Eden Editor: Configuring Attributes: Controls

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Entity attributes in Eden Editor are represented by specific UI controls. By default, the game offers a wide range of pre-define controls. Not all available controls are listed here due to frequent updates. All available controls can be found in configFile >> "Cfg3DEN" >> "Attributes" but be careful, some of those attributes are not meant to be used with custom attributes. Trial and error!


Full article - Eden Editor: Configuring Attributes

class Cfg3DEN
	class Object
		class AttributeCategories
			class MyCategory
				class Attributes
					class MyAttribute
						control = "Edit"; // Control name, see the list below


Class Description Saved Value


Drop-down list which shows default triggerActivation options String


Table with all weapons and equipment in the game, filtered by type. Array in format:
 		[<W>, <Wn>],
 		[<M>, <Mn>]
 		[<I>, <In>],
 		[<B>, <Bn>]
  • Arrays with String class names
    • Weapons
    • Magazines
    • Items
    • Backpacks
  • *n - Arrays with counts. Indexes match class name indexes
  • isVirtual - Boolean, true if equipment is in infinite number (array with counts is empty then)


Drop-down list which shows all behaviour states String


Drop-down list which shows all waypointBehaviour states String


Simple checkbox Boolean - true if the checkbox is ticked


Simple checkbox with numeric output Number - 1 if the checkbox is ticked, 0 if it isn't


Simple checkbox with reversed output Boolean - false if the checkbox is ticked


Category toggle. When ticked off, all other attributes in the category will be disabled and greyed out. Boolean - true if the checkbox is ticked


Drop-down list which shows all combatMode states String


Drop-down list which shows all waypointCombatMode states String


Empty drop-down list, used as a base class.

Additional options available when configuring a control inherited from class Combo (this is a control config, not an attribute config):

class Value : Combo
	// Static items
	class Items
		class None
			text = "None";
			data = "";
	// Dynamically loaded items
	class ItemsConfig
		path[] = { "CfgNotifications" };	// Path to config container
		localConfig = 1;					// 1 to search local Description.ext as well
		propertyText = "title";				// item's text
		propertyTextRight = "description";	// item's right text
		propertyPicture = "iconPicture";	// item's picture
		propertyColor = "color";			// item's text colour
		sort = 1; // whether the list should be sorted or not (1 = sorted/ 0 = unsorted)

Attribute Config

class CustomAttributeWithCombo
	control = "combo";
	property = "UniqueProperty";
	displayName = "Custom Combo Attribute";
	tooltip = "This combo has three values.";
	expression = "_this setVariable ['%s', _value];";
	defaultValue = 0;
	typeName = "NUMBER";

	class Values 
		class None
			name = "Value 0";
			tooltip = "Some tooltip";
			value = 0;
			picture = "\a3\data_f_tank\images\upgradedaudio_ca.paa";
			pictureRight = "\a3\data_f_tacops\logos\arma3_tacops_icon_ca.paa";

		class Info
			name = "Value 1";
			value = 1;

		class Debug
			name = "Value 2";
			value = 2;
String or Number (depends on original value type)


Empty drop-down list with preview button, used as a base class. If data of the selected item are found in CfgSounds, CfgEnvSounds, CfgMusic or CfgSFX, clicking on the button will play the sound. String


Three drop-down lists for year, month and day selection. Days of the week described and weekends are highlighted. Array in format [<year>, <month>, <day>]


Base class for other attribute controls N/A


Single line text input. String


Two-dimensional size setting. String


Array input. Items must be divided by commas or semicolons. String


Single line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String


Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String


Multi line code input. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String


Single line code input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. Uses monospace font and offers scripting help. String


Multi line text input. String


Multi line text input. String


Single line text input with decreased width. Good for shorter values, like numbers. String


Position setting of X and Y axis. Array


Position setting of X, Y and Z axis. Array


Position setting of Z axis. Number


Drop-down menu with Debug Console settings Number


Drop-down list which shows all faces from CfgFaces. String


Drop-down list which shows all game types from CfgMPGameTypes. String


Drop-down list which shows corpseManagerMode options Number




Drop-down list which shows all lock options. Number


Drop-down list which shows all marker brushes from CfgMarkerBrushes. String


Drop-down list which shows all marker colors from CfgMarkerColors. String


Non-interactive control. When used on a module which uses module framework, it shows detailed module description, properties and synchronization map. N/A


Drop-down list which shows all music tracks from CfgMusic. String


Voice pitch slider, value is in range <0.9; 1.1>, default value is 1, description adds "x" at the end (e.g., "1x") Number


Drop-down list which shows autosave options Number


Drop-down list which shows respawn options Number


Table with available respawn templates. See Arma 3: Respawn for more details. Array of Strings - classes from CfgRespawnTemplates


Drop-down list which shows all UI overlays from RscTitles. String


Slider in range <0.2; 1> (AI is too dumb with skill 0, so designer shouldn't be unable to set it), with customized tooltip describing specific values Number


Percentage slider, value is in range <0; 1>, default value is 1, description adds "%" at the end (e.g., "100%") Number


Multiplier slider, value is in range <0.5; 1.5>, default value is 1, description adds "x" at the end (e.g., "1x") Number


Time slider, value is in seconds and in range <0; 3600>, default value is 0, description appears in format "HH:MM:SS" Number


Variation of SliderTime, with range <0; 86399> (0 to 23 h, 59 m, 59 s) and default 43200 (12 h) Number


Variation of SliderTime, with range <1800; 28800> (30 min to 8 h) and default 3600 (1 h) Number


Variation of SliderTime, with range <0; 300> (0 min to 5 min) and default 0 Number


Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. String


Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSFX. String


Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgEnvSounds. String


Drop-down list which shows all sounds from CfgSounds. As opposed to "Sound" control, its "No Sound" option has different value. String


Drop-down list which shows all voices from CfgVoice. String


Non-interactive element. Shows text defined by description property in the attribute config (where displayName or tooltip are) N/A


Setting of triggerTimeout Array in format [<min>,<mid>,<max>]


Drop-down list which shows default triggerActivation options String


Drop-down list which shows triggerActivation options when the trigger has owner defined (see connecting) String


Drop-down list which shows default triggerType options String

Decorative / Informative Control

These attribute controls can be used to display additional information to the user. Some of them provide support for structured text so one can display links, highlight important information with color and much more.

Class Description Preview Example Attribute Config


Shows a single line text. A3 EdenEditor Subcategory.png
class SubCategory
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategory";
	displayName = "Activation Distance Settings"; // Visible text. Despite the attribute code saying the property should be title, displayName is correct


Shows a headline and a single line description. If the description is too long, it will be cut off. A3 EdenEditor SubCategoryDesc1.jpg
class SubCategoryDesc1
	displayName = "SubCategoryDesc1";
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategoryDesc1";
	description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et.";


Shows a headline and a two line description. If the description is too long, it will be cut off. A3 EdenEditor SubCategoryDesc2.jpg
class SubCategoryDesc2
	displayName = "SubCategoryDesc2";
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategoryDesc2";
	description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \
	At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.";


Shows a single line description but no headline. Text that is too long is cut off. This control is slighly misconfigured as the text control is taller than the controls group. This will cause unwanted scrolling. A3 EdenEditor SubCategoryNoHeader1.jpg
class SubCategoryNoHeader1
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategoryNoHeader1";
	description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \
	At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.";


Shows a two line description but no headline. Text that is too long is cut off. This control is slighly misconfigured as the text control is taller than the controls group. This will cause unwanted scrolling. A3 EdenEditor SubCategoryNoHeader2.jpg
class SubCategoryNoHeader2
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategoryNoHeader2";
	description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. \
	At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam.";

SubCategoryNoHeader2 with Structured Text

Colored text with clickable links. A3 EdenEditor SubCategoryNoHeader2 Structured Text.jpg
class SubCategoryNoHeader2
	property = "TAG_MyAttribute_Subcategory";
	control = "SubCategoryNoHeader2";
	description = "Event Handlers are triggered upon certain events. The event handler is added where the entity is local. Event parameters are passed to it via the &lt;t colorLink='#e69710'&gt;&lt;a href='https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Magic_Variables#this'&gt;_this&lt;/a&gt; variable. See &lt;t colorLink='#e69710'&gt;&lt;a href='https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers'&gt;Arma 3 - Event Handlers&lt;/a&gt; and &lt;t colorLink='#e69710'&gt;&lt;a href='https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/addEventHandler'&gt;addEventHandler&lt;/a&gt; for more information.";