R3vo/Sandbox – User

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The AI is characterized by a set of sub-skills.

Value of each of the sub-skills is inherited either from skill value (set by skill slider in Insert Unit dialogue (default 0.6) or setSkill command) or directly defined by setSkill command.

This value is interpolated into the corresponding range. This range is defined by a range set in CfgAISkill influenced by the value that comes from Game Options/Difficulty - AI Level (skillAI or precisionAI in player's .Arma3Profile if aiLevelPreset=3 (custom) is used).


CfgAISkill is a set of arrays, related to AI Sub-skills, defining the interpolation curve of each of the sub-skill.

Example: In {w, x, y, z} value from (w,y) gets interpolated into (x,z).

Interpolation with vanilla A3 CfgAISkill

spotDistance[] = {0,0.2, 1,0.4}; value in a range 0-1 will change into value in a range 0.2-0.4. setSkill ["spotDistance", 0.5] results in skill "spotDistance" returning 0.3


More than 2 pairs of defining values can be used (minimum is 2 pairs).

The values are used to interpolate on run-time, so even after setting sub-skill by script command it will be interpolated and bound by this array.

See also: AI, AI Sub-skills, skill, setSkill, setUnitAbility

Defaults Arma 3

aimingAccuracy[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
aimingShake[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
aimingSpeed[] = {0, 0.5, 1, 1};
commanding[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
courage[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
endurance[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
general[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
reloadSpeed[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
spotDistance[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};
spotTime[] = {0, 0, 1, 1};


AI skill/level/final skill

Sub-skills are a set of parameters ultimately defining the individual AI unit performance in the game.

Name Description
  • Affects how well the AI can lead a target
  • Affects how accurately the AI estimate range and calculates bullet drop
  • Affects how well the AI compensates for weapon dispersion
  • Affects how much the AI will know to compensate for recoil (Higher value = more controlled fire)
  • Affects how certain the AI must be about its aim on target before opening fire
  • Affects how steadily the AI can hold a weapon (Higher value = less weapon sway)
  • Affects how quickly the AI can rotate and stabilize its aim (Higher value = faster, less error)
  • Affects how quickly recognized targets are shared with the group (Higher value = faster reporting)
  • Affects unit's subordinates' morale (Higher value = more courage)
  • Disabled in Arma 3
  • Raw "Skill", value is distributed to sub-skills unless defined otherwise. Affects the AI's decision making.
  • Affects the delay between switching or reloading a weapon (Higher value = less delay)Object Modifiers
  • Affects the AI ability to spot targets within it's visual or audible range (Higher value = more likely to spot)
  • Affects the accuracy of the information (Higher value = more accurate information)
  • Affects how quick the AI react to death, damage or observing an enemy (Higher value = quicker reaction)


Each sub-skill is used in several calculations. Value of each sub-skill is inherited from the value set by skill slider in Insert Unit dialogue or setSkill command, or more precisely with setSkill alternative syntax. This value is interpolated into ranges defined in CfgAISkill and multiplied by a value of AI Level Skill or Precision set in player's profile (.Arma3Profile file).

AI Behaviour

A group's behaviour determines how it's units move from one point to another, behave when idle, and how they engage an enemy. This setting can override Combat Mode, Formation, and Speed. As with those three modes, this setting also takes effect as the waypoint becomes active. Behaviour effects are most obvious in infantry groups.

The setBehaviour & setWaypointBehaviour commands can be used to change group behaviour.

  • No Change - The group will continue to behave in it's current state.
  • Careless - Careless behaviour will cause the group move and behave in a very non-combat manner. The group will form into a Compact Column-like formation, where each unit will directly follow the man in front rather than moving in a formation. Soldiers will carry their weapons in a safe, lowered position (rifles across body, pistols holstered) and walk slowly. Infantry will not fire on enemy targets (unless they have wounded legs), but vehicles will still fire on enemies. Vehicle occupants will be turned out when able. Groups in careless mode do not switch to a more alert mode if enemies are encountered. All unit types show preference moving along roads whenever possible.
  • Safe - Similar to Careless, except the group will change behaviour to Aware upon detecting an enemy unit.
  • Aware - This is the default behaviour mode. The group will move at moderate speed, with soldiers generally standing upright and making some occasional efforts to use cover when available. Most unit types still prefer to travel along roads and vehicles will travel in convoy irrespective of their current formation type. Tracked vehicles will not use headlights, and will drive across any surface with no preference given to staying on roads. Air units will not use lights. When enemies are known to be in the area, troops will disembark from any of their group's wheeled transport vehicles and the group will move on foot while carrying out "bounding" maneuvers, making stronger use of available cover. As of Arma 3 v1.36, AI Infantry appear to avoid being on the road directly, but will usually stay somewhat close to the road if possible.
  • Combat - This behaviour mode will result in a much higher combat performance than Aware. Infantry groups will always move using bounding maneuvers, and will normally keep crouched or prone unless moving. They will make some use of available cover, choosing to spend some time crawling when in cover. They will call out contact reports more frequently. They seem to occasionally send out one unit ahead of the group as a scout. No vehicles will use headlights at night. If enemy units are known to be in the area, infantry groups will move is a more cautious manner. The "DISMISS" waypoint is cancelled. All lights are turned off. The limited speed waypoint parameter gets ignored. AI will eject from damaged vehicles. As of Arma 3 v1.36, AI seem to take about a full minute to get across roads.
  • Stealth - Stealth mode will cause a group to behave in a very cautious manner. Infantry groups will move via cover whenever possible, spending much of their time prone or moving along cover. When they need to cross open ground, they appear to occasionally choose to send scouts running ahead to reach the cover ahead as quickly as possible. A stealthy infantry formation can tend to end up quite fractured. Wheeled vehicles will still follow roads if available, but no longer convoy. Tanks will avoid knocking down trees. If enemy units are known to be in the area, infantry groups will move more closely together and spend even more time prone.

Behaviour paths.gif

AI Morale


In addition to behaviour and combat modes, there are other factors they may affect the overall activity of AI.


  • AI which is under fire becomes suppressed and its aim deteriorates. The speed of AI's recovery from the suppression is based on AI's Courage skill. AI with final skill close to 1.0 recovers almost immediately (doesn't suffer much suppression). Conversely just few shots around a 0.2 skilled AI should disturb it's aiming for longer period (up to ~ 12s).
  • When planning a path, the AI will try to avoid beaten zones and areas that are visibly within enemy's fire sectors


Courage of an AI group is based on the group's leader Courage skill. Each group has an initial strength (sum of undamaged armor and health of all units). If the group losses are higher than the initial strength multiplied by leader's Courage then the group will start fleeing. Primarily it goes to a supply point, secondarily it will try to find a safe position within a 600m radius from the initial waypoint (danger, distance, amount of cover positions are taken into account). After the fleeing has been finished the group's initial strength is reset.

AI Detection




AI Pathfinding


AI Shooting

Decision making

Weapon vs. fire mode vs. target selection and prioritization

Fire modes


Aiming Error



Suppressive fire

Artillery fire


See Also