Arma Reforger Script API
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SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent Interface Reference
Inheritance diagram for SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent:

Public Member Functions

void EnablePlayerSpawnPoints (bool enable, int notificationPlayerID=-1)
 Set status of automatic player spawn points.
bool IsPlayerSpawnPointsEnabled ()
void EnableRadioVehicleSpawning (bool enable, int notificationPlayerID=-1)
 Set if Radio vehicle Respawning is enabled for specific respawn vehicles eg: Command Trucks (Server)
bool IsRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled ()
ScriptInvokerBool GetOnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged ()
void EnableDeployableSpawnPoints (bool enable, int notificationPlayerID=-1)
 Set if players are allowed to deploy their radio backpack.
bool IsDeployingSpawnPointsEnabled ()
ScriptInvokerBool GetOnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged ()
void SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType (SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType budgetType, int notificationPlayerID=-1)
 Set budget type for respawning on deployed radios.
SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType GetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType ()
SCR_SpawnPointBudgetInvoker GetOnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged ()
void SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount (int tickets, int notificationPlayerID=-1)
 Set amount of respawn tickets for deployed radios.
int GetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount ()
ScriptInvokerInt GetOnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged ()
override void OnPlayerConnected (int playerId)
 Called after a player is connected.
override void OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerId, KickCauseCode cause, int timeout)
 Called after a player is disconnected.
override void OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity)
override void OnPlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after a player gets killed.
override bool RplSave (ScriptBitWriter writer)
override bool RplLoad (ScriptBitReader reader)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SCR_BaseGameModeComponent
SCR_BaseGameMode GetGameMode ()
void OnGameEnd ()
 Called on all machines when the world ends.
void OnGameStateChanged (SCR_EGameModeState state)
 Called when game mode state changes called on all machines.
void OnGameModeStart ()
 Called on every machine when game mode starts.
void OnGameModeEnd (SCR_GameModeEndData data)
 Called when game mode ends.
void OnPlayerConnected (int playerId)
 Called after a player is connected.
void OnPlayerAuditSuccess (int playerId)
 Event is called when player connecting Session hosting current Game Mode where is required authentication verification via.
void OnPlayerAuditFail (int playerId)
 Event is called when player connecting Session hosting current Game Mode AuditFail() call may be called under two occasions: 1) verification is required but failed (account is not valid, player is banned, internet issues) 2) player cannot be verified as authentication is not required or possible - where it may be valid behavior (server online connectivity turned off for example) Basically non-audited player cannot access persistency/ etc.
void OnPlayerAuditTimeouted (int playerId)
 Event is called when player connected to Session was kicked and did not reconnected in time This mean that slot reservation can be canceled.
void OnPlayerAuditRevived (int playerId)
 Event is called when player reconnected successfully back to Session after kick This mean that slot reservation need to be finished (closed).
void OnPlayerRegistered (int playerId)
 Called on every machine after a player is registered (identity, name etc.).
void OnPlayerDisconnected (int playerId, KickCauseCode cause, int timeout)
 Called after a player is disconnected.
void OnPlayerSpawned (int playerId, IEntity controlledEntity)
 Called after a player is spawned.
bool PreparePlayerEntity_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity)
void OnSpawnPlayerEntityFailure_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, IEntity entity, SCR_SpawnData data, SCR_ESpawnResult reason)
void OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S (SCR_SpawnRequestComponent requestComponent, SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent handlerComponent, SCR_SpawnData data, IEntity entity)
bool HandlePlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 See SCR_BaseGameMode.HandlePlayerKilled.
void OnPlayerKilled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after a player gets killed.
void OnPlayerKilledHandled (int playerId, IEntity playerEntity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 Called after player gets killed in cases where the kill was handled by the game mode, supressing the default OnPlayerKilled behaviour.
void OnPlayerDeleted (int playerId, IEntity player)
 Called after a player gets deleted.
void OnPlayerRoleChange (int playerId, EPlayerRole roleFlags)
 Called when player role changes.
void OnWorldPostProcess (World world)
 Called once loading of all entities of the world have been finished (still within the loading)
void HandleOnLoadoutAssigned (int playerID, SCR_BasePlayerLoadout assignedLoadout)
 What happens when a player is assigned a loadout.
void HandleOnFactionAssigned (int playerID, Faction assignedFaction)
 What happens when a player is assigned a faction.
void HandleOnSpawnPointAssigned (int playerID, SCR_SpawnPoint spawnPoint)
 What happens when a player is assigned a spawn point.
void OnControllableSpawned (IEntity entity)
 When a controllable entity is spawned, this event is raised.
void OnControllableDestroyed (IEntity entity, IEntity killerEntity, notnull Instigator killer)
 When a controllable entity is destroyed, this event is raised.
void OnControllableDeleted (IEntity entity)
 Prior to a controllable entity being DELETED, this event is raised.
void SCR_BaseGameModeComponent (IEntityComponentSource src, IEntity ent, IEntity parent)

Protected Member Functions

void AddSpawnPoint (int playerID)
void RemoveSpawnPoint (int playerID)
void RPC_EnableRadioVehicleSpawning (bool enable)
void RPC_EnableDeployableSpawnPoints (bool enable)
void RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType (SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType budgetType)
void RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount (int tickets)
override void OnDelete (IEntity owner)

Protected Attributes

ResourceName m_SpawnPointPrefab
bool m_bEnablePlayerSpawnPoints
bool m_bRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled
bool m_bDeployableSpawnPointsEnabled
SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType m_eDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType
int m_iDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount
ref ScriptInvokerBool m_OnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged
ref ScriptInvokerBool m_OnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged
ref SCR_SpawnPointBudgetInvoker m_OnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged
ref ScriptInvokerInt m_OnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged
ref map< int, SCR_PlayerSpawnPointm_SpawnPoints = new map<int, SCR_PlayerSpawnPoint>()
- Protected Attributes inherited from SCR_BaseGameModeComponent
SCR_BaseGameMode m_pGameMode
 The game mode entity this component is attached to.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSpawnPoint()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.AddSpawnPoint ( int  playerID)

◆ EnableDeployableSpawnPoints()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.EnableDeployableSpawnPoints ( bool  enable,
int  notificationPlayerID = -1 

Set if players are allowed to deploy their radio backpack.

(Server only)

[in]enableTrue to enable the system
[in]notificationPlayerIDif not -1 then a notification will be shown to all players that deployable radio logic is enabled/disabled

◆ EnablePlayerSpawnPoints()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.EnablePlayerSpawnPoints ( bool  enable,
int  notificationPlayerID = -1 

Set status of automatic player spawn points.

When enabled, a spawn point will be created for every connected player, even those who connect later. When disabled, all existing player spawn points will be deleted.

[in]enableTrue to enable the system
[in]notificationPlayerIDif not -1 then a notification will be shown to all players that spawning on players is enabled/disabled

◆ EnableRadioVehicleSpawning()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.EnableRadioVehicleSpawning ( bool  enable,
int  notificationPlayerID = -1 

Set if Radio vehicle Respawning is enabled for specific respawn vehicles eg: Command Trucks (Server)

[in]enableTrue to enable the system
[in]notificationPlayerIDif not -1 then a notification will be shown to all players that spawning on stationary vehicles is enabled/disabled

◆ GetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType()

SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType ( )

◆ GetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount()

int SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount ( )

◆ GetOnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged()

ScriptInvokerBool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetOnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged ( )

◆ GetOnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged()

SCR_SpawnPointBudgetInvoker SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetOnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged ( )

◆ GetOnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged()

ScriptInvokerBool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetOnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged ( )

◆ GetOnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged()

ScriptInvokerInt SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.GetOnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged ( )

◆ IsDeployingSpawnPointsEnabled()

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.IsDeployingSpawnPointsEnabled ( )

◆ IsPlayerSpawnPointsEnabled()

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.IsPlayerSpawnPointsEnabled ( )
true if the system is enabled, false otherwise

◆ IsRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled()

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.IsRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled ( )

◆ OnDelete()

override void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.OnDelete ( IEntity  owner)

◆ OnPlayerConnected()

override void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.OnPlayerConnected ( int  playerId)

Called after a player is connected.


[in]playerIdPlayerId of connected player.

Implements SCR_BaseGameModeComponent.

◆ OnPlayerDisconnected()

override void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.OnPlayerDisconnected ( int  playerId,
KickCauseCode  cause,
int  timeout 

Called after a player is disconnected.

[in]playerIdPlayerId of disconnected player.
[in]causeReason player disconnected
[in]timeoutTimeout for when players are allowed to connect again. -1 means Ban without an assigned timeout

Implements SCR_BaseGameModeComponent.

◆ OnPlayerKilled()

override void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.OnPlayerKilled ( int  playerId,
IEntity  playerEntity,
IEntity  killerEntity,
notnull Instigator  killer 

Called after a player gets killed.

[in]playerIdPlayerId of victim player.
[in]playerEntityentity of victim player if any.
[in]killerEntityEntity of killer instigator if any.
[in]killerInstigator of the kill

Implements SCR_BaseGameModeComponent.

◆ OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S()

override void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.OnPlayerSpawnFinalize_S ( SCR_SpawnRequestComponent  requestComponent,
SCR_SpawnHandlerComponent  handlerComponent,
SCR_SpawnData  data,
IEntity  entity 

Implements SCR_BaseGameModeComponent.

◆ RemoveSpawnPoint()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RemoveSpawnPoint ( int  playerID)

◆ RPC_EnableDeployableSpawnPoints()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RPC_EnableDeployableSpawnPoints ( bool  enable)

◆ RPC_EnableRadioVehicleSpawning()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RPC_EnableRadioVehicleSpawning ( bool  enable)

◆ RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType ( SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType  budgetType)

◆ RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RPC_SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount ( int  tickets)

◆ RplLoad()

override bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RplLoad ( ScriptBitReader  reader)

◆ RplSave()

override bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.RplSave ( ScriptBitWriter  writer)

◆ SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.SetDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType ( SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType  budgetType,
int  notificationPlayerID = -1 

Set budget type for respawning on deployed radios.

(Server only)

[in]budgetTypeSUPPLIES to enable supply usage; SPAWNTICKET for a limited amount of respawns; NONE to disable respawn budget
[in]notificationPlayerIDif not -1 then a notification will be shown to all players that deployable radio budget type has changed

◆ SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount()

void SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.SetDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount ( int  tickets,
int  notificationPlayerID = -1 

Set amount of respawn tickets for deployed radios.

(Server only)

[in]ticketsAmount of respawns per deployed radio
[in]notificationPlayerIDif not -1 then a notification will be shown to all players that deployable radio respawn amount has changed

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_bDeployableSpawnPointsEnabled

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_bDeployableSpawnPointsEnabled

◆ m_bEnablePlayerSpawnPoints

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_bEnablePlayerSpawnPoints

◆ m_bRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled

bool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_bRadioVehicleSpawningEnabled

◆ m_eDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType

SCR_ESpawnPointBudgetType SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_eDeployableSpawnPointBudgetType

◆ m_iDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount

int SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_iDeployableSpawnPointTicketAmount

◆ m_OnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged

ref ScriptInvokerBool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_OnRadioVehicleSpawningChanged

◆ m_OnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged

ref SCR_SpawnPointBudgetInvoker SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_OnSpawnPointBudgetTypeChanged

◆ m_OnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged

ref ScriptInvokerBool SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_OnSpawnPointDeployingEnabledChanged

◆ m_OnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged

ref ScriptInvokerInt SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_OnSpawnPointTicketAmountChanged

◆ m_SpawnPointPrefab

ResourceName SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_SpawnPointPrefab

◆ m_SpawnPoints

ref map<int, SCR_PlayerSpawnPoint> SCR_PlayerSpawnPointManagerComponent.m_SpawnPoints = new map<int, SCR_PlayerSpawnPoint>()

The documentation for this interface was generated from the following file: