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SCR_Login2FADialogConsoleUI Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_Login2FADialogConsoleUI:

Public Member Functions

override void BindEditBoxInputEvent (SCR_EditBoxComponent comp)
 Overridden in console version.
override bool IsCodeComplete ()
 We have a number of single digit edit boxes. Overridden in console version.
override void ActivateFirstEditBox ()
 Overridden in console version.
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_Login2FADialogUI
void SCR_Login2FADialogUI (string name, string code)
override void OnMenuOpen (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset)
 Called last of all, after all the initialization of main element done.
override void OnMenuClose ()
override void OnConfirm ()
override void OnTimeout (SCR_BackendCallback callback)
override void OnFailDelayed (SCR_BackendCallback callback, int code, int restCode, int apiCode)
override bool VerifyFormatting (string text)
 Override in children.
override void OnMenuOpen (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset)
 Called last of all, after all the initialization of main element done.
override void OnMenuClose ()
override void OnConfirm ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
Widget GetRootWidget ()
OverlayWidget GetDialogBaseOverlay ()
 Returns the base dialog overlay (the rectangle covered by the background). Useful for dialog wide darkening (e.g. by SCR_LoadingOverlay)
Widget GetContentLayoutRoot ()
 Returns the root of the content layout.
SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset GetDialogPreset ()
void Close ()
void SetTitle (string text)
void SetMessage (string text)
void SetMessageColor (Color color)
TextWidget GetMessageWidget ()
string GetMessageStr ()
void SetTitleIcon (ResourceName image, string imageName)
 Set title icons with custom image.
void SetIconColor (Color color)
 Set title icons with custom image.
void SetStyle (EConfigurableDialogStyle type)
 Sets colors based on style.
void BindButtonConfirm (SCR_InputButtonComponent button)
 Allows to register a custom button to call OnConfirm (i.e. one not in the conf files but placed by hand in the layout)
void BindButtonCancel (SCR_InputButtonComponent button)
 Allows to register a custom button to call OnCancel (i.e. one not in the conf files but placed by hand in the layout)
void BindButtonGeneric (SCR_InputButtonComponent button, string tag=string.Empty)
 Allows to register a custom button to call OnButtonPressed (i.e. one not in the conf files but placed by hand in the layout). An empty tag will result in the widget's name being used instead.
SCR_InputButtonComponent FindButton (string tag)
 Returns a button with given tag.
string GetButtonTag (SCR_InputButtonComponent button)
 Returns a button's tag.
void OnMenuUpdate (float tDelta)
void OnMenuFocusGained ()
void OnMenuFocusLost ()
void OnMenuShow ()
void OnMenuHide ()
void OnMenuClose ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_LoginProcessDialogUI
static void CreateLoginDialog ()
static SCR_PlayerProfileDialogUI CreateProfileDialog ()
static void Create2FADialog (string name, string code)
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi CreateLoginSuccessDialog ()
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi CreateLoginTimeoutDialog ()
static SCR_AccountLockedDialogUi CreateAccountLockedDialog ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi CreateFromPreset (ResourceName presetsResourceName, string tag, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi customDialogObj=null)
 Creates a dialog from preset.
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi GetCurrentDialog ()
static string GetCurrentDialogTag ()
static bool IsPresetValid (ResourceName presetsResourceName, string tag)
- Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnConfirm = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnCancel = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnClose = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnCloseStart = new ScriptInvoker()
ref ScriptInvoker m_OnButtonPressed = new ScriptInvoker()
- Static Public Attributes inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
static const ResourceName NAVIGATION_BUTTON_LAYOUT = "{87037226B1A2064B}UI/layouts/WidgetLibrary/Buttons/WLib_NavigationButtonSuperSmall.layout"
static const string BUTTON_CONFIRM = "confirm"
static const string BUTTON_CANCEL = "cancel"
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_Login2FADialogUI
void ActivateFirstEditBox ()
 Overridden in console version.
void BindEditBoxInputEvent (SCR_EditBoxComponent comp)
 Overridden in console version.
void OnTextChange (string text)
 If number was inserted into current EditBox, add that number to the string and go to next EditBox. If all are filled, proceed to verification.
bool IsCodeComplete ()
 We have a number of single digit edit boxes. Overridden in console version.
void Clear ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_LoginProcessDialogUI
bool UpdateButtons ()
void ShowLoadingAnim (bool show)
void ShowWarningMessage (bool show)
void CopyPID ()
 Copy playerID to clipboard.
bool VerifyFormatting (string text)
 Override in children.
void OnCommStatusCheckFinished (SCR_ECommStatus status, float responseTime, float lastSuccessTime, float lastFailTime)
void OnTOSButton ()
void OnSuccess (SCR_BackendCallback callback)
void OnFail (SCR_BackendCallback callback, int code, int restCode, int apiCode)
void OnTimeout (SCR_BackendCallback callback)
void OnFailDelayed (SCR_BackendCallback callback, int code, int restCode, int apiCode)
void OnTimeoutScripted ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
void OnConfirm ()
void OnCancel ()
void OnButtonPressed (SCR_InputButtonComponent button)
void OnMenuOpen (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset)
 Called last of all, after all the initialization of main element done.
void Init (Widget root, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset, MenuBase proxyMenu)
void InitWidgets ()
SCR_InputButtonComponent CreateButton (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiButtonPreset buttonPreset)
void Internal_Close ()
void InitAttributedVariables ()
 Verifies that all attributed variables are set up.
- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi CreateByPreset (SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset preset, SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi customDialogObj=null)
static Widget GetContentWidget (Widget baseWidget)
 Returns the container in which to place the content layout. Container must be called ContentLayoutContainer.
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_Login2FADialogUI
string m_s2FAText
string m_sName
string m_sCode
ref array< SCR_EditBoxComponentm_aEditBoxComponents = {}
Widget m_wCodeWrapper
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_LoginProcessDialogUI
SCR_InputButtonComponent m_TOSButton
SCR_InputButtonComponent m_ConfirmButton
SCR_InputButtonComponent m_CreateAccount
SCR_ButtonImageComponent m_CopyButtonComponent
RichTextWidget m_wPIDText
SCR_LoadingOverlay m_LoadingOverlay
SCR_SimpleWarningComponent m_Warning
bool m_bForceConfirmButtonDisabled
bool m_bIsLoading
ref SCR_BackendCallback m_Callback
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
float m_fFadeInTime
ResourceName m_sNavigationButtonLayout
string m_sWidgetNameButtonsLeft
string m_sWidgetNameButtonsRight
string m_sWidgetNameButtonsCenter
ImageWidget m_wImgTopLine
ImageWidget m_wImgTitleIcon
TextWidget m_wTitle
TextWidget m_wMessage
VerticalLayoutWidget m_wContentVerticalLayout
ref map< string, SCR_InputButtonComponentm_aButtonComponents = new map<string, SCR_InputButtonComponent>
Widget m_wRoot
OverlayWidget m_wDialogBase
SCR_DynamicFooterComponent m_DynamicFooter
MenuBase m_ProxyMenu
ref SCR_ConfigurableDialogUiPreset m_DialogPreset
string m_sLastPressedButtonTag
bool m_bIsClosing
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_Login2FADialogUI
const int EDIT_BOX_FLICKER_TIME = 400
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_LoginProcessDialogUI
const string TOS_BUTTON = "ProfileTOS"
const string TOS_LINK = "Link_PrivacyPolicy"
const string REGISTER_BUTTON = "createAccount"
const string REGISTER_LINK = "Link_RegisterAccount"
const string PID_TEXT_WIDGET = "PIDText"
const string PID_BUTTON_WIDGET = "CopyPIDButton"
const int ON_FAIL_DELAY = 2000
static const ResourceName DIALOG_CONFIG = "{9381BF296A0E273B}Configs/Dialogs/LoginDialogs.conf"
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi
static SCR_ConfigurableDialogUi m_CurrentDialog

Member Function Documentation

◆ ActivateFirstEditBox()

override void SCR_Login2FADialogConsoleUI.ActivateFirstEditBox ( )

Overridden in console version.

Implements SCR_Login2FADialogUI.

◆ BindEditBoxInputEvent()

override void SCR_Login2FADialogConsoleUI.BindEditBoxInputEvent ( SCR_EditBoxComponent  comp)

Overridden in console version.

Implements SCR_Login2FADialogUI.

◆ IsCodeComplete()

override bool SCR_Login2FADialogConsoleUI.IsCodeComplete ( )

We have a number of single digit edit boxes. Overridden in console version.

Implements SCR_Login2FADialogUI.

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: