player to lobby, not to server browser
  • 5126 - New: Map legend parameters are now read from the resource
  • 5126 - Fixed: When using shadow detail high with some nVidia cards (Nv3x chip-set) loading screen could happen sometimes mid-game.

The problem was caused by bad usage of D3DSAMP_SRGBTEXTURE, which was wrongly handled by the driver.

  • 5126 - New: commands hint, hintCadet now works also with the structured text
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP game using ships was crashing
  • 5126 - Fixed: Function "hintC" (versions with the title) - when dialog is closed, text is shown in HUD
  • 5126 - Fixed: Integer light constants as I_POINTLOOPCOUNT were not recorded and there was a problem when using compass during the day
  • 5126 - Fixed: MP Voice over Net on LAN sessions was not working sometimes
  • 5126 - Fixed: Hellfires (maverickweapon) on a helicopter were visible even when the helicopter was destroyed
  • 5127 - Fixed: Mouse cursor color was not handled correctly
  • 5127 - Added: function difficultyEnabled
  • 5127 - Added: functions ctrlMapScreenToWorld, ctrlMapWorldToScreen
  • 5127 - Fixed: Threat calculation was inaccurate for weapons with multiple modes
  • 5127 - Fixed: Fully closed vehicle interiors were rendered with strange gray shadows with shadow detail Normal or lower.
  • 5127 - Fixed: Switching into the mission editor by clicking on the Task bar caused selecting mode to be active.
  • 5127 - Changed: Message about addons not listed in the mission is no longer displayed when playing single player missions.
  • 5127 - Added: New animation controller cabin for airplanes.
  • 5128 - Change: airplane fuel consumption dependent on thrust.
  • 5128 - Added: function addVehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: Crash during saving game in Library mission
  • 5128 - Fixed: Zoom instead of optics in transport
  • 5128 - Fixed: Improved airplane landing autopilot.
  • 5128 - Fixed: STOVL ability added (use autohover action to toggle VTOL mode).
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI now considers grass layer in the visibility calculations.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Terrain detail low/very low no longer degrades quality unless viewdistance requires it.
  • 5128 - New: enableGPS vehicle config entry can enable GPS for given vehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: When OpenAL is unable to create sound buffer for VoN, the game continues without VoN.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Group leader now can command subordinates to get in secondary turrets
  • 5128 - Fixed: command "crew" now lists all gunners in the vehicle
  • 5128 - Fixed: Units created dead were partially alive.
  • 5128 - Fixed: "fire" command works for all turrets now
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI cars not willing to drive under power lines.
  • 5128 - New: Any combinations of two keys can be used for user action mapping
  • 5128 - Fixed: Dedicated server radio processing was broken, resulting in AI often not doing what expected.
  • 5128 - Fixed: watch and compass no longer shown once mission is restarted.
  • 5128 - Fixed: Moving of cars in convoy - better following of road
  • 5128 - Fixed: Controls mapped on 3D object did not work correctly in different screen ratios than 4:3
  • 5128 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not takeoff when placed on the runway.
  • 5128 - New: Gear shifting limits can now be defined in the config for each vehicle.
  • 5128 - Fixed: UI - button text position calculation improved
  • 5128 - Fixed: UI - structured text drawing - spaces between elements
  • 5129 - Fixed: MP - Radio messages echo on remote clients was missing
  • 5129 - Fixed: MP - get out waypoint did not work as in single player (player not forced out, player commanded to get in)
  • 5129 - Fixed: UI - disabled default button responded to Enter
  • 5129 - Fixed: The game crashed when gear screen was opened and the player was vanished (using scripting functions)
  • 5129 - Fixed: Airplane landing light may be now off when gear is up.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Aircraft may miss lighting from its own lights when airborne.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Colored positional lights were rendered white.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Display all (fading) HUD elements when mission is restarted
  • 5129 - New: possibility to skip briefing screen using "briefing = 0" in the mission description.ext
  • 5129 - Improved: Delay when returning from map to game is now much shorter.
  • 5129 - Improved: Improved night vision goggles rendering.
  • 5129 - Added: functions setCurrentWaypoint, waypoints
  • 5129 - Added: function distributionRegion
  • 5129 - Fixed: Reduced water splash volume when boats are not moving.
  • 5129 - Fixed: Reduced distant unit warping / jumping.
  • 5130 - Fixed: Languages switching was disabled for some distributions
  • 5130 - Fixed: mission editor - condition changed when Continue button is shown
  • 5130 - Added: functions assignedVehicle, assignedVehicleRole
  • 5130 - Fixed: function "deleteWaypoint" now works for all waypoints (recent, current)
  • 5130 - Fixed: After save/load weapons might become invisible.
  • 5130 - Fixed: AI - After transport of player's group, AI was staying on the same position
  • 5130 - Fixed: Drawing of subtitles (all structured texts) - the offset of shadow was not always fixed
  • 5131 - Fixed: Prone rolling no longer activates lean toggle
  • 5131 - Fixed: Tracers are visible again early in the night
  • 5132 - Fixed: When fleeing is disabled, units never flee - even when having no weapons
  • 5132 - Fixed: AI did now follow player over the bridge
  • 5132 - Fixed: server config parameter persistent is fully working now
  • 5132 - Fixed: MP - situation when admin logged in during mission voting is handled correctly now
  • 5132 - Fixed: AI flying helicopter was changing dive wildly when flying fast.
  • 5133 - Fixed: Iron sight view no longer strictly tied to a weapon.
  • 5133 - Fixed: MP - admin is deciding when briefing is finished now
  • 5133 - Fixed: UI - Single missions dialog title is changing by the selected folder
  • 5133 - Fixed: when alternate directory for profiles given by command line options -profiles, user profiles are no longer stored to this directory, but to its Users subdirectory
  • 5134 - Fixed: Improved AI spotting ability in towns.
  • 5134 - Fixed: Look around in vehicles (faster and better limits now)
  • 5135 - Fixed: AI deprecated to get in heavy damaged vehicle even when repaired again


  • New engine sound for AV-8
  • Disabled lights on parachutes
  • Mi17 added mirror material
  • SU34, SU34b - added clansigns and proxy flag
  • config.cpp
    • GPS disabled for Camel and Parachute
    • configured HUD
    • fixed Harrier landing light
    • changed head movement limitations
  • model.cfg
    • openable canopy for harriers
  • Betaversion of Harrier STOVL capability introduced, add to README:
Harrier (AV8B) can now perform Short takeoff and vertical landing (STOVL). 
It is controled with "Autohover ON/OFF" action. 
When activated, there is no such autopilot for slowdown that helicopters use. 
Thrust vector is just rotated downwards. Q/Z keys control only airplane speed. 
There are no keys for control over vertical thrust, 
so it is not possible to hover up/down like in helicopter. 
Takeoff procedure:
- activate Autohover 
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K)
- gain some speed by holding Q for a short while and then release it.
- once in the air, retract gear (crtl+G)
- hold Q a little longer until you move fast enough
- retract flaps as you build more speed (2x ctrl+L)
- at aprox 180kmph toggle autohover off and control flight as regular aircraft
Landing procedure:
- reduce speed and altitude same way as during conventional landing 
- extend full flaps (2x crtl+K), drop gear (crtl+G)
- hold Z to reduce speed 
- at aprox 180 kmph activate Autohover 
- pitch nose up to reduce speed, check speed, height and flight path vector indicated on HUD
- hold Z for descent at aprox 2m/s 
- at touchdown toggle autohover off 
  • modified pilot anims for crew in cocpits with HUD
  • fixed hud definition for helicopters
  • parachute sound occlusion fixed


  • Fixed inbetween issue that civilians could not go prone forward
  • Sprinting enabled for several stances
  • Bug in the transition from handgun to launcher fixed
  • Deformation when looking around with lowered rifle
  • Improved middle part of animations in cutscene 7 - fingers and hands


  • fixed wire fences AI can now shoot through them
  • panelak*.p3d - fixed collisions


  • added Library models
    • Road Cone, Obstacle - Saddle, Ramp - concrete, Humps - dirt, Buoy small, Buoy, Road barrier and Road barrier small are now also available in editor as Objects


  • Addondependency for ak74pso added
  • Civilians have the same ammount of slots as regular soldiers
  • Anchorman2 introduced to be used for regular missions
  • GPS enabled for Special forces and squad leaders n
  • np_soldier_officier.p3d "osobnost" redefined


Grass layer information added.


  • No fade vertex shader definition added to trunk materials, fixed polyplanes in str krovisko vysoke.p3d, added viewgeom and materials on dead trunk models.


  • config.cpp disabled destruction on PaletaBase models


  • deleted ViewGeometry in Rock*.p3d models (fireGeo will be used instead)
  • removed specularity for ground clutter stones (did not work well)


Grass layer information added.


  • moved two "podesta" objects at Ga66


  • repacked from VCS data


  • Limited head movement on M163 and M113 ambulance drivers
  • Fixed bug with interior shadows in BMP-2
  • M113, M113_RACS - Fixed gunner animation in cargo LOD


  • RscScreen.hpp:
    • Aspect ratio indicator added to the video options dialog
    • Option to display satellite texture map
  • Empty mission translations updated
  • Notepad model updated


  • GPS enabled for RHIBs


  • Hellfire and Vikhr hitvalues slightly raised
  • MP5 was very uneffective
  • changed config.cpp
    • laser designators to use binocular style animations
    • Javelin scope to protected
    • AGS30 library description fixed
    • adjusted weapons dextrity values
  • changed Soflam laser designator model
  • aligned chamber points with scope at M4_GL_ACOG and M4_SPR
  • ACOG gun sights and balistics modified, changed balistics also on M4 Aimpoint
  • SVD optics modified
  • changed M119 gunnerview
  • changed optics zoom settings on all rifles
    • add to readme:
 Optics/Ironsights leveling on distance: 
50m > MP5, pistols
100m > AK74UN, M4/M16 with Aimpoint, ACOG sights or suppressor
120m-400m > M4SPR
200m > SVD, KSVK, AK74PSO
300m > AK74, AK74GL, AK74U, M16A2, M16GL, M16A4, M16A4GL, all G36, machineguns
500m > M107


  • M107 autofire disabled
  • M16 ACOG optics leveled on 100m
  • M107 and KSVK config.cpp
    • modified dextrity of weapons
  • new KSVK and AK74PSO optics introduced for better aiming
  • M16A4, M16A4GL aiming fix


    • model.cfg
  • Stryker gunner is able to turn its head now
  • Stryker drivers FOV changed
  • Added driver optics to all Strykers
  • added mirror material (Stryker*.p3d, 5t*.p3d, Landrover*.p3d, Urals*.p3d, hilux*.p3d)
  • Fixed bug with interior shadows in Strykers
  • config.cpp
    • GPS enabled for Humer, Stryker and BRDM


  • getting rid of some hardcoded strings
  • Added destruction effect
  • Fixed damper selection for M1030
  • Improved alpha faces for Both Bikes

Summary Version 1.04

Engine Change Log

  • 5101 - Fixed: Plane mouse control do not affect cyclic while looking around
  • 5101 - Fixed: "life" cheat (immortality) disabled in Retail versions
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boats were able to drive on shore quite fast.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boats were able to sink into the terrain once destroyed.
  • 5101 - Fixed: (Car) Camera height angle is reset going from external to internal view or vice versa
  • 5101 - Fixed: AI pathfinding improved (unexpected leaving of roads will happen less frequently)
  • 5101 - New: Config switch to disable "Voice over Net" on dedicated servers (disableVoN=0;)
  • 5101 - Fixed: Car-ground collision response improved.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Cars simulation - better speed stability when low speed wanted
  • 5101 - Fixed: Wake up object physics after setVector/setVectorUp.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Injured soldier is forced to prone only when he wants to move (done to fix RPG *soldier ability to run even when injured)
  • 5101 - New: Headlights are now not switched when player leaves the vehicle.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Command line options -world, -noland and -netlog enabled.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled with keyboard while looking around using a mouse.
  • 5101 - Fixed: Peeking through walls using leaning is no longer possible.
  • 5104 - New: Grass flattened around soldiers, improving visibility.
  • 5104 - Added: Support for languages switching
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI - combo in control group did not handle mouse events well
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI - listbox scrollbars did not handle well thumb position for mouse events
  • 5104 - Fixed: UI fade animations (ctrlSetFade) did not work for controls in control groups
  • 5105 - Fixed: Briefing picture lighting was incorrect.
  • 5106 - Fixed: Mount command (from the commanding menu) now works even for units already in the target vehicle (but on the different position)
  • 5106 - Fixed: Missions in addons - wrong mission name was sometimes shown
  • 5106 - Fixed: Filtering was not working properly when using pushbuffers (square artefact on ground were visible under certain conditions)
  • 5108 - Fixed: Player hosting game was not able to hear voice over net
  • 5110 - Fixed: Dedicated server can use missions in addons now
  • 5110 - Fixed: Voice recording did not work with some sound-cards/drivers.
  • 5111 - Added: On-screen icons indicating bad connection quality or desync in MP
  • 5111 - Improved: Multiplayer screens layout
  • 5111 - Fixed: preloadCamera and preloadObject always return true on dedicated server.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Dedicated server crash on preloadCamera (causing CTI crash in the demo).
  • 5111 - Fixed: Tanks could fall through narrow gaps in some models.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Command line option -netlog was still not enabled in 1.02 - fixed now.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Targets are made known to AI once message about them is transmitted over radio. This prevents situations where AI gunner silently rejected a command because not knowing the target.
  • 5111 - Fixed: Random DS crashes
  • 5111 - Fixed: DS - Mission voting results show correctly localized mission name for missions in addons
  • 5111 - Fixed: Failure opening custom files (face, squad logo) might be causing server termination.
  • 5112 - Fixed: DS crash (for group with no waypoints) @param forced set when a suitable position (support, base) was found
  • 5112 - New: Push to Talk actions for voice over net
  • 5112 - Fixed: Keys 0,..,9 and F1,..,F12 are reserved even when combined with Ctrl key
  • 5112 - Fixed: Crash caused by target handling change in 5111.
  • 5114 - Added: functions createMarkerLocal, deleteMarkerLocal, setMarkerTextLocal, setMarkerShapeLocal, setMarkerBrushLocal, setMarkerDirLocal
  • 5114 - Added: functions setMarkerPosLocal, setMarkerTypeLocal, setMarkerSizeLocal, setMarkerColorLocal
  • 5114 - Added: functions markerDir, markerText
  • 5114 - Fixed: setWPPos and setWaypointPosition now modifies waypoint position on all computers in MP
  • 5115 - Fixed: Random crashes during reporting of targets (since 5111)
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP session list - better sorting by the host name or the mission name
  • 5115 - Fixed: DS crash after player disconnected and action command active for him
  • 5115 - New: button "Play again" added to the mission interrupt dialog
  • 5115 - Fixed: UI - Enter no longer generate OK event when OK button not present
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP - fire effects sometimes did not transferred (especially for JIP players)
  • 5115 - Optimized: Somewhat reduced frame rate hit caused by bushes and trees on Normal, Low and Very Low shading detail settings.
  • 5115 - Fixed: MP - show progress during mission transfer
  • 5115 - New: Terrain Detail now controls grass detail as well (can be used to turn off the grass)
  • 5115 - Fixed: Reduced object LOD switching.
  • 5115 - Fixed: Soldier movement stopped when firing in burst or auto mode or with an empty magazine.
  • 5115 - New: MP - better progress indication during mission launching
  • 5115 - Fixed: Terrain detail settings not working properly - could introduce holes on lower settings.
  • 5115 - Fixed: Scene preloading could take long or never end with Shading detail Low or Very low
  • 5117 - Fixed: Helicopters now explode when landing upside down.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Helicopters now get destroyed very fast when attempting to dive into the water.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Small objects (e.g. firing range targets) not visible with Object Detail = Low or Very Low.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Cars (esp. small ones) were able to for a water too deep.
  • 5117 - Fixed: scripting command setUnitPos did not work
  • 5117 - Added: function setUnitPosWeak
  • 5117 - Fixed: The game did not process mouse input when running in fullscreen on the secondary monitor
  • 5117 - Fixed: Player could sometimes get stuck after falling onto some object or vehicle.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Vehicle side was assumed incorrectly when player switched into a crew position from cargo.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Burst simulation in MP (Blackhawk M134 fired even when key released)
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI soldiers sometimes went through handrail of bridge
  • 5117 - New: GetOut mapped to user action
  • 5117 - New: LandGear and Flaps mapped to user actions (Default mapping is LandGear to RCtrl+G, FlapsDown to RCtrl+K, FlapsUp to RCtrl+L)
  • 5117 - Fixed: LOD transition is now dependent on time only and therefore is very smooth
  • 5117 - Fixed: Grenade throwing direction indication more intuitive
  • 5117 - New: Toggle and hold actions for Compass, Watch and GPS minimap (default is now hold, not toggle)
  • 5117 - New: In-game GPS minimap
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI does not forget about an enemy when seeing him boarding a vehicle.
  • 5117 - New: Extended AI fleeing - given more freedom in flee point selection.
  • 5117 - Fixed: AI did not properly considered enemy vehicles with turret mounted weapons in its threat maps, sometimes resulting to careless behaviour.
  • 5117 - Changed: Command Fire in vehicles works also when commanding mode is not active
  • 5117 - Fixed: When the command menu is up, many keys/functions do not work.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Mouse button triple click was misinterpreted as 2x double click
  • 5117 -Changed: Right Ctrl used for key combination instead of left one. (Right Ctrl no longer mapped to any actions.)
  • 5117 - Improved: AI now retreats when under threat and having no weapons to engage any enemy targets.
  • 5117 - Fixed: Argument -noland is now ignored when not running as Buldozer.

Note: we want WinMain to be protected by Fade this is impossible when there are any DLL functions referenced all references to Win32 calls must be moved outside Note: this function is not exited via standard means, and local variable destructors on the function scope will not be called. Be careful when placing local variables.

  • 5117 - Fixed: units picked up while swimming and dropped on land still swim
  • 5117 - Fixed: swimming AI were unable to get in
  • 5117 - New: new config option alwaysTarget forcing training targets to be lockable
  • 5118 - Fixed: MP - after Cancel in the Briefing screen, MP session was not fully destroyed
  • 5118 - New: Eject mapped to user action
  • 5118 - Fixed: Crash after changing Creative XFi mode from Gaming to Entertainment or after disabling full acceleration.
  • 5119 - Fixed: Some international characters was clipped in the chat log
  • 5120 - New: parameter persistent in the server config to allow the mission to continue even when no players are connected
  • 5120 - Fixed: No entry reported in server browser when server was using custom world.
  • 5120 - Fixed: Locking target by RMB in tank does not activate optics action
  • 5120 - Fixed: Seagull wings sometimes not animated.
  • 5120 - Fixed: Commander can use Tab to issue target orders when sitting in the weapon station as long as his own weapons are not lockable.


  • AH1Z fixed glass sorting
  • Mi17MG gunnerview
  • GBU*.p3d and AV8B.p3d
  • MH6* fixed gaudes sorting
  • Improved Hit-Points of small rotor for AH1Z.p3d, ah6_lb.p3d, ah6_lb_sp.p3d, mh6_lb.p3d, mh6_lb_sp.p3d.


  • modified speed of sprint with lowered rifle - FL and FR was 10% faster than F direction
  • added specific cutscene moves for cts 7 and 10 - to improve look of these cutscenes as there were no specific moves recorded for these originally, only generic moves were used. Also related to - cutscene mission definitions update.
  • modified transition launcher kneel raised to prone unarmed: used specifically recorded MC data; this move allows a player to faster go prone.
  • Rifle does not move when pistol or launcher are reloading now
  • Small adjustments for instand grenade throw when running
  • transition prone ritle raised still to erected rifle lowered sprint redone to improve the look and remove problematic shake in the move
  • Enabling grass flattening for some transition/reload animations


  • tovarna2.p3d
    • modified geometry
  • hotel_riviera1.p3d
  • hotel_riviera2.p3d
    • fixed geometry under stairs
  • plot_vinice.p3d
    • removed roadway
  • modified roadways to pass over small obstacle walls (lavicka_1, lavicka_2, lavicka_3, lavicka_4, podesta_1_cornL, podesta_1_cornR, podesta_1_mid, podesta_1_mid_cornL, podesta_1_mid_cornP)
    • stuck on roofs (dum_istan2, dum_istan2_01, dum_istan2_02, dum_istan2_03, dum_istan2_03a, dum_istan2b, dum_istan3, dum_istan3_hromada2, dum_istan3_pumpa, dum_olez_istan1, dum_olez_istan2, dum_olez_istan2_maly)
  • added fences (podesta_1_stairs, podesta_1_stairs2, podesta_1_stairs3)
  • buildings\misc\nastenka2, buildings\misc\nastenka3 - reposition
  • castle\helfenburk
  • garaz_bez_tanku.p3d, garaz_s_tankem, ammostore_2


  • vlajka.paa (added missing texture)


  • SoldierGCommando respawn magazines fixed
  • new face53 added
  • SoldierWSaboteurRecon binocular removed


  • modified ladder in/out points (water_tank, water_tank2)
  • modified armored target destruction (drevtank.p3d, model.cfg, targets.hpp) added new model drevtank_ruin
  • modified roadways (zidka_klek, zidka_stani)


  • modified geometries (str_liskac, krovi_bigest, ker_deravej, krovi2, krovi3, krovi4, krovi)


  • extended roadways (Kamenny_most30.p3d, Kamenny_most30v2.p3d, most_bez_lamp.p3d, most_stred30.p3d) to prevent droping of tanks


  • sara.wrp
    • Changed terrain around building at Eh61
    • Adjusted stairs model
    • Updated podesta models, checked for inconsistencies
    • Podesta models aligned where possible
    • Adjusted position of ca\buildings\vez.p3d in the base S of Bagango
    • Repacked with new nastenka2.p3d and nastenka3.p3d


  • modified hitpoints (T72, M1A1) to make damaging more realistic when hit from several angles and weekspots
  • modified gunnerview (T72, M1A1, M113) to make view more simillar to real position of optics
  • BMP-2 recieved an own AT-5 launcher
  • Enabled "Radar" for tankcommanders


  • model.cfg
    • fixed drivewheel rotation direction
  • RHIB.p3d, RHIB_Gunboat.p3d instruments repair + improved hitpoints to disable engines easier


  • Modified the M16
    • modified m16_granatomet_proxy.p3d
    • modified m16_proxy.p3d
    • modified m16_CO.tga
    • modified m16_ironsights_SMDI.tga
    • modified m16_NOHQ.tga
    • modified m16_SMDI.tga
  • M1A1 and T72 ammos overworked
  • M1A1 gun range reduced
  • Grenades can be thrown now without delay
  • Grenade throwing direction indication more intuitive
  • M4_aimpoint
  • M4_SD_Aimpoint
  • m240.p3d news
  • model.cfg
  • AT-1.p3d
  • ironsights
    • ak_74_granatomet, ak_74
    • M2_mg aligning gunnerview for more precision aiming
    • M9_beretta, M9_beretta_SD, Makarov, Makarov_Silenced - gunnerview offset
    • M240
    • PK
  • AT5LauncherSingle for BMP-2
  • m240.p3d
  • model.cfg
    • m136_launcher_loaded.p3d
    • m136_launcher.p3d
    • m136_co.tga
  • Added longrange sniper rifles from weapons3 into the weaponcrates
    • CfgAmmo.hpp
    • CfgVehicles.hpp
    • M4_SD_Aimpoint.p3d
    • M4_Aimpoint.p3d
  • DSkhM_mg fixed get in direction + Icon texture fixed gun orientation


  • changed cargo position of crew (Ural, Ural_open, Ural_civil1, Ural_civil2)
  • Stryker*.p3d - changed named selections in all Stryker models (wheels in Geometry LOD to *_damper because of colision on bridge

Summary 1.02


  • Dedicated server related improvements
  • Netcode optimizations


  • Helicopter controls reworked

Engine Change Log

  • 1.02 - Fixed: Parameters set when creating a new profile was not saved
  • 1.02 - Fixed: User profile ending with the period character was handledincorrectly
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Improved helicopter controls and flight model.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server crash
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Random crashes in MP
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Default profile cannot be deleted nor renamed now
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Rename of profile work correctly now
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Stealing gear from medics was possible
  • 1.02 - New: Joystick sensitivity configurable in ArmAProfile file.
  • Configuration is done per positive/negative part of each axis. Default is:
  • 1.02 - Fixed: MP server crash (sometimes after JIP client disconnected)
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Squad logo was not shown on all clients in MP
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Normal maps need not to be thrown away in LowEnd quality settings after restarting the game
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Dedicated server required OpenAL32.dll
  • 1.02 - Fixed: AI are better planning the path over the bridge
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Player with no legs gets no longer stuck in up/down limbo
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Plane mouse control do not affect cyclic while looking around
  • 1.02 - Fixed: "life" cheat (immortality) disabled in Retail versions
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to drive on shore quite fast.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boats were able to sink into the terrain once destroyed.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: (Car) Camera height angle is reset going from external to internal view or vice versa
  • 1.02 - Fixed: AI pathfinding improved (unexpected leaving of roads will happen less frequently)
  • 1.02 - New: Config switch to disable "Voice over Net" on dedicated servers (disableVoN=0;)
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Car-ground collision response improved.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Cars simulation - better speed stability when low speed wanted
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Wake up object physics after setVector/setVectorUp.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Injured soldier is forced to prone only when he wants to move (done to fix RPG soldier ability to run even when injured)
  • 1.02 - New: Headlights are now not switched when player leaves the vehicle.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Command line options -world, -noland and -netlog enabled.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Boat can now be controlled with keyboard while looking around using a mouse.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: Peeking through walls using leaning is no longer possible.
  • 1.02 - Changed: Helicopter autohover default binding changed to double backslash key to improve A/S/D/W precision.
  • 1.02 - New: Added manual fire default binding to ' (apostrophe) key.
  • 1.02 - Fixed: False conflict reported for Handgun, Salute and SitDown actions for vehicles.
  • 1.01 - New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to dedicated server

Version 1.02


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - AH-6 sound occlusion changed


  • 1.02 - Pistol moves improved
  • 1.02 - Evasive forward with launchers improved
  • 1.02 - Launcher reload time increased to 4 seconds


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several buildings.


  • 1.02 - Fixed syntax in ColorCoef[]


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several characters.
  • 1.02 - Fixed wound definition for Fieldreporter
  • 1.02 - Fixed wrong respawn weapons on SoldierWAT
  • 1.02 - Soldiers have now 12 main and 8 side item pockets
  • 1.02 - Grenadiers carry now 8 grenades


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues.


  • 1.02 - Adjustments of object placements


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in M113
  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from M113


  • 1.02 - Added interface of dedicated server voting screen
  • 1.02 - Fixed lenght of player's name field


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in Zodiak and PBX
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from RHIB weapons


  • 1.02 - Fixed ironsights.
  • 1.02 - modified recoil for M249 on ground
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it
  • 1.02 - Improved guided missiles and rocket behaviour
  • 1.02 - KVPT shoots now from turret
  • 1.02 - Fixed AK74 ammo is not silenced to AI anymore


  • 1.02 - Fixed amount of cargo in vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Updated armor settings for military wheeled vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Lense flare removed from all vehicles that should not have it
  • 1.02 - Fixed various model issues on several vehicles.
  • 1.02 - Several campaign missions improved.

Summary 1.01


  • Significantly improved general performance of the German version
  • Improved performance on shading detail and texture detail very low
  • Optimized grass implementation
  • Fixed bug in texture management: All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions

Stability and Security

  • Some crash opportunities in multiplayer fixed.
  • Crash when out of videomemory fixed
  • Removed function exportLandscapeXYZ


  • Pathfinding improvements
  • Combat reaction improvements


  • Dedicated server related improvements


  • Improved missions endings in various conditions
  • Fixed mission duration info

Engine Change Log

  • 1.01 - Fixed: Some users disconnected from the MP session after several minutes
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Modified config test is obsolete and no longer supported. Use verifySignatures=1 in the server.cfg to verify data are not modified by clients. Note: this currently prevents using any 3rd party addons as they are not signed.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Lowering terrain grid increased overall settings indication.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Window flags changed to improve full-screen window border handling.
  • 1.01 - New: Support for improved UI in dialogs during joining to dedicated server
  • 1.01 - Changed: normal maps are not used when using "shading quality" "very low"
  • 1.01 - Improved: AI pathfinding failing less often now
  • 1.01 - Removed: function exportLandscapeXYZ
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Tonemapping was not involved in the flare color calculation
  • 1.01 - Fixed: NULL RT texture can be created now if possible as a shadow buffer resource - it will save some video RAM when using nVidia SB technique
  • 1.01 - Fixed: 1x1 texture is created now as a shadow buffer resource, when using retail version of the DX - it will save some video RAM when using nVidia or ATI SB techniques
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Fixed bug in texture management. All textures could have been thrown away under certain conditions
  • 1.01 - Fixed: crash when out of videomemory
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not react to change formation command
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI more actively scanning visually for enemy when his position is not known.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes planned path through walls
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI sometimes did not found path around mountains
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgMarkers.'
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Dedicated server can retranslate Voice Over Net packets
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when exiting multiplayer game.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Possible crash when hosting MP session
  • 1.01 - Fixed: LOD selection for clutters was not working properly
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Very low shading quality settings now invoke usage of very cheap shader for trees
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Display for mission selecting / voting on dedicated server - mission list fixed
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Crash in multiplayer lobby screen
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Debriefing - mission duration info was wrong in campaign
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Command interface, with ALT held should move cursor
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to soldier being hit nearby.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Improved AI reaction to friendly units observed being killed.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: AI reaction improved for enemies disembarking vehicles.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for dedicated server console output.
  • 1.01 - Fixed: Unicode used for debugger output (OutputDebugString)