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SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI:

Public Member Functions

override void UpdateReferencedComponent (InventoryItemComponent pComponent, SCR_ItemAttributeCollection attributes=null)
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
override bool OnClick (Widget w, int x, int y, int button)
void ShowCompatibleAttachments ()
void HideCompatibleAttachments ()
void Highlight (bool highlight)
void Select (bool select=true)
override BaseInventoryStorageComponent GetAsStorage ()
override bool OnDrop (SCR_InventorySlotUI slot)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_InventorySlotUI
void UpdateReferencedComponent (InventoryItemComponent pComponent, SCR_ItemAttributeCollection attributes=null)
void UpdateInventorySlot (InventoryItemComponent comp, int stackNumber)
bool IsDraggable ()
BaseInventoryStorageComponent GetStorageComponent ()
 returns the storage component associated with this UI component
LoadoutAreaType GetLoadoutArea ()
void SetStackNumber (int i)
void IncreaseStackNumber ()
void IncreaseStackNumberWithRplId (RplId id)
void OnOwnedSlotsUpdated ()
Widget GetButtonWidget ()
bool IsSlotEnabled ()
bool IsSlotBlocked ()
bool IsSlotSelected ()
void SetSlotVisible (bool bVisible)
 should be the slot visible?
void SetSlotBlocked (bool bBlocked)
 should be the slot be blocked?
int GetSlotIndex ()
void SetQuickSlotIndexVisible (TextWidget textQuickSlot, bool bVisible)
void OnSlotFocused ()
override bool OnMouseEnter (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnMouseLeave (Widget w, Widget enterW, int x, int y)
void OnSlotFocusLost ()
void ToggleSelected ()
void SetSelected (bool select)
void SetEnabled (bool enable)
bool OnDrop (SCR_InventorySlotUI slot)
void SetEnabledForMove (int iSelect)
InventoryItemComponent GetInventoryItemComponent ()
BaseInventoryStorageComponent GetAsStorage ()
SCR_InventoryStorageBaseUI GetStorageUI ()
bool IsSelected ()
string GetItemName ()
void ClearItemDetails ()
bool RemoveItem ()
void SetItemFunctionality ()
 stores the type of the functionality of the item in the slot
SCR_CharacterInventoryStorageComponent GetCharacterStorage (IEntity entity)
void UseItem (IEntity player, SCR_EUseContext context)
bool CanUseItem (IEntity player)
int GetAmmoCount ()
void Refresh ()
void Destroy ()
 Removes just the UI slot.
void OnChangeLockState ()
void SetSelectedQuickSlot (bool select)
ECommonItemType GetCommonItemType ()
override bool OnSelect (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocus (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnFocusLost (Widget w, int x, int y)
override bool OnChange (Widget w, int x, int y, bool finished)
Widget GetWidget ()
int GetColumnSize ()
int GetRowSize ()
void SetSlotSize (ESlotSize slotSize)
ESlotSize GetSlotSize ()
void SetPage (int iPage)
int GetPage ()
ESlotFunction GetSlotedItemFunction ()
 What functionality the item in the slot has? ( weapon, magazine, health, consumable... )
void SetIcon (ResourceName texture)
override void HandlerAttached (Widget w)
ResourceName GetItemResource ()
bool IsStacked ()
void CheckCompatibility (SCR_InventorySlotUI slot)
void SCR_InventorySlotUI (InventoryItemComponent pComponent=null, SCR_InventoryStorageBaseUI pStorageUI=null, bool bVisible=true, int iSlotIndex=-1, SCR_ItemAttributeCollection pAttributes=null)
void ~SCR_InventorySlotUI ()
override void HandlerDeattached (Widget w)

Public Attributes

TypeName m_tAttachmentType
bool m_bIsSelected
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_InventorySlotUI
Widget m_widget = null

Protected Attributes

Widget m_wItemWidget = null
ImageWidget m_wIconWidget = null
SizeLayoutWidget m_wItemSizeLayout = null
bool m_bCompatibleAttachmentsShown
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_InventorySlotUI
int m_iSizeX
int m_iSizeY
int m_iPage
SCR_InventoryStorageBaseUI m_pStorageUI
InventoryItemComponent m_pItem
ref SCR_ItemAttributeCollection m_Attributes
bool m_bEnabled = true
bool m_bSelected = false
bool m_bBlocked = false
Widget m_wSelectedEffect
Widget m_wSelectedIcon
Widget m_wMoveEffect
Widget m_wDimmerEffect
Widget m_wBlockedEffect
TextWidget m_wTextQuickSlot = null
TextWidget m_wTextQuickSlotLarge = null
int m_iQuickSlotIndex
ProgressBarWidget m_wVolumeBar
ProgressBarWidget m_wAmmoCount
int m_iStackNumber = 1
TextWidget m_wStackNumber
TextWidget m_wMagazineNumber
OverlayWidget m_wItemLockThrobber
string m_sItemName = ""
int m_aAmmoCountActual = -1
int m_aAmmoCountMax = -1
bool m_bVisible
ESlotFunction m_eSlotFunction = ESlotFunction.TYPE_GENERIC
SCR_InventoryProgressBar m_ProgressBar
Widget m_wCurrentMagazine
ImageWidget m_wCurrentMagazineAmmoCount
Widget m_wProgressBar
ImageWidget m_wFuelCount
SCR_FuelManagerComponent m_FuelManager

Static Protected Attributes

static const float SLOT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 32
static const float SLOT_SIZE_HIGHLIGHTED = 64
static const ResourceName ICON_VALID_SLOT = "{A1A2E6F6DB36CF61}UI/Textures/InventoryIcons/Inspection-gizmo-small_UI.edds"
static const ResourceName ICON_INVALID_SLOT = "{2EB962B6F404C01E}UI/Textures/InventoryIcons/Inspection-gizmo-invalid-small_UI.edds"
static const string SLOT_LAYOUT = "{EB835F21257F0C51}UI/layouts/Menus/Inventory/AttachmentItemSlot.layout"
static SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI s_SelectedPoint
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_InventorySlotUI
const string FUEL_WIDGET_HOLDER_NAME = "FuelCountHolder"
const string FUEL_WIDGET_FILL_NAME = "FuelFill"

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_InventorySlotUI
string SetSlotSize ()
void Init ()
void SetAmmoCount ()
void SetAmmoType ()
void OnFuelAmountChanged (float newFuelValue)
void InitFuelAmount ()
UIInfo GetItemDetails ()
void SetItemDetails ()
void SetImage (string resource, string imageName)
SCR_InventoryStorageManagerComponent GetInventoryManager ()
bool ShouldVehicleSlotBeVisible (SCR_InventoryVehicleVisibilityAttribute attr)
void UpdateVolumeBarValue ()
void UpdateAmmoCount ()
void UpdateStackNumber ()
void UpdateWeaponAmmoCount ()

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetAsStorage()

override BaseInventoryStorageComponent SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.GetAsStorage ( )

Implements SCR_InventorySlotUI.

◆ HideCompatibleAttachments()

void SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.HideCompatibleAttachments ( )

◆ Highlight()

void SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.Highlight ( bool  highlight)

◆ OnClick()

override bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.OnClick ( Widget  w,
int  x,
int  y,
int  button 

◆ OnDrop()

override bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.OnDrop ( SCR_InventorySlotUI  slot)

Implements SCR_InventorySlotUI.

◆ OnMouseEnter()

override bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.OnMouseEnter ( Widget  w,
int  x,
int  y 

Implements SCR_InventorySlotUI.

◆ OnMouseLeave()

override bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.OnMouseLeave ( Widget  w,
Widget  enterW,
int  x,
int  y 

Implements SCR_InventorySlotUI.

◆ Select()

void SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.Select ( bool  select = true)

◆ ShowCompatibleAttachments()

void SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.ShowCompatibleAttachments ( )

◆ UpdateReferencedComponent()

override void SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.UpdateReferencedComponent ( InventoryItemComponent  pComponent,
SCR_ItemAttributeCollection  attributes = null 

Implements SCR_InventorySlotUI.

Member Data Documentation


const ResourceName SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.ICON_INVALID_SLOT = "{2EB962B6F404C01E}UI/Textures/InventoryIcons/Inspection-gizmo-invalid-small_UI.edds"


const ResourceName SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.ICON_VALID_SLOT = "{A1A2E6F6DB36CF61}UI/Textures/InventoryIcons/Inspection-gizmo-small_UI.edds"

◆ m_bCompatibleAttachmentsShown

bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_bCompatibleAttachmentsShown

◆ m_bIsSelected

bool SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_bIsSelected

◆ m_tAttachmentType

TypeName SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_tAttachmentType

◆ m_wIconWidget

ImageWidget SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_wIconWidget = null

◆ m_wItemSizeLayout

SizeLayoutWidget SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_wItemSizeLayout = null

◆ m_wItemWidget

Widget SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.m_wItemWidget = null

◆ s_SelectedPoint

SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.s_SelectedPoint


const string SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.SLOT_LAYOUT = "{EB835F21257F0C51}UI/layouts/Menus/Inventory/AttachmentItemSlot.layout"


const float SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.SLOT_SIZE_DEFAULT = 32


const float SCR_InventorySlotGearInspectionUI.SLOT_SIZE_HIGHLIGHTED = 64

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: