Lou Montana/Sandbox1 – User

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Arma 3: Vehicles Data

Arma 3: Vehicles Data: Fuel and Speed?

Class Name Full tank consumption time Speed
Idle slow speed medium speed max speed slow speed medium speed max speed
B_Truck_01_mover_F HEMTT 05:18:00 03:15:00 03:38:00 03:18:00 026,83 km/h 070,94 km/h 082,85 km/h
B_MRAP_01_F Hunter (unarmed) 04:33:00 02:47:00 01:56:00 01:44:00 037,13 km/h 099,81 km/h 116,45 km/h
B_LSV_01_unarmed_F Prowler (unarmed) 04:09:00 01:38:00 01:50:00 01:38:00 053,96 km/h 147,06 km/h 172,47 km/h
B_Quadbike_01_F Quad 01:54:00 01:09:00 01:12:00 01:06:00 027,14 km/h 070,77 km/h 082,20 km/h
B_APC_Tracked_01_AA_F IFV-6a Cheetah 03:11:00 02:07:00 02:14:00 01:56:00 023,31 km/h 046,31 km/h 061,07 km/h
B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F AMV-7 Marshall 04:55:00 02:58:00 02:58:00 02:34:00 036,20 km/h 060,41 km/h 113,00 km/h
B_APC_Tracked_01_CRV_F CRV-6e Bobcat 03:11:00 02:05:00 02:13:00 01:55:00 023,31 km/h 046,31 km/h 061,07 km/h

Code used:

veh = vehicle player; wantedDelta = 3; previousPos = [0,0,0]; currentPos = [0,0,0]; previousFuel = 0; currentFuel = 0; t = 0; onEachFrame { isNil { vehSpeed = speed veh; if (t <= time) then { previousPos = currentPos; currentPos = getPosATL veh; distanceDelta = currentPos distance previousPos; previousFuel = currentFuel; currentFuel = fuel veh; fuelLossPerMinute = (previousFuel - currentFuel) * (60 / (wantedDelta + (time - t))); remainingTime = if (fuelLossPerMinute > 0) then { [(currentFuel / fuelLossPerMinute) * 60, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; } else { -1 }; timeToEmpty = if (fuelLossPerMinute > 0) then { [(1 / fuelLossPerMinute) * 60, "HH:MM:SS"] call BIS_fnc_secondsToString; } else { -1 }; t = time + wantedDelta; }; hintSilent format [ "Speed: %1\nFuel loss: %2\n\nRemaining time: %3\nTime to empty: %4", vehSpeed, fuelLossPerMinute, remainingTime, timeToEmpty]; copyToClipboard format ["[%1, %2, %3]", typeOf veh, timeToEmpty, vehSpeed]; }; };

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